
  1. 林徽因:徘徊在理智和情感的边沿

    Lin Hui-yin : Hesitates on the Edges Between Reason and Feelings

  2. 论林徽因的传统文化情结

    On LIN Hui - yin 's Complex of the Traditional Culture

  3. 林徽因的最后十年追忆

    The last ten years of the life of Lin Huiyin

  4. 梁思成、林徽因与北京城市规划

    The famous couple of Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin with Beijing urbanism

  5. 论林徽因诗歌语言的审美特性

    Analysis of Aesthetic Characteristics of Lin Huiyin 's Poetry Language

  6. 文学的建造&试论林徽因的文学创作

    " Building " of Literature & Analyzing Lin Huiyin 's Literary Works

  7. 本期“特别推荐”栏目,推出女诗人林徽因中英对照诗作专辑。

    The " Special Recommendation " introduces a selected poetry of Lin Huiyin .

  8. 林徽因小说现代性阐释

    The Interpretation about Modernity of Lin HuiYin 's Stories

  9. 林徽因是20世纪30年代著名的女作家。

    Lin Huiyin was the famous authoress in the thirties of the 20th century .

  10. 林徽因的诗擅长表达细腻精妙的感觉,尤其注重表达美的情绪与感受;

    Her poems excel in expressing exquisite inspiration , especially graceful emotion and feelings .

  11. 林徽因对新诗诗形的开拓有一定的贡献。

    Lin Huiyin is a contributor to the pioneering of new poetry 's form .

  12. 林徽因小说解读

    Research on Lin Huiyin 's novel

  13. 简要介绍林徽因的身世、学养、成就以及她内在的孤寂。

    This part introduces briefly her life experience , academic attainment , accomplishment and loneliness inside .

  14. 漫步在古典与现代之间&简论林徽因的诗作

    Strolling between classicality and modernity

  15. 林徽因诗歌创作论

    On Lin Hui-yin 's Poetry

  16. 林徽因,原名徽音。福建闽侯人。1903年出生。

    Lin Huiyin , originally named Huiyin , a native of Minhou , Fujian Province , was born in1903 .

  17. 在相当一部分公众心目中,和林徽因的名字密切联系的只有“爱情故事”传说。

    Most of the audience thinks only of " love stories " when they hear the name Lin Huiyin .

  18. 而费慰梅几乎将她生命的最后阶段全部献给了她和正清毕生亲密的朋友:梁思成林徽因。

    Even so , Wilma Fairbank seems to have dedicated the final stage of her life to her dear friends .

  19. 林徽因的诗歌具有妖娆多姿的建筑美,达到诗形与情感的有机结合。

    With a fascinating architectural beauty , Lin 's poems perfectly combine poem 's form and emotions in an organic way .

  20. 林徽因在国徽和人民英雄纪念碑设计中对民族形式的探索与追求

    Lin Huiyin 's Exploration and Pursuit of National Style in Designing the National Emblem and the Monument to the People 's Heroes

  21. 林徽因早年游学英国,其文学观和艺术技巧深受英国浪漫主义诗歌的浸淫。

    Lin Huiyin visited and studied in Britain in her early years , her literary viewpoint and artistic skills were deeply influenced by British Romantic poetry .

  22. 在徐志摩的婚恋中,传得最广的、最神秘的就是他与林徽因的恋情。

    Among the stories of Xu Zhimo ′ s marriage and love , the most popular and mysterious one is his love with Miss Lin Huiyin .

  23. 诗人林徽因是一个被非诗的言说遮蔽了的模糊形象,但在中国现代诗歌发展的真实历史中,她却是一个极具个人特点的现代女性诗人。

    LIN Hui-yin is a modern female poet with strong personality in the development of modern Chinese poetry , who is obscured by a non-poet saying .

  24. 总之,林徽因小说是传统与现代、中西方文化冲突下的产物。

    In a word , Lin HuiYin 's stories come from the impact between tradition and modern , from the interference between Chinese and Western civilization .

  25. 第三章运用女性学、文化学等批评方法展开综述,在历史文化的坐标系里对林徽因其人其诗加以有机整体的观照。

    The third chapter reviews Lin Hui-yin and her poems as a whole in the historical and cultural field from the viewpoint of Female and Culture studies .

  26. 林徽因小说“世俗现代性”表现在对社会现代化、理性化的向往,对自由幸福人生的不懈追求。

    The common customs modernity of Lin HuiYin 's stories perform that she looked forward to society modernization and rationalism , that she went after the freedom happiness life .

  27. 林璎出生于俄亥俄州的阿萨森,是中国首位女建筑师林徽因的侄女。

    Maya Lin was born in Athens , Ohio . She is the niece of Lin Huiyin , who is said to be the first female architect in China .

  28. 你是人间的四月天一句爱的赞颂林徽因我说你是人间的四月天,当然,你是人间的四月天。

    You Are the April of This World Ode to Love I think you are the April of this world , Sure , you are the April of this world .

  29. 林徽因的小说创作,描绘了特定情景中普通人的生存状态和生命过程,负载着较丰厚的人文内涵;

    Lin Huiyin 's novels describe the subsistence state and life course of the average man under particular conditions , and they therefore are abundant with connotations of relatively richer humanism .

  30. 林徽因诗歌受新月诗派的影响,讲究形式的匀整和谐。同时,在诗形方面又有着自己的风格,体现出多样化的特点。

    Influenced by the Crescent School of Poetry , Lin Huiyin emphasizes the regularity and orderliness in poems'form , and she also has her own style with diversification at the same time .