
tiě mù
  • iron curtain
铁幕 [tiě mù]
  • [iron curtain] 切断和孤立一个地区,以防止它与不同倾向的地区自由来往和接触的政治、军事和意识形态的屏障

铁幕[tiě mù]
  1. 铁幕的崩溃对每个德国人的生活都产生了直接的影响。

    The collapse of the Iron Curtain had immediate impact on the lives of everyone in Germany .

  2. 当铁幕(IronCurtain)落下,一个阴暗的世界显露出来那里有悲惨的民众和残酷的统治者。

    When the Iron Curtain came down , it revealed a dismal world of sad people and cruel rulers .

  3. n.军备的政治家说铁幕内的国家在人力和军备上均有大量资源。

    materiel The statesman said the Iron Curtain countries had vast resources in manpower and materiel .

  4. 最后这个无赖的家伙顺从了普遍利益,但是他的惆怅暗示着,就算在铁幕的那一边,对太空的梦想一方面由加加林的胜利所塑造,另一方面也受到大卫·鲍伊(DavidBowie)的《太空怪人》(SpaceOddity)影响。

    The rogue is tamed for the common good in the end , but his wistfulness hints that even behind the Iron Curtain , space dreams had become as defined by David Bowie 's " Space Oddity " as by the Gagarin triumph .

  5. 出生于罗马尼亚的德国小说家赫塔•米勒(HertaMueller)获得2009年诺贝尔文学奖,以表彰她对铁幕独裁统治下民众生活的描写。

    German Novelist Mueller Wins Literature Nobel Prize Romanian-born German novelist Herta Mueller was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature , praised for her portraits of life behind the Iron Curtain .

  6. 我们不必再有铁幕心态。

    We no longer have to have an iron-curtain mentality .

  7. 他的小说在铁幕后面非常畅销。

    Sales of his novels were most brisk behind the iron curtain .

  8. 西方国家说社会主义国家的政治是铁幕,纯属诬蔑之词。

    Western countries saying socialist countries practice autocratic rule is just slander .

  9. 那些都是在一年级以前,后来铁幕拉下了。

    That was before first grade , when the iron curtain came down .

  10. 当然还有铁幕的瓦解,政治壁垒已逐渐消除。

    And of course the iron curtains , political walls have come tumbling down .

  11. 随着前苏联的解体,铁幕也随之降下。

    The iron curtain came down with the fall of the former Soviet union .

  12. 政治家说铁幕内的国家在人力和军备上均有大量资源。

    The statesman said the Iron Curtain countries had vast resources in manpower and materiel .

  13. 但他们的话洞穿了铁幕的混凝土和铁丝网。

    But their words helped pierce the concrete and concertina wire of the Iron Curtain .

  14. 在横跨欧洲的铁幕前面,还有其它令人焦虑的因素。

    In front of the Iron Curtain across Europe , there are other worrying factor .

  15. 在铁幕前面的国家也有其它的焦虑因素。

    In front of the iron curtain which lies across Europe are other causes for anxiety .

  16. 匈牙利总理警告说,一道“新的铁幕”正在欧洲大地落下。

    The Hungarian prime minister warns of a " new iron curtain " descending across Europe .

  17. 遗憾的是,当感激于铁幕时代不再存在的时候,一种新的裂痕正在显现。

    Unfortunately , while the Iron Curtain is thankfully no more , a new division is emerging .

  18. 柏林墙,铁幕,似乎它们都已经倒塌,但一些旧的隔阂似乎仍然存在。

    The Berlin Wall , the Iron Curtain , they 've fallen , but seems some old boundaries remain .

  19. 从波罗的海边的什切青到亚得里亚海边的的里雅斯特,一幅横贯欧洲大陆的铁幕已经拉下。

    From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent .

  20. 1987年,里根总统把这种言论战引到了铁幕最具代表意义的部分:柏林墙。

    In1987 President Reagan carried this war of words to the most symbolic section of the iron curtain : the Berlin wall .

  21. 当柏林墙倒塌、“铁幕”被拉开之际,一场历史竞赛似乎画上了句号。

    When the Berlin Wall fell and the iron curtain was raised , a historic competition appeared to have come to an end .

  22. 当她在上世纪90年代终于回到伦敦时,我对她在“铁幕”后度过的几十年表示了同情。

    When she finally made it back to London in the 1990s , I commiserated with her on her decades behind the Iron Curtain .

  23. 柏林墙或许是本榜单上最著名的建筑,大半因其是“铁幕”的代名词。

    The Berlin Wall is perhaps the most famous installment on this list , mainly because it was a literal symbol of the Iron Curtain .

  24. 1946年丘吉尔在其铁幕演说中十分明确地提出了这一关系,标志着英美特殊关系正式建立。

    In 1946 , Churchill openly used the term in his " iron curtain " speech , marking the formal establishment of the UK-US special relationship .

  25. 但与许多西欧政治和历史方面的专家不一样的是,朱特了解并且关注旧时铁幕之后的国家。

    But unlike many who specialise in West European politics and history , he knew , and cared for , the countries beyond the old iron curtain .

  26. 走进画廊,展厅被大大的铁幕框分割出几个空间,画作就悬挂在铁幕上。

    Walking into the gallery , you will find that the exhibition hall is divided by the huge iron curtain frames where the paintings are hung up .

  27. 核心提示如果人们要在地球上找寻现实中的铁幕,柏林墙无疑是最具代表性的。

    Core tip : If the people want to find the Iron Curtain in the reality on the earth , Berlin Wall is undoubtedly the most representive one .

  28. 前铁幕国家多年来已成为受欢迎的投资地,理由是其经济和金融市场必然趋近于西欧。

    Former iron-curtain countries have been popular investment destinations for many years on the grounds that their economies and financial markets are bound to converge with those of western Europe .

  29. 答:“冷战”期间的劫机往往是逃脱铁幕的疯狂尝试,不过在20世纪70年代,犯罪分子把劫机用作换取赎金的砝码。

    A : Hijackings during the Cold War were often desperate attempts at escape from the Iron Curtain , but during the 1970s criminals used them as leverage in ransom negotiations .

  30. “数学”和“工程”之间的界线被描画得更加清楚,即使不把它比作铁幕,也至少可以说是像《麦克马洪法案》一样尴尬的障碍。

    The line between ' mathematicians ' and ' engineers ' was demarcated very clearly , and if not quite an Iron Curtain , it was a barrier as awkward as the MacMahon Act .