
  • 网络Equality of Opportunity;equal opportunity
  1. “委员会建议,公开出价应面向目标公司内所有股份,以确保机会平等,对所有股东,不论大小,一视同仁,”sebi在声明中表示。

    " The Committee has recommended that an open offer ought to be for all the shares of the target company , to ensure equality of opportunity and fair treatment of all shareholders , big and small , " said SEBI in a statement .

  2. 妇女工作者机会平等和待遇平等宣言

    Declaration on Equality of Opportunity and Treatment for Women Workers

  3. mill综合了二者的观点,提出机会平等、效率优先的思想。

    Mill has synthesized the view of the two , and brings forward the thought that the chance is equal , efficiency first .

  4. 自1972年颁布《教育法第九篇修正案》(TitleIX)以来,美国女性在获得教育机会平等方面取得了巨大的进步。

    Since Title IX was established in 1972 , American women have achieved great progress of acquiring equal educational opportunity .

  5. ECCO尊重机会平等,支持废除工作场所的歧视。

    ECCO respects equal opportunities and supports abolishment of discrimination in the workplace .

  6. 机会平等雇佣基金会(EEO)大力提倡多样性为工作单位带来的价值观。

    The EEO Trust actively promotes the value diversity brings to our workplaces .

  7. 论机会平等与政府行政公正准则的实施

    The Opportunity Equality and Implementation of Justice Principle in Government Administration

  8. 第二部分分析了机会平等与效率的关系。

    Part two analyses the relation between the opportunity-equality and efficiency .

  9. 论文化资本及其对高等教育机会平等的影响

    Cultural Capital and Its Effect on Equal Opportunity for Higher Education

  10. 论机会平等的形式性要求与实质性要求

    On Formal Requirement and Substantive Requirement of Equality of Opportunity

  11. 所谓包容式增长,就是机会平等的增长。

    The so-called inclusive growth is the growth of equality of opportunity .

  12. 真正的机会平等是让每一个工薪女性都能被顾及。

    A true opportunity agenda is one that works for working women .

  13. 高等教育收费制度对学生主体教育机会平等的影响

    Influence of Higher Education Charging System on Students ' Educational Opportunity Equality

  14. 少女和妇女教育机会平等科

    Section for Equal Education Opportunities for Girls and Women

  15. 教育可寻租下的高等教育机会平等问题探讨

    A Study of Equality of Opportunity for Higher Education in a Rent-Seeking Situation

  16. 每个人都说赞成机会平等。

    Everyone says they are for equal opportunities .

  17. 美国教育理念主要有七点:追求教育公平和教育机会平等;

    American educational ideas have seven points : pursue education fairness and equal opportunity ;

  18. 男女机会平等中期社区行动方案(1996-2000年)

    Medium-Term Community Action Plan on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men ( 1996-2000 )

  19. 区域发展政策的公平性分析&机会平等视角下的实证研究

    Equality Analysis on Regional Development Policy & Empirical Research from Equality of Opportunity Perspective

  20. 通过调整经济与竞争,政府可以保证机会平等。

    By regulating the economy and competition , the government could ensure equal opportunity .

  21. 社会平等可分为机会平等与结果平等。

    Social equality can be divided into equality of chance and equality of result .

  22. 高等教育机会平等的法律保护

    Legal Protection on Equal Opportunity of Higher Education

  23. 我希望男女机会平等的风气能够蔚然成风。

    I hope equality of opportunity for men and women is here to stay .

  24. 机会平等、公平竞争与共同富裕

    Equal Opportunity , Impartial Competence and Common Well-off

  25. 机会平等才是真正的平等

    The Equality of Opportunity is True Equality

  26. 受教育机会平等:不同的标准

    Equal Educational Opportunity : the Different Criterion

  27. 只有教育机会平等了,才能实现真正的教育权利的平等。

    Only equality of educational opportunity , and to achieve real equality of right to education .

  28. 至于机会平等的程度,一般说来,却是与效率的高低正相关的。

    As far as to the degree of equal opportunity generally is direct proportion with efficiency .

  29. 基于机会平等视角下社会财富与社会地位的分配问题

    The Distribution Problem of Social Wealth and Social Status Based on the Perspective of Equality Opportunity

  30. (男女)机会平等和待遇平等

    Equality of opportunity and treatment