
zá guāng
  • stray light;parasitic light
杂光[zá guāng]
  1. 同时对系统进行杂光分析,给出杂光抑制方案,并使用杂光分析软件对系统进行分析。

    The parasitic light in the system was also analyzed . A scheme to suppress the parasitic light is given .

  2. 光学系统杂光指标PST的测量,包含了系统各种安装误差的影响,体现了系统杂光抑制的真实水平。

    The PST of stray light includes the influence of system assemble error , and reflects the real capacity of stray light suppression .

  3. 用蒙特卡罗法数值模拟CCD相机的杂光

    Numerical Simulation of Stray Light in CCD Camera with the Monte Carlo Method

  4. 采用蒙特卡罗(Monte-Carlo)法对卫星CCD相机的地气杂光进行了计算。

    The stray light level in CCD camera is calculated with the Monte Carlo method .

  5. 光学系统黑斑法杂光系数和PST间的联系

    Relations between PST and veiling glare index of optical system

  6. 分析了干涉仪系统中偏振分光棱镜、四分之一波片和CCD保护玻璃等元件引入的杂光。

    Furthermore , stray lights caused by polarization beam splitter ( PBS ), 1 / 4 wave plate and the cover of CCD have been analyzed .

  7. 系统采用红外线LED照明,在摄像机和图像传感器间加有滤光片以避免杂光干扰,摄像机前加半透半反镜来辅助瞄准;

    Two infrared LEDs are designed for illumination , a filter is added between the camera and image sensor for avoiding disturbance and a semitransparent mirror is set before the camera for aiming assistance .

  8. 在CCD星敏感器中,CCD像面的背景噪声严重地影响了星点提取的准确性,要降低背景噪声就必须对杂光进行有效地消除,所以CCD星敏感器中的遮光罩起着重要的作用。

    With the gradual development of CCD star sensor , exactly extracting star point has been becoming more and more important . The background noise of CCD will affect the extracting accuracy seriously .

  9. 二维位置敏感器件背景光消除的神经网络方法位置敏感器件(PSD)的杂光干扰研究

    Study on Background Light Elimination of Two-dimension Position Sensitive Detectors Based on Neural Networks Light disturbance to position sensitive detectors & pattern and methods to overcome it

  10. 这种方法与通常的激光扫描法、CCD摄象法相比,明显地抗外界杂光干扰,适合于太阳光照射下工作。

    Compared with the conventional laser scanning , CCD image taking , it has the advantage of resisting the disturbance of the stray light and it is suited to operate under the illuminating of solar light .

  11. 基于LASIS的高分辨高光谱成像仪光学系统设计及杂光分析

    Optical Design and Stray Light Analysis of the High Resolution Hyper-spectral Imager Based on LASAS Theory

  12. 测试结果表明:线性比较好,均匀性误差在7‰以内,杂光小于1μW,重复性误差小于7‰,长期稳定性误差小于8‰。

    The testing results show that the linearity is good , the uniformity error is within 7 ‰, the stray light is smaller than 1 μ W , the repeatability error is within 7 ‰, and the long stability error is within 8 ‰ .

  13. PST(点源传递函数)是杂光分析程序常用的输出结果形式,杂光系数则是杂光实验测量最常用的结果表示方式。

    PST is a common output result of stray light analysis programs of optical systems , and Veiling Glare Index is a common way to characterize stray light in optical systems .

  14. 通过对比测试,证实了锥状遮光罩对R-C光学系统视场外杂光抑制有良好效果。

    After comparison test , the cone baffle benefiting for suppressing of stray light out of field source in an R - C optical system was verified .

  15. 同时,依据R-C系统的特点,提出其杂散辐射的计算方法,用以估计遮光完善R-C系统的杂光水平。

    A stray radiation calculation method based on the feature of the R C system is given for estimating stray light performance in the well baffled R C system .

  16. 表示光学系统杂光抑制能力的点源透过率PST和材料表面散射特性的双向反射分布系数BRDF,这两个物理概念是光学系统杂光分析与计算的基础。

    PST denotes optical system capability of suppressing stray light , and BRDF represents material surface scatter and reflectance property . These two physical values are the base of stray light analysis and calculation .

  17. 文章介绍了由有色光学玻璃组成的窄带的测量3W以内激光的光电型功率计,具有杂光小、均匀性好、线性好、时间常数小等特点。

    The photoelectric power meters , which are made of color optical glass to measure the output power up to 3W with narrow bandwidth , are introduced . They have the advantages of small stray light , good uniformity , excellent linearity , fast time respond constant and etc.

  18. 准直物镜对杂光测量结果的影响

    Effect of collimating objective on the measuring result of stray light

  19. 光学系统杂光黑斑测量的理论研究

    Theoretical study of stray light black spot measurement for optical system

  20. 离轴三反射望远镜遮光罩设计与杂光分析

    Baffle Design and Stray Light Analysis of the Off-axis Three-mirror Telescope

  21. 减小红外仪器杂光方法探讨

    Discussion on the method for reducing VEILING-GLARE in the infrared instrument

  22. 地球作为扩展源的杂光计算

    Calculation of Stray Radiation from the Earth as an Extended Source

  23. 一种基于光线光学的杂光分析模型

    A Computer Modeling for Stray Light Analysis Based on Geometrical Optics

  24. 光学系统杂光测量与计算程序间的联系

    Relations between measurement and computer program of stray light in optical system

  25. 转镜等待分幅&高速摄影机中的杂光现象

    Stray light in high speed photography with framing-waiting-rotating mirror camera

  26. 偏视场用三反射系统的一次杂光问题研究

    Study on Stray-light of the Three-mirror Optical System Used in Field Bias

  27. 星敏感器杂光抑制分析

    Suppression and Analysis of Stray Light in a Star Sensor

  28. 适合在微机上使用的杂光分析方法光干涉实验的计算机模拟


  29. 星载光学系统遮光罩消杂光结构优化设计方法

    An optimum design method for the light hade of spaceborne optical system

  30. 星载光学遥感器消杂光技术现状与发展

    Status and development of stray light elimination technology for space-borne optical sensors