
  • 网络Richard
  1. VirginMedia的表现很重要,因为李察爵士出售该公司股份时,需要一个不错的价格。

    The performance of Virgin Media matters because Sir Richard needs a good price on any deal for the company .

  2. 至于在crosscountry特许经营权方面的挫折,李察爵士表示,维珍出局是因为该公司“选择不过高报价”,符合其不过分扩张集团下属公司的哲学。

    As for the setback with the cross country franchise , Sir Richard says virgin lost out because it " chose not to overbid " , and stuck to its philosophy not to overstretch companies in the group .

  3. 但英国的李察布莱信(richardbranson)等有成功希望的新来者,将无法站在同一条起跑线上。

    But newcomers , including hopefuls like Richard Branson of the UK , will not make it over the starting line .

  4. 李察•布莱信爵士(SirRichardBranson)创立的维珍银河(VirginGalactic)正努力让其将游客送入太空的梦想继续存活,此际,外界指控其忽视安全警告。同时,该公司日渐缩减的财力也成为关注的焦点之一。

    Sir Richard Branson 's Virgin Galactic is battling to keep alive its dream of putting tourists into space as accusations surfaced that the company had ignored safety warnings , and its dwindling finances came under scrutiny .

  5. 随着全球传媒公司都将目标对准印度日益壮大的年轻人市场,李察•布莱信爵士(SirRichardBranson)在印度班加罗尔建立的初创企业VirginComics也加入了造就印度首批电影超级英雄的竞赛之中。

    Virgin Comics , Sir Richard Branson 's Bangalore-based start-up , has entered the race to develop India 's first set of modern superheroes for the big screen as global media companies look to target the country 's growing youth market .

  6. 同时,李察爵士的维珍集团(VirginGroup)证实,在该项目的初期融资(包括阿布扎比一政府投资机构提供的4亿美元)用完后,维珍银河的日常费用现在由维珍集团提供。

    At the same time , Sir Richard 's Virgin Group confirmed that it was supporting the day-to-day expenses of Virgin Galactic of Virgin Galactic out of its own pocket after the money for the initial financing for the project , including $ 400m put up by an Abu Dhabi government investment vehicle , had been exhausted .

  7. 即便报告最终认定维珍银行的“太空船2号”(SpaceShipTwo)不存在任何重大缺陷,该委员会的调查时间之长也将进一步打击李察爵士让该项目重新上马的希望,该项目已较原计划拖延数年。

    Even if it ultimately clears Virgin Galactic 's SpaceShipTwo of any major flaws , the length of the NTSB investigation looks set to complicate further Sir Richard 's hopes of getting back to development of the project , which is already years behind schedule .

  8. 李察爵士是否有贪多嚼不烂之嫌?

    Has Sir Richard bitten off more than he can chew ?

  9. 李察-本思于1943年生于伦敦的一个音乐世家。

    Born in London in1943 in a family of musicians .

  10. 罗兰士在老维克剧院饰演李察三世。

    By oiivier as Richard III at the oid vic .

  11. 你用自己条命,换不回李察条命。

    Getting yourself killed won 't bring Richie back .

  12. 李察要我跟他走。

    Richie wanted me to leave with him .

  13. 要算伊莉莎伯泰莱和李察波顿。

    Were eiizabeth tayior and Richard burton .

  14. 李察同你有什么关系?

    What was Richie to you ?

  15. 我知道,他根据李察波顿送给,伊丽莎白泰勒的戒指订做的

    I know . He had it made based on the one that Richard Burton gave Elizabeth Taylor .

  16. 李察爵士可能将在一笔交易中,以10亿美元的价格出售其持有的10.1%的股份。

    A deal could see Sir Richard sell his 10.1 per cent stake for more than $ 1bn .

  17. 人们总认为只有汤姆。克鲁斯、李察。基尔可以很酷,其实酷不是明星或帅哥的专利。

    People always think that only Tom Cruise or Richard Gear can be cool , but we don 't believe it .

  18. 二者的区别是,维珍旗下企业使用同一个品牌,通常持有这些企业控股股份的李察爵士对它们都具有影响力。

    The difference is that Virgin companies share the same brand , and the influence of Sir Richard , who often has controlling stakes in them .

  19. 我们可以提升自我,远离无知,可以发现自己是卓越,聪明,技巧高超的动物。&李察巴哈《天地一沙鸥》。

    We can lift ourselves out of ignorance , we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill . & Richard Bach , Jonathan Livingston Seagull .

  20. 他说,航空界人士对李察爵士的太空旅游公司存在高风险的指控,仅代表不同的专业意见,并非有充分根据的安全警告。

    George Whitesides , Virgin Galactic chief executive , said that claims from others in the space industry that Sir Richard Branson 's space tourism company was running high risks marked a difference of professional opinion rather than valid warnings .