
  • 网络Airport Road;Old Airport Road;Airport Rd
  1. 机场路收费中心收费岛大门网架施工作业程序及质量保证的要点

    The key work to assure construction quality of the airport road charging island gate

  2. 苏州工业园区老机场路改造工程设计分析

    Analysis of the Design of Deteriorated Airport Road Reform Engineering in Suzhou Industrial Area

  3. 郑州市跨机场路高架桥桥面防水设计

    Design of Waterproofing for Trestle Bridge Decks of Overpassing Zhengzhou Airport Highway

  4. 呼和浩特机场路立交桥施工测量方法精度比较

    Comparison of accuracy in survey methods used for construction of Hohhot Airport Interchange

  5. 宁波市机场路~北外环立交市政工程项目施工成本控制研究

    The Construction Cost Control of Ningbo Airport Road ~ North Outer Ring Interchange Project

  6. 同步电机场路耦合端点量迭代新算法平衡式电子管耦合电路

    A Novel Field-circuit Coupling Iterative Algorithm for Terminal Quantities of Synchronous Motor balanced valve coupler

  7. 浅谈杭州市机场路地道给排水及消防设计

    On the drainage and fire fighting design of the underpass of airport highway in Hangzhou

  8. 郑州跨机场路高架桥钢箱梁施工的监理措施

    Supervision Measures About Full-welding Construction of Steel Box Girder of Viaduct over Airport Expressway in Zhengzhou

  9. 异步电机场路耦合数值模拟方法应用场路耦合计算方法设计了电动客车用永磁同步电动机样机。

    Field - Circuit Coupled Numerical Modelling Method for Induction Motors According to field - circuit coupled method , a PMSM prototype was developed .

  10. 结合厦门机场路隧道全风化花岗岩地层注浆试验,发现水泥复合浆液劈裂注浆加固效果良好,扩散半径理论计算值基本符合工程实际;

    Based on the grouting tests on strong-weathered granite tunnel in Xiamen Airport , the application of the formula of grouting diffusion has proved to be successful in practice .

  11. 利用该单元电机场路耦合时步有限元模型,对发电机机端开路、三相突然短路过程进行了仿真计算,得到了发电机空载电压曲线以及定转子绕组的短路电流动态响应曲线。

    Using the unit generator Field-circuit Coupled Time-Stepping Finite Element Model , the open-circuit of generator terminal ends as well as the stator three-phase sudden short circuit process are simulated . The no-load voltage curves , and the short-circuit current dynamic curves of stator windings and field winding are gotten .

  12. 你知道通向塔尔萨的公路吗?去机场的路和它交会。

    Do you know the highway to Tulsa ? The airport road joins it .

  13. 通往机场的路常为来往车辆阻塞。

    The road to the airport is clogged with traffic .

  14. 乘公共汽车去机场的路很短。

    It 's a short bus ride to the airport .

  15. 它具有弧度的外形也与机场高速路入口弯道很雅致地相互呼应。

    Its curved shape responds gracefully to the curved expressway entrance ramp .

  16. 您知道到松山机场的路吗?

    Do you understand the way to Sungshan Airport ?

  17. 广州机场高速路高架桥桩基托换工程设计

    Design of Pile Foundation Underpinning Work of Expressway Elevated Bridge of Guangzhou Airport

  18. 我们打听去机场的路。

    We enquired the way to the airport .

  19. 无论是在机场还是路途中,你都会路过无数快餐店。

    While at the airport and on road trips you 'll roll past countless fast food restaurants .

  20. 在同一台广播节目中,一位叫吴勇的中国军官说,通往机场的路堵塞了,人民解放军徒手在倒塌的房屋下挖被埋的人。

    In the same broadcast , Wu Yong , an officer in the Chinese Army , said that the road to the airport was impassable and that soldiers were digging out people from collapsed homes by hand .

  21. 现在应用程序可以早晨叫你起床,给你及时推送新闻快照,播放你喜欢的音乐,导航去机场的路,自动登录让你能阅读新书,而这些都实现于掌中方寸。

    Now apps may wake you up in the morning , give you a snapshot of the news , play the music you like , help you get to the airport , check you in and help you read your new book all from the palm of your hand .

  22. 所有通往机场院的路都被警察封锁了。

    All the approaches to the airport were blocked by the police .

  23. 浦东国际机场主进场路收费口雨蓬结构设计

    Design of Canopy Structure of Main Toll Entrance to Shanghai Pudong Airport

  24. 从机场到饭店路很远。

    It 's a far cry from the airport to our hotel .

  25. 你来开车吧,去机场你认得路吗?

    So you re driving ? Do you know the way to the airport ?

  26. 这些职业动物可能比其他旅客更容易在机场里面找路。

    These professional animals are probably better at finding their way in the airports than the most frequent of travelers .

  27. 这是正在修建中的机场南线高速路,它连接两条现有高速公路,长18英里。

    Pylons were rising up , ready to carry traffic between two busy highways on what will be the18-km Airport South Expressway .

  28. 上海将建设一条全长33公里的磁悬浮铁路,连接浦东国际机场和龙阳路地铁站。

    Shanghai will build a magnetic suspended railway of33 kilometers long , which will join Pudong International Airport to the subway station in Longyang Road .

  29. 生平第二次开车,就连开了四个小时,从旧金山机场,一路开到北边山上的闭关中心。

    The2nd time driving in my life is a vert bold move : 4 hours drive from San Francisco Airport all the way to Black Mountain Reserve towards the north .

  30. 虽然事实上纽约去肯尼迪机场的那段路也不是绝对漂亮,但是我想相比较纽约而言我们应该可以在行为上有所提升。

    Although it must be said actually the journey to JFK airport is not absolutely brilliant in New York either , so I think we could probably both raise our act a bit , compared to New York .