
jī xiè biǎo
  • mechanical watch
  1. 为了保持走时,机械表的弹簧需要定期上弦。

    In order to keep working , the spring of the mechanical watch has to wound periodically .

  2. 他从机械表的构造中学到了管理企业的关键:完整的结构组成,合理的配合,要有动力。

    The structure of a mechanical watch has taught him keys to running a business : completeness in structural components , close cooperation between different parts , and strong motivation .

  3. 价钱在两百美元左右的机械表是哪种?

    Which is the automatic one for about two hundred dollars ?

  4. 机械表将会造得和电子表一样准确吗?

    Will mechanical watches be made as accurate as electronic ones ?

  5. 介绍了节能的混合曝气系统&在曝气池前端使用机械表曝,接之以鼓风微孔曝气。

    This paper introduces an energy saving aeration system : hybrid aeration .

  6. 这种装置在机械表制造工业中是很需要的。

    This kind of device is much needed in the mechanical watch-making industry .

  7. 我就买一块石英表,代替我的老机械表吧。

    I 'll take a quartz watch to replace my old mechanical one .

  8. 这两种机械表都不需要使用电池,因此更加环保。

    In both cases , no batteries are required , therefore it is more ecological .

  9. 首先,你需要一个正常工作的机械表,天气必须是晴天。

    First ­, you 'll need a non-digital watch in working condition and a sunny day .

  10. 第一同时也是最明显的是,瑞士几乎占据着垄断地位,特别是在顶级机械表市场上。

    First , and most obvious , Switzerland has a virtual monopoly , especially for top-priced mechanical watches .

  11. 可是,市场的另一方,超级奢嚣张品制造商在模拟电子产物出产复杂的机械表。

    But , at the other end of the market , ultra-luxury manufacturers are creating intricate mechanisms to simulate electronics .

  12. 而控制机械表快慢的旋转平衡摆轮每秒通常只能来回五次左右。

    The spinning balance wheel that paces a mechanical watch typically rocks back and forth at about five beats a second .

  13. 可直接固定墙上或安装在电线杆上,能安装任何规格机械表或电子表。

    It can be directly fixed on the wall or installed on the electric pole , and suitable for any specification of electronic meter .

  14. 传统机械表时,若手表有售后服务,应确定质保期不少于六个月。

    When buying a vintage watch , ensure that there is a guarantee of at least six months if the watch is being sold as serviced .

  15. 最后一张照片显示夹具汤姆用于旋转机械表的外部形状摇杆武器与他们四舍五入目的。

    The last photo shows the fixture Tom used in the rotary table to machine the outer shape of the rocker arms with their rounded ends .

  16. 戴弗尔的理论至少能在一定程度上解释,为什么近十年来买家愿意花天价购入手表,尤其是机械表。

    Diver 's theory goes at least some way to explaining why buyers have been willing to pay the sky-high prices of the past decade , particularly for mechanical watches ;

  17. 20世纪70年代至80年代初,机械表被视为一种过时的技术,而不是值得收藏的古董,只有那些真正的爱好者才会买这种表,当时大多数人都认为这些人是疯子。

    During the 1970s and early 1980s , mechanical watches were viewed as antiquated technology rather than collectible antiques and the only people who purchased them were true enthusiasts , who were considered insane by the majority .

  18. 机械明细表的AutoCAD二次开发

    Re-development of Mechanical List with AutoCAD

  19. 相比下,机械自动表需要一直使用来确保它正常运行。

    Automatic watches , by comparison , need to be used to maintain their proper function .

  20. 根据机械风表的性能特点,检测的数据回归模型是一元线性模型。

    Based on performance features of the mechanical air-flow meter , the regression model for the inspected data is monadic linear model .

  21. 基于XML的机械工程数据表存储及检索方法的研究

    Study on Storage and Query Method Based on XML for Mechanical Engineering Datasheet

  22. 根据SST技术的设计理念和技术特征,成功研制了基于SST技术的机械式热能表。

    Develops a new type mechanical heat meter according to the design idea and technical features of SST technology .

  23. 完成了包括实时滤波系统和测控电路的硅微机械陀螺整表组装。在此基础上,进行了整表的性能实验。

    The real-time filtering system and control circuit of SMGs are assembled , and the performances of SMGs are tested .

  24. 直观的码表式参数显示:选用码表方式显示设备参数,符合实验者看各类机械式仪器表的习惯。

    Intuitive dial type parameter display : show equipment parameters with dial type display and is convenient for experimenter to read a wide range of mechanical instruments .

  25. 全员职工人数,包括技术人员、技术工人数量及平均技术等级等。企业自有主要施工机械设备一览表;

    Number of full-time staff , including the number of technicians and skilled workers , and the average skill levels ; a list of main construction equipment and machinery owned by the enterprise ;

  26. 目前多数水文站用置换法进行泥沙水样处理,为了提高水温的测量精度和泥沙处理的工作效率,必须使用数字式精密电子水温表来淘汰机械式水温表。

    Presently , most hydrological stations use substitution method to process water samples with sediment . In order to enhance precision and efficiency of the work , mechanical water thermometer has to be replaced by digital type with electronic precision measuring technology .

  27. 传统的机械式热量表存在着对水质要求高、压力损失大、机械器件易磨损、抗干扰能力差等一系列问题,无法完全满足市场需求。

    The traditional mechanical heat meter has a series of problems such as high requirement of water quality , large loss of pressure , easy abrasion of mechanical devices , low ability of anti-disturbance and so on , which is hard to fully meet the market demand .

  28. 提出用改装后的机械式叶轮风速表作为传感器。

    It is suggested to use the refitted speedometer with mechanical impeller as the sensor .

  29. 以电子泊车装置替换机械式停车收费表的计划,于一九九八年内逐步实施。

    The programme to replace mechanical parking meters with electronic parking devices was implemented progressively during the year .

  30. 在分析了液压扭矩表的缺陷和不足后,对机械式液压扭矩表提出了改进方案。

    After analysis on the shortcoming of hydraulic torque meter , the improvement project for the mechanical torque meter is presented . 7 tabs . 4 tables .