
  • 网络Machine perception;Machine Cognition
  1. 融合后的图像不仅具有原始图像的大部分信息,而且更符合人眼的视觉习惯和机器感知,能对特定场景进行更全面、更精确地描述。

    This fused image should be more useful for human visual or machine perception , and it could be more accurate and more comprehensive description of the certain image scene through the processing of redundant information and complementary information of the source image .

  2. 像素级图像融合直接基于成像传感器获得的像素信息进行融合处理;融合结果为一幅图像,该图像通常更适合人类和机器感知,或更适合后续处理任务,如分割、特征提取或目标识别。

    Pixel-level image fusion refers to the process directly based on the pixel information from individual sensors ; fusion result is an image , which usually more suitable for human and machine perception , or further image-processing tasks , such as segmentation , feature extraction and object recognition .

  3. 视觉系统作为机器感知外界环境的重要手段,对机器人的性能有着重要的影响。

    The vision subsystem , as an important approach of acquiring environment information , is critical to the performance of the whole system .

  4. 音频场景分析技术对机器自动感知环境特征具有重要的意义。

    Audio scenes analysis technique plays a very important role for automatic awareness of environmental fea-tures .

  5. 从机器视觉和感知科学角度看,图像处理是一种由2D图像(或者图像序列)重建3D世界中几何关系、拓扑结构、模式和动力学行为的基本工具。

    From the machine vision and cognitive science , image processing is a basic tool used to reconstruct the geometrical relationship , topology structure , patterns and dynamics of the three-dimensional ( 3-D ) world from two-dimensional ( 2-D ) images or image sequences .

  6. 具有物体识别能力是智能机器几基本的感知功能之一。

    Object recognition is one of the most basic perception abilities of a robot .

  7. 自主机器视觉不仅仅是感知,也是对被感知数据的解释,包括定位,绘制地图,场景理解等等。

    Autonomous machine vision is not only sensation , but also the explanation for sensed data .