
  • 网络spurious emission;Spurious Emission Interference;stray interference
  1. 干扰的种类很多,比如杂散干扰、阻塞干扰、互调干扰等等。

    There are various types of interference , e.g. spurious emission , blocking , intermodulation and etc.

  2. 本文讨论了三种主要的干扰类型&杂散干扰、互调干扰和阻塞干扰,并结合物理层与数据链路层对规避干扰的分数频率复用法进行了创新。

    This paper discusses three types of interference : spurious emission , intermodulation and block distortion . It also innovates fractional frequency reuse from physical layer and data link layer .

  3. 对电磁兼容中的共址干扰问题中的杂散干扰做了较深入地探讨。

    This paper focuses on the aspect of co-location interferences from the EMC .

  4. 在两种激励模式中,接触共振频率峰通常都会被杂散干扰峰所淹没,这会给接触共振频率的精确识别带来困难。

    In both acoustic excitation methods , the contact resonance frequency is usually masked by spurious frequency peaks , which can cause difficulties in accurate identification .

  5. 土壤腐蚀性评价、杂散干扰腐蚀评价及土壤条件的识别等管道沿线环境评价既是为防腐层的选用作准备,也是为阴极保护和附加保护设计提供依据。

    Evaluation for soil-corrosion , interference corrosion and pipeline rout environment and identification to soil condition are preparation for coating plan , foundation of corrosion protection and extra corrosion protection design .

  6. 选用合理的滤光片滤去高热背景的杂散干扰光、凸显激光靶标,减少了辐射热能对摄像机测量图像信息的干扰和环境温度对摄像机的影响。

    An optical filter is selected to filter the interferential light from thermal background and extrude the laser target , and also , reduce the interference of the radiant heat to image information and the influence from surrounding temperature to the cameras .

  7. 研究了杂散电流干扰的检测方法及对其干扰程度的评价方法,通过对杂散电流干扰成因和特点的分析,选择杂散电流测绘仪(SCM)作为检测和评价的手段。

    The Stray Current Mapper was used to study the detection and evaluation measures about the stray current by analyzing its characteristic and the cause of formation .

  8. 杂散电流干扰下管道密间隔电位检测数据处理方法

    CIPS Data Process Method of Pipeline Affected by Stray Current Interference

  9. 管道杂散电流干扰对电磁流量计的影响及其排除方法

    The Influence of Stray Current Interference Along the Pipeline on Electromagnetic Flowmeter

  10. 输油管道受杂散电流干扰的检测与抑制

    Evaluation and mitigation of stray current interference for oil pipeline

  11. 成品油管道杂散电流干扰的防护

    Prevent Stray Current from Affecting Product Oil Pipeline Operation

  12. 本文对电容层析成像系统用电容/电压转换电路在非理想条件下的抗杂散电容干扰问题做了研究。

    The researching of effect to sensitivity of capacitance / voltage circuit for capacitance tomography of stray capacitance in no ideal condition is made in this paper .

  13. 结果表明,造成该管道腐蚀失效的主要因素来自土壤含水量和杂散电流干扰,土壤中的活性阴离子特别是Cl-和SO42-对腐蚀具有促进作用;

    It is shown that the soil along the pipeline was seriously corrosive mainly attributed to soil moisture content and stray current interference , moreover , the Cl-and SO2-4 could also accelerate the corrosion course .

  14. 在利用超声脉冲回波法测量液位、料位、厚度和河床地形时,通常会遇到杂散反射干扰、邻近物体干扰、电源和电磁干扰等。

    In measuring liquid level , powder position , thickness and riverbed topography by ultrasonic pulse echo method , there often exists interference that comes from floating grains , nearby objects , electric power resources and electromagnetic fields .

  15. VSAT上变频器的杂散、互调干扰分析与电路的优化设计

    Analysis on the Spurious and Intermodulation Products and Circuit Optimization of VSAT Up-converter

  16. 在应用中容易受阳光和照明光线等杂散光线的干扰。

    Photoelectric infrared sensors are objects to the interference of sunlight and illumination light .

  17. 阵列测向系统中应用四阶累积量算法抑制杂散噪声与干扰

    Application of Fourth Order Cumulant to Restrain Scatter Noise and Interference in Direction Finding System

  18. 使用1.2Ω的镍铬丝点火头作为启动元件便于实现系统自动控制,也能有效避免杂散电流的干扰,确保系统安全。

    The Ni-Cr ignition component 1.2 Ω in resistance could be used as a better startup component , which was propitious to automatically control , effectively avoid the interference of unstable current and to insure system security .

  19. 功率因数校正电路杂散磁场对传导干扰发射作用的分析研究

    Analysis on the EMI effect of stray magnetic field from main circuit of a PFC switched mode power supply

  20. 根据变换器主要的杂散参数和共模干扰的基本传播途径,可得出低阶的等效共模传导干扰模型,以指导电源滤波器的设计。

    An equivalent common mode conducted EMI model is built according to the basic coupling paths and the main stray parameters of the converter . This model avoids complicated stray parameters extraction process and is useful for the design of EMI filter .

  21. 分析了地铁直流杂散电流对埋地燃气管道干扰腐蚀的机理与影响,并简述了埋地燃气管道直流杂散电流干扰腐蚀的防护方法。

    The mechanism and influence of subway stray current corrosion on buried metal pipeline is analyzed , and the measure of disturbing stray current corrosion is narrated briefly .

  22. 阵列测向中空间相关噪声、杂散的多径反射噪声以及空间杂散干扰是影响测向性能的较大因素。

    The performance of direction of arrival estimation is strongly effected by spatial scatter noises such as interference , multiple propagation noise or other spatial correlated noises .