- 网络Decision-making Innovation

Knowledge management innovation constitutes a system . This system is the organic integration of environmental innovation , element innovation , organizational innovation , decision-making innovation and value innovation .
The development of the coordinated rural economy is an approach to solving the surplus labor in the countryside and is a significant policy-making innovation .
In other words , innovation in government decision-making process , there are some exogenous , dependent on the timing of opportunities , problems , solutions and decision-makers .
Science research management functions of SCI are shown in the fields of evaluating , forecasting , decision-making and innovating .
The Relationship of Market Orientation , Innovation Strategy and New Products Development Performance , Based on the Dynamic Management Capabilities Theory Theoretical Researches on the Key Differences between the Mechanism of DNA Interstrand Crosslinks Induced by Nitrosamines and Nitrosoureas
On developing of e-government and innovation of public 's decision system
Study on the Creative Issue of the Public Decision-making System in China
Scientific Development Concept and Innovation of Local Government Decision-Making Concept
On Innovation of Local Government Decision - Making Mechanism
Research on the Innovation of Financial Decision-Making Ststem in the Private Colleges of Our Country
Decision-making and innovation can be a lot tougher when so many other people have to be consulted .
This paper studied the innovation leader 's R & D investment and innovation incentives of oligopoly with asymmetry network size .
Similarly , at the company level the best decision-making and innovation occurs when the female talent pool is fully engaged and integrated .
Covered here is the innovation of government system in responsibility , policy-making , monitoring , cadre achievement assessment and cadre selection and appointment .
Strengthened linkage to policy making , a shift of emphasis on study on factors affecting learning achievements and core indicators of education quality ;
Carrying out innovation-oriented education is an inevitable choice and strategic decision in promoting higher medical education , and innovative personnel ensures its sustainable development .
So , we should fully utilize the E-government 's opportunity as well as avoid its negative impact positively , and choose proper government 's decision system innovation strategies and measures .
The market demand innovative analysis model and its tool frame have been constructed , which evolve the traditional market segment method , and make the process of objective market decision making as well as the product technology level determining automatically .
The relations of planning-practice and learning , top-down and bottom-up , decision-making by experiences and revolutionary ideas , as well as , operational effectiveness and positioning in business strategic management are analyzed to bring about the proper understanding to the strategic management .
An Innovation Diffusion Model Based on Individual Decision-Making
Include : customer relationship management , team management , decision-making ability , innovation and improved performance of the company values , and market development capability .
The E-government , while active lying promoting government 's decision and system innovation , will bring the negative influence on government 's decision system innovation too .
At the same time , it is recommended that enterprises through the establishment of innovative strategies , innovative ideas , innovation and decision-making system and innovation funding system and environment protection innovation incentives effective implementation .
The research direction of the group coordination is not very consistent at home and abroad . In abroad , the studies emphasis on theorys and methods , the domestic researchs mostly concentrate on the innovation of the group decision-making method .
Rogers ' ( 2003 ) model of five stages in the innovation-decision process and attributes of innovation theory were served as the theoretical base for the study .
Sheer innovation also had something to do with the decision .
And the other is design , decision , creation and innovation .
Innovation and Exploration of Service Mode for Microscopic Decision by Using Information under Network Environment
Research on Evaluation of the Corporation 's Capability of Technology Innovation Based on Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making
Based on the rational decision-making behaviors of enterprises in the innovation cooperation activities , we establish dynamic evolvement model of innovation network .