
  • 网络Airport Hotel
  1. 浦东国际机场宾馆空调夜间供冷改造方案分析

    Reformation scheme analysis of hotel night cooling in Pudong International Airport

  2. 在离我几步远的地方,一辆去往机场宾馆的穿梭巴士刚刚关上门。

    A shuttle to the Hyatt was just closing its doors a few feet behind me .

  3. 对浦东国际机场宾馆提出了两种节能改造方案:一次水蓄冷+小型冷水泵和风冷式冷水机组。

    Puts forward two reformation schemes & primary water thermal storage plus small chilled water pumps and air-cooled water chillers .

  4. 机场宾馆的门口,一对看上去很疲惫的夫妇正在把他们的最后一件行李从一辆的士的后备箱里拿出来。

    In front of the Hyatt , a tired-looking couple was getting their last suitcase out of the trunk of a cab .

  5. 但是,相对蜂窝技术,WLAN的覆盖范围要小得多,所以基于节约投资等因素的考量,WLAN只能部署在诸如机场、宾馆等热点地区。

    However , the coverage of the WLAN is much smaller than honeycomb technology , so considering the economical of the investment , the WLAN can only be disposed in the focus areas , such as airport , hotel etc.

  6. 宾馆里有照相馆吗?汽车把外宾从机场送到宾馆。

    The foreign guests were motored from the airfield to the guest house .

  7. 不论你去看爷爷奶奶还是帮助他们来你家,你可能要给一位机场或宾馆旅行车司机小费。

    Whether you 're off to visit grandpa and grandma or are helping coordinate their arrival at your house , you will likely need to tip an airport or hotel van driver .

  8. 同时,为了显示目的地机场附近的宾馆,惟一有效的选项是利用一个远程Web服务。

    In the meantime , your only real option for displaying a list of hotels in close proximity to the destination airport is to take advantage of a remote Web service .

  9. 我们感谢你们为我们作的一切,从机场接机,到宾馆预定。

    We appreciate what you have done for us , from the airport pick-up to the hotel room reservation .

  10. 在较大的车站、机场、港口和宾馆内,应当设有办理邮政业务的场所。

    Places shall be provided for handling postal business in larger railway stations , airports , ports and guest houses .

  11. 产品广泛应用于机场、医院、宾馆、地铁、体育馆、影视城、国际会展中心和家庭装饰等场所。

    It is widely used in airport , hotel , hospital , underground hall , movie city , international exhibition center and family decoration etc.