
  1. 金柏:一台什么?你疯了吗?那很贵咧!

    Kimber : a what ? Are you crazy ? Those cost a fortune !

  2. 后来,普雷柏作为一名配音演员,在职业生涯中取得了光辉的成就。他的专长是有声读物(他录制了大约600部有声读物)。

    Mr. Prebble went on to a distinguished career as a voice actor with a specialty in audiobooks ( he has recorded about 600 ) .

  3. 她两次都尝试在纸上画出普通的迷宫,但柯柏用一支铅笔迅速轻松解决了它们。最后她将纸翻转过来,在空白页面上画了一个旋涡状的迷宫。

    After two unsuccessful attempts at rectangular mazes on some graph paper that Cobb quickly and easily solves with a pencil , Ariadne turns the paper over and draws a spiral design on the blank page .

  4. 中国美丽婚礼(WeddingsBeautifulChina)是和柏灵(WeddingsbyLingYing)合作成立的合资企业。柏灵是一家年轻的公司,服务于富裕的中国新人、外籍人士和中国精英人士。

    Weddings Beautiful China is a joint venture with Weddings by Ling Ying - a young company that caters to affluent Chinese couples , expats and Chinese A-listers .

  5. 贝尼奥夫在纸上画了一幅草图,向艾伦茨解释如何通过运用Salesforce、SAP、Twitter和Facebook等软件和社交网络工具把博柏利变成一家“社交型企业”。

    Benioff sketched a diagram of how Burberry could become a " social enterprise , " overlaying technology like salesforce ( CRM ) , sap ( SAP ) , twitter , and Facebook ( FB ) atop the entire company .

  6. 他刚到不久,卢柏便在一道蓝光中消失无踪。

    Soon after he arrives , Lupo vanishes in a flash of light .

  7. 而高柏曾有一段时间担任萨科齐的副参谋长。

    Mr Gaubert was Mr Sarkozy 's deputy chief of staff for part of the period .

  8. 柏里欧有一个哥哥。

    Berlioz has a brother .

  9. 在星期六的比赛中,他的开局十分不利,在前两洞打出了一个柏忌和一个双柏忌。

    On Saturday , he got off to a rough start with a bogey and double bogey on the first two holes .

  10. 这符合分析师的预期,但低于博柏利上一财年14%的增长。

    This was in line with analysts " forecasts but was lower than the 14 per cent growth recorded during Burberry 's last financial year .

  11. 他出生于柏提爱维一个小镇,在木头建成的农舍里长大,那时,他的院子里到牧场的路上都是母牛。

    He was born in the little town of Berthierville , and grew up around wood barns with cows crossing the backyard on their way to pasture .

  12. 去年9月的这些消息曾导致博柏利股价一日暴跌21%,并引发全球奢侈品市场将逐步衰落的担忧,因为中国一直是全球奢侈品消费的主力之一。

    The move last September sent shares plunging 21 % in one day and raised worries about a gradual decline in the global luxury market , which has largely been driven by China .

  13. 1997年,他与路特格大学的柯柏共同发明了一种特殊的萤光计,可以即时测量浮游植物的生产力。

    In1997 he and Zbigniew Kolber of Rutgers University co-invented a specialized fluorometer that can measure phytoplankton productivity in real time .

  14. 被媒体超常吹捧的“柏理论”不是一个孤立的事件,它昭示着多种歪风邪气,在本质上揭示了中国林业界浮躁的心态。

    Warm touted by the media ," Bo 's theory " is not an isolated incident , in essence it reveals the flippancy of Chinese forest circles .

  15. 雷柏称,将一部节目发布到许多设备上往往意味着大量的格式转换工作,可能需要10到15种不同的视频格式。

    Getting one piece of content onto a bunch of devices would mean it has to be transcoded between 10 or 15 different ways just to reach them all , says Rayburn .

  16. 中国内地赴香港购买奢侈品的购物者减少,继续拖累着博柏利(Burberry)的销售。博柏利是一家英国零售商,以其风衣和羊绒围巾最为知名。

    A decline in the number of shoppers from mainland China travelling to Hong Kong to buy luxury goods has continued to drag on Burberry , the British retailer best known for its trenchcoats and cashmere scarves .