
  • 网络mechanism innovation;system innovation;institutional innovation
  1. 医药卫生体制机制创新:特殊矛盾和路径选择

    Medicine Health System Mechanism Innovation : Special Contradiction and Way Choice

  2. 推进我国科技进步体制和机制创新

    Promoting China 's scientific and technological advancement system and mechanism innovation

  3. 实施中小博物馆提升计划,加强机制创新。

    The country will help foster the growth of medium - and small-sized museums and strengthen their innovation mechanism .

  4. 管理机制创新&正反馈给管理的启示

    Innovation of Management Mechanism & Apocalypse of Positive Feedback to Management

  5. 上海华谊(集团)公司人力资源培训机制创新的探讨

    Discussion about Human Resource Training System Innovation in Shanghai Huayi Group

  6. 建设社会主义新农村的战略意义与机制创新

    Strategic Significance of and Regime Innovations in Constructing New Socialist Village

  7. 成长型企业经营者激励机制创新研究

    Studies on the Incentive Mechanism Innovation of Growth Enterprise 's Operator

  8. 我国农业巨灾风险管理机制创新研究

    Study on the Innovation of Mechanisms in Agricultural Catastrophe Risk Management

  9. 构建公共服务型地方政府管理机制创新研究

    Construction of public service-oriented local government management mechanism innovation research

  10. 闽台农业合作机制创新研究

    Study on the Innovative Mechanism of Agriculture Cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan

  11. 加快体制机制创新,着力增强经济活力;

    Enhancing system and mechanism innovation to strengthen economy vitality ;

  12. 试论制度创新和机制创新的关系

    Discussion on the Relation between the System Innovation and the Mechanism Innovation

  13. 中部崛起中的人才机制创新研究

    On Innovation of Intellectual Mechanism Under Rise of Central China

  14. 大胆进行机制创新推动医院全面建设

    Carry out Mechanism Innovation Boldly to Promote Construction of Hospital

  15. 高校共青团组织工作运行机制创新研究

    Study on Creation of the Work-operating Mechanism for the College Youth League

  16. 学校德育工作机制创新初探

    On the innovation of working mechanism of school moral education

  17. 试论中国农业科研投入机制创新

    On System Innovation of Input for Chinese Agricultural Scientific Research

  18. 中小矿山企业经营机制创新问题探讨

    Discussion on Innovation of Management System of Middle and Little Mining Enterprises

  19. 长江三角洲区域协作机制创新研究

    The Research Towards the Regional Cooperation Mechanism of Changjiang Delta

  20. 我国地方国有资产管理机制创新的研究

    Research on the Innovation of Local State-owned Asset Management System in China

  21. 新形势下高校职工党支部工作机制创新理论研究

    Research on Working Mechanism Innovation in University Faculty Party Branch

  22. 高校学生组织机制创新:建设学习型学生组织

    Student Organization Innovation in Universities : Building Learning-oriented Student Organizations

  23. 长株潭地区环境保护体制机制创新研究

    Institutional Innovation Research on Environmental Protection in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration

  24. 关于现代海关管理机制创新的一点思考

    Reflections on Innovating in the Administrative Mechanism of Modern Customhouse

  25. 中国参与国际能源合作的法律机制创新研究

    Study on Legal Problems of China Taking Part in International Energy Cooperation

  26. 信息技术与我国城市危机管理机制创新

    Study on IT and Mechanism Innovation of Urban Crisis Management

  27. 中国特色社会主义行政管理体制运行机制创新研究

    On Innovating Operating Mechanism of Administrative System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

  28. 企业长期激励机制创新

    The Innovation of the Enterprise 's Long-term Incentive Mechanism

  29. 当代中国大学生道德人格的培养机制创新

    On the Moral Personality Cultivation Mechanism of the Contemporary China 's University Students

  30. 采油厂劳动管理机制创新的管理学分析

    Management analysis on the labor management mechanism innovation of the extract oil field