- constructivity

Application on Constructivity Method of Mathematics
Constructivity method of Mathematics
Neural net constructional method of function approximation of GNN
One key advantage of the proposed approach is that the H_ ∞ controller for the multivariable systems can be constructively obtained .
Optimizing neuronal activation function types based on GP in constructive FNN design
Some Constructed Proofs for the Lagrange Interpolating Formula
Based on dissipative theory , the problems of H_ ∞ control and adaptive control for complex dynamic systems are investigated by using backstepping technique .
A Construction theorem of Generating New Weak Chebyshev Spaces
This paper gives a proof of the isomorphism theorem between C_B-algebra and Lu3-algebra . Furthermore constructibility of the Lukasiewicz three-valued logic algebra has been given by the two-valued logic algebra .
These stereotypes also provide a means of interoperability between the stereotypes contributed by different profiles , defined on the components in the Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) .
Constructive algorithms will be preferable in ANN designing , and perfect ANN trainings should have the auto-optimization of neural activation function types .
Bounds for multigraph Ramsey numbers calculated by the constructive method
Making use of identical deformation and Laplace 's theorem , we constructively give general steps calculating . eigenvalues of k-cyclic matrices , in this paper .
A non constructive example of Hausdorff topological space with non discreteness and non sequential compactness is discussed .
In this paper , we constructively establish inversion formula of Radon transform in R2 by making use of spherical means and hilbert operator space .
The constructive proofs of Lebesgue decomposition theorem and radon-nikodym theorem
The Constructive Cost Model successfully estimated the cost of traditional software development .
A Constructive Proof of Brouwer 's Fixed Point Theorem Based on Integer Labelling
In this paper , hierarchical mass-assignment fuzzy systems of two types are presented , based on mass assignment theory . It is constructively proved that hierarchical mass-assignment fuzzy systems of these two types are also universal approximators .
Because the problem is NP-hard , a new constructional heuristic algorithm for space utilization , resource leveling and cost decrease is proposed .
This paper is to give a construction theorem of generating new weak Chebyshev spaces from standard ones and to establish a partial converes to it .
The equivalence between ICBP and VQ ( vector quantization ) networks is proved .
Aiming at typical feedforward neural networks ( FNN ), a constructive FNN designing algorithm with the auto-optimization of neuronal activation function types based on genetic programming ( GP ) is investigated .
This paper defines the fusion of covering domains and provides a new machine learning method named kernel-covering algorithm , which combines the kernel function algorithm of SVM and spherical domain covering algorithm of constructive machine learning method .
Through deductive inference and constructive method , the authors analyze the weighted and strengthened Kantorovich integral inequality and obtain the Kantorovich discrete inequality .
The observer design procedures are also provided . One is on designing general asymptotic observer for detectable 2-D singular system , and another is on designing a class of full order asymptotic observer for 2-D singular systems .
The basic character of prime number order cycle graph was studied by the method of construction , and me new lower bounds about some Ramsey numbers were obtained .
A constructive proofs for Lagrange interpolation formula is given by means of linear equations system , and an explicit algorithm for the inverse matrix of the Vandermonde matrix is obtained .
This paper gives the concept of resolutive signal space and a constructive approach to the sampling theorem , which results in a new scheme of signal processing containing Shannon sampling theorem as a special case .
Meanwhile , an effective coloring method on the vertex strong total coloring of Halin Graphs & the method of coloring cycles one by one is presented .