
  • 网络Berliner Philharmoniker;berlin philharmonic orchestra
  1. 它们共享相同的高度评价和良好的素质给我从60年代到玻姆的DG立体声柏林爱乐莫扎特周期。

    They share the same high marks and good qualities I give to Bohm 's DG stereo Berlin Philharmonic Mozart cycle from the1960s .

  2. 周一,柏林爱乐乐团(BerlinPhilharmonic)宣布了下任首席指挥将由生于俄罗斯的慕尼黑巴伐利亚国家歌剧院(BavarianStateOpera)音乐总监基利尔·佩钦科(KirillPetrenko)担任。

    When the Berlin Philharmonic announced on Monday that its next chief conductor would be Kirill Petrenko , the Russian-born music director of the Bavarian State Opera in Munich ,

  3. daSilva就在她的脸谱上发状态说道“今天发生了不可思议的事:我和柏林爱乐乐团首席低音提琴手一起演奏了。这太让人难以置信了!”

    As Ms da Silva posted on Facebook : " The unthinkable happened today : I played with the principal bassist of the Berlin Philharmonic . I still can 't believe it ! "

  4. 柏林爱乐小号手萨拉·威利斯(SarahWillis)称,2006年,佩钦科凭借指挥巴托克和拉克玛尼诺夫的作品首次登台后,乐手们就开始留意他。

    Sarah Willis , a horn player in the Philharmonic , said that the musicians were quickly drawn to Mr. Petrenko after he made his debut in 2006 conducting works by Bartok and Rachmaninoff .

  5. 柏林爱乐表示比较了多位候选人,包括德国指挥家克里斯蒂安·蒂勒曼(ChristianThielemann),一个同时受到观众拥护和乐手抨击的极端例子,安德里斯·尼尔森斯(AndrisNelsons),和里卡多·夏伊(RiccardoChailly)。

    The orchestra was said to have weighed numerous candidates , including the German conductor Christian Thielemann , a polarizing figure with fans and detractors among the players ; Andris Nelsons ; and Riccardo Chailly .

  6. 这个节目包括享誉全世界的柏林爱乐交响乐团的演出。

    The programme includes a performance by the world-renowned Berlin Philharmonic orchestra .

  7. 柏林爱乐的曲调一直是深沉且厚重:它们喜欢混合起来。

    The Berlin strings have always been deep and mellow : they like to blend .

  8. 从天堂到尘世柏林爱乐十二把大提琴音乐会简记

    12 Cellists ' Concert from Heaven

  9. 打那以后,维也纳爱乐与柏林爱乐成为了富特文格勒音乐活动的两大台柱。

    From this point forward , Vienna and Berlin would become the poles of Furtwangler 's orchestral world .

  10. 在一次声明中,佩钦科承认并未料到会被柏林爱乐选中。

    In a statement , Mr. Petrenko admitted to a certain disbelief at being selected by the Berlin Philharmonic .

  11. 他还与柏林爱乐和阿巴多以及沙汉姆合作录制了勃拉姆斯的双协奏曲;

    He has also recorded the Brahms Double Concerto with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra , Claudio Abbado and Gil Shaham ;

  12. “柏林爱乐12铜管”不仅在德国举办音乐会,更活跃于国际音乐舞台。

    The12 brasses of Berlin Philharmonic hold their concert not only in germany , bur also in the international music stage .

  13. 在他担任柏林爱乐乐团指挥时,他带领柏林爱乐乐团一起开创了演奏的新境界,使它一跃而世界顶级的乐团。

    He achieved a preternatural level of performance with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra , which under his direction became the best in the world .

  14. 塞尔金先生近期和未来在欧洲的演出包括与维也纳以及柏林爱乐乐团、德国交响乐团和班贝格交响乐团的合作。

    His recent and upcoming engagements in Europe include appearances with the Vienna and Berlin Philharmonics , Deutsches Symphony Orchestra and the Bamberg Symphony .

  15. 在柏林爱乐的历史中,保留着一个传统:在演奏家退休时,他会把乐器传给新人。

    In some sections of the Berlin Philharmonic there exists a tradition of handing down instruments when one player retires and a new one arrives .

  16. 他同时评价佩钦科是柏林爱乐的重要选择,一个无比复杂的管弦乐团本来似乎需要一个富于心计的政治领袖。

    He also said he considered the conductor a noteworthy choice for Berlin , an orchestra with complicated dynamics that can seem to require deft political leadership .

  17. 这意味着柏林爱乐乐团将古典乐坛最负盛名的头衔授予了一位广受尊崇却为人低调的艺术家。与一直渴望曝光的同辈不同,佩钦科一直极力避免出现在聚光灯下。

    the organization was awarding one of the most prestigious posts in classical music to a widely respected artist who has largely shunned the spotlight courted by some of his peers .

  18. 在他自己的努力下,在他母亲,家人和社团的支持下,他已经成为了柏林爱乐乐团低音贝司声部的主要成员。

    With his effort , and the support of his mother , his family and his community , he became a principal member in the double bass segment of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra .

  19. 柏林爱乐总指挥西门拉托被指责其音乐选择过于广泛,使乐队演奏失去了它传统的又深又浓的音色。

    Sir Simon Rattle of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra has recently been criticized for leading the orchestra to play too wide a range of music and losing the orchestra 's traditional dark and rich sound .

  20. 虽然柏林爱乐“小夜曲”可能不健全作为玻姆的1976年维也纳爱乐乐团录制(危险品在几个不同的再版,为好),这是非常好的,和深情。

    While the Berlin Philharmonic " Eine Kleine Nachtmusik " might not sound as good as Bohm's1976 Vienna Philharmonic recording ( DG , in several different reissues ), it is very good , and affectionate .

  21. 瑟维斯先生发现伦敦交响乐团得益于瓦列里·格吉耶夫的高强度风格,坚信“晚上开场前一切都能就绪”,但柏林爱乐乐团就更加青睐西蒙·拉特尔那种略微周密的做事方法。

    Mr Service finds that the London Symphony Orchestra see the benefit of Valery Gergiev 's high-octane , " everything will be all right on the night " attitude , but that the Berlin Philharmonic rely on a slightly more thorough approach from Sir Simon Rattle .

  22. 柏林或维也纳爱乐乐团的演出可能在某个晚上确实不那么优秀,但在美国或日本音乐爱好者的眼中,品牌才是重要的。

    The Berlin or Vienna performances may not actually be as good on a given night , but in the eye and ear of the music lover in the US or Japan , the brand name is what counts .