
quán xiàn
  • limits of authority;power;authority;within the power or right of;purview
权限 [quán xiàn]
  • [limits of authority] 职能权利范围

  • 在法律规定的权限内

权限[quán xiàn]
  1. 可分解为经济主体合法、经济权限合法和经济客体合法三个方面。

    It can be divided into the legality of economic subjects , the legality of economic limits of authority and the legality of economic objects .

  2. 计算机应用系统中的菜单子系统及操作权限控制子系统在PB中的设计与实现图书馆计算机应用新进展

    Design and Implementation to Menu Subsystem and Control of Operational Limits of Authority Subsystem in Computer Applications Systems Using PowerBuilder

  3. 法官必须在法庭的权限范围内行使权力。

    The judge has to act within the competence of the court .

  4. 委员会被授予的权限很广。

    The commission has been given wide-ranging powers .

  5. 她知道自己的权限。

    She knew the limits of her power .

  6. 他们认定这个问题不在委员会受托权限之内。

    The matter , they decided , lay outside the commission 's terms of reference .

  7. 我们的权限不大。

    Our powers are limited in scope .

  8. 这些官员超越了他们的权限。

    The officers had exceeded their authority .

  9. 外国银行账户不在英国警方的管辖权限之内。

    The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts .

  10. 但是,那已不在法庭权限之内;那是个外交问题。

    That , however , was beyond the purview of the court ; it was a diplomatic matter .

  11. 两人都争辩说他们的旅行是在作为前座议员发言人的权限内进行的。

    Both men had argued that their trips had been undertaken in their capacity as front bench spokesmen .

  12. 英国海关官员的法定权限在1969年的《关税与消费税管理法》中有明文规定。

    The legal powers of British Customs officers are laid out in the Customs and Excise Management Act of 1969 .

  13. 这件事是属于自治区权限以内的事务。

    This is a matter that comes within the jurisdiction of the autonomous region .

  14. 这些是法院权限以内的事。

    These are matters within the competence of the court .

  15. 九会员代表及理事、监事之名额、权限、任期及选任与解任。

    The number , office term appointment and dismission of member representatives , directors and supervisors .

  16. 那是在我的权限之外。

    That 's outside my jurisdiction .

  17. 一个多世纪以来,美国人一直在争论联邦政府在阻止垄断公司破坏经济竞争方面究竟有多大权限。

    For more than a century , americans have debated how far the federal government should go to prevent dominant companies from undermining economic competition .

  18. 两个部门合并时总免不了争争权限。

    Turf wars are inevitable when two departments are merged .

  19. 网络产品和服务提供者不得向未成年人提供诱导其沉迷的产品和服务。网络游戏、网络直播、网络音视频、网络社交等网络服务提供者应当针对未成年人使用其服务设置相应的时间管理、权限管理、消费管理等功能。

    Providers of online services , including game , livestream , audio and video , and social media , shall set up corresponding functions such as time limit , authorization and consumption limit for minors , according to the revision .

  20. 指定权限以访问internet资源。

    Specifies permission to access Internet resources .

  21. RationalAssetManager需要存储库管理员权限来创建用户。

    Rational Asset Manager requires repository administrator privileges to create users .

  22. 安装和卸载文件系统通常需要root权限。

    Mounting and unmounting filesystems usually requires root authority .

  23. 选定的组或用户可以完全管理exchange系统信息和修改权限。

    The selected group or user can fully administer exchange system information and modify permissions .

  24. POWERBUILDER应用中用户权限管理

    Design of user authority in Power Builder application programs

  25. IBMHTTPServer现在需要root权限进行安装。

    IBM HTTP Server currently requires root privileges for installation .

  26. p开关表示我们希望保留文件许可权限,这对良好的备份来说是很关键的。

    The-p switch indicates that we want to preserve the file permissions , critical for a good backup .

  27. Custom:用定制的权限设置定义feed

    Custom : Feed is defined by custom permission settings

  28. 也有一些特殊程序和库会需要root权限,不过比较少。

    There are specific programs and libraries that genuinely require root access , although they 're rare .

  29. 角色本身通常表示J2EE应用程序中的权限集合。

    Roles themselves generally represent collections of permissions in the J2EE application .

  30. NET为数据访问技术,SqlServer2000为数据库,C为编程语言开发系统,利用角色权限控制,实现多级安全机制。网上报名系统是运用高新技术为考生提供更开放、更可靠、更安全的优质服务;

    NET data access technology , SQL server 2000 database , C # programming language for system developing .