
  1. 东部管网原油混合输送的节能分析浅析东欧机电市场

    Energy Saving Analysis on Crude Oil Blending Transportation for Eastern Pipeline Networks

  2. 论桂林市东城区地下岩溶发育特征浅析东欧机电市场

    On characteristics of subsurface karst in Eastern District of guilin , Guangxi

  3. 重庆机电市场发展途径探索

    The Exploring of Machine and Electricity Market in Chongqing

  4. 还有一个机电市场。

    There are an electromechanical market .

  5. 重庆目前机电市场的建设存在不少问题,亟待研究解决。

    There are many problems need to resolve in the building of Machine and Electricity market .

  6. 机电市场属于工业用品市场,它是专业市场的一种。

    Machine and Electricity market belongs to industrial products market and is one of the professional markets .

  7. 作为最具发展潜力的产业之一,近几年我国机电市场,尤其是工业控制自动化市场一直以惊人的速度在发展。

    PLC industry , as one of those with the most latent potentialities in our country , has been soaring in amazing speed .

  8. 秘鲁和智利机电产品市场考察报告

    Investigative report on Machinery & electronics markets in Peru and Chile

  9. 制止机电产品市场恶性竞争的建议

    Put an End to Vicious Competition in Mechatronic Market

  10. 亚洲地区机电继电器市场动态&大电流、小型化是主流

    A Review of The Relay Market in Asia

  11. 机电产品市场营销人才培养方案的探索和实践

    Research and Practice of the Project of Nurturing Marketing Talents in Mechanical & Electric Products

  12. 俄罗斯机电产品市场准入制度浅析

    Analysis on Russian Market Access System

  13. 机电产品市场形势与展望

    Mechatronic Market Situation and Prospect

  14. 造型设计是影响机电产品市场竞争力的重要因素。

    The formative design is an important factor to influence the ability to compete in the mechanical and electrical product market .

  15. 成都专业市场现状分析与对策研究&以成都机电专业市场为例

    The Condition 's Analyzes and Development 's Research of Chengdu Specialized Market & A Case of ChengDu 's Machine Specialized Market

  16. 在本文的研究过程中,运用规模经济的思想指出了机电专业市场基础设施建设的必要性与可行性;

    In studying process , after applying the scale economy , the author pointed out the necessity and possibility of machine specialized market ;

  17. 我们最近几年机电产品出口市场取得了很大的成功。

    We had achieved a great success in exporting mechanical and electrical products in recent years .

  18. 欧丰公司将以技术创新为理念,打造完美的品质为依托,在世界机电行业中市场中不断发展和壮大!

    Abiding by the concept of technological innovation , and relying on perfect quality , OFAN would develop and grow consistently in electrical and mechanical industry .

  19. 物流机电产品网络化市场开拓支持系统

    Networked Marketing Exploiting and Support Systems for Logistics Electromechanical Products

  20. 近年来中国企业投标突破传统领域,一批代表着中国现代工业、科技水平的高科技企业进入了突尼斯通讯、机电、化工承包市场。

    In recent years , more Chinese high-tech companies have made their presence in telecoms , electronics and machinery and chemicals contracting market in Tunisia .

  21. 本文结合兖州东方机电有限公司的市场营销活动的经验,研究机电企业的市场营销活动,对于机电企业市场营销活动有一定的借鉴意义。

    Combined with the experience of Yanzhou Eastern Limited Company , the paper researches the mechanical and electrical industry , which is significant to the marketing .

  22. 机电产品贸易是国际贸易中有形贸易的重要组成部分,机电行业是国际市场最大的行业之一。

    Mechanical and electronic product trade is the most important composition of international visible trade . And mechanical and electronic industry is one of the biggest industries throughout the world market .