
  • 网络From Hell;From the Hell
  1. 你的来自地狱的血魔?

    Your blood fiend from hell ?

  2. 来自地狱迷信又回来了

    From hell superstition comes back

  3. 另外一本获得罗德·道尔(7到14岁年龄段)幽默童书奖的读物是《DarkLord:TheTeenageYears(黑暗魔王的青春期)》。它讲述了一位来自地狱的伯爵发现自己寄居在一个肥胖儿童身体里的故事。

    Dark Lord : The Teenage Years , a tale about a powerful netherworld lord who finds himself inhabiting the body of a chubby teenager scooped the 7 to 14 year category prize .

  4. 是的,这就是一个‘来自地狱的网站’的候选者。

    Yes , that would be a great candidate for hell !

  5. 难道我们的命运要承担所有来自地狱的责任?

    Is our fate responsible of all this hell ?

  6. 来自地狱的灵感

    Operas from the Inferno

  7. 我认为你能够获得许多许多的少数人民并且鞭策来自地狱的许多许多人民。

    I find you can get a whole lot of small people and whip hell out of a whole lot of big people .

  8. 据说,面具代表了死亡或者来自地狱的魂灵,这些都与人类在人世间的转换有关。

    The masks are said to represent the dead or spirits from the nether world who come closest to the human at his time of changeover .

  9. 雨落滴答,钟声绝鸣,脑际回荡魔鬼之狂笑,来自地狱之门。

    The chiming of Christmas bell ! The bell died in the patter of rain , from hell came the laughing of Satan at m y brain .

  10. 近日,一个自称来自地狱的500岁吸血鬼的19岁德州少年被捕,向人们提出了流行文化对人类行为的影响这一严峻问题。

    The arrest of a 19-year-old Texas man claiming to be a 500-year-old vampire from hell has raised chilling questions about pop culture 's influence on human behavior .

  11. 基督教认为,鬼魂来自地狱(少来自天堂,)为恶魔、为天使,扮演成亡者的身躯与外貌。

    Protestants thought they came from hell ( or rarely from heaven ) and were devils ( or angels ) who had assumed the shape and appearance of the dead .

  12. 该邮件在网上疯传后,伯恩夫人被称为“摆架子小姐”和“来自地狱的婆婆”。

    The message became an internet sensation after being rapidly circulated online , earning Mrs Bourne the nicknames " Miss Fancy Pants " and the " mother-in-law from hell " .

  13. 一家名为“来自地狱的网站”正致力于汇集全世界最丑的网站,这些中选网站多数诞生于互联网产生初期,但是却都不断成长。

    A website has pulled together some of the ugliest web pages on Earth - and they 're all still going strong , despite having been designed in the " good old days . "

  14. 这是魔鬼的灵,来自撒但的地狱。

    It is a demon spirit from Satan 's pit of Hell .