
  1. 据三位知情人士透露,李彤目前掌管着香港中银国际(BankofChinaInternational)旗下的一家私募股权基金,业务集中在媒体行业。

    Ms Li now runs a private equity fund at Hong Kong-based Bank of China International focusing on the media sector , according to three people familiar with the matter .

  2. 我能知道你的名字吗?我叫李彤。

    May I have your name ? I am Li tong .

  3. 李彤:(微笑)世博会志愿者就是在世博会期间随时准备为别人提供帮助的人。

    Li Tong : ( smiling ) An Expo volunteer is always ready to help during the Expo event .