
  • 网络Proprioception;proprioceptive;the Concept of Proprioception;Conscious proprioception
  1. 我们都知道现实世界中的人体是什么样子的,所以肢体思考的一个方面就是我们一直要提到“本体感受”这个概念,

    And we all know what that body is like in the real world , so one of the aspects of physical thinking that we think about a lot is this notion of proprioception ,

  2. iShoe就是一个很好的传感器的例子,它通过一个传感器来提高老年人的本体感受从而降低摔倒的机率。

    The iShoe is another example of a sensor that improves proprioception among the elderly to prevent falling .

  3. 被贴上ADD的孩子的本体感受系统没有一体化,而这也可能导致视觉处理失调。

    A child labeled with ADD has a poorly integrated proprioceptive system and this may also create visual processing disorders .

  4. 这些改变可导致眼外肌功能变化,影响本体感受信息的输入,可能与CN的病因和发病机制有关。

    These alterations probably affect EOM ′ s function and its proprioceptive input , which are probably related to the etiology and pathogenesis of CN .

  5. 目的研究共同性斜视患者眼外肌本体感受器(extraocularmuscleproprioceptor,EMP)的形态学改变,为探讨斜视的发病机制提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the morphological change of extraocular muscle proprioceptor ( EMP ) in concomitant strabismus and study its pathogenesis . Methods The samples were obtained from the extraocular muscles of patients with concomitant strabismus and enucleated eyeballs .

  6. 三叉神经中脑核(Vme)是CNS内唯一的支配咀嚼肌本体感受器和牙周膜机械感受器的初级传入神经元所在地。

    The trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus ( Vme ) is the unique group of primary afferent cell bodies that is located within the mammalian central nervous system ( CNS ) and innervate muscle spindles of jaw-closing muscles and periodontal mechanoreceptors .

  7. 重建前交叉韧带后本体感受器变化的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Changes of Proprioceptors after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

  8. 共同性斜视患者眼外肌本体感受器组织形态及超微结构研究

    Histological and ultrastructural studies of extraocular muscle proprioceptor in concomitant strabismus

  9. 本体感受性刺激增强肢体骨骼肌运动能力的机理

    Mechanism of increase of muscular contractility by proprioceptive stimulation

  10. 结论间歇性外斜视患者弱侧眼外肌内直肌及其本体感受器发生了病理性改变,可能与间歇性外斜视病因及发病机制有关。

    These alterations are probably related to the etiology and pathogenesis of intermittent exotropia .

  11. 其中的原理是:肌肉和关节有一种叫本体感受器的神经细胞。

    Here 's how it works : Muscles and joints have nerve cells called proprioceptors .

  12. 眼外肌肌梭结构异常,可影响肌梭对牵拉力的敏感性,影响眼球本体感受信息的传入,使眼球产生和维持固视功能障碍。

    Abnormal muscle spindle may influenced the sensitivity and proprioceptive input , which make binocular fixation defeated .

  13. 如果本体感受系统没有完全形成或者仍未一体化,则孩子难以专注。

    A child will have difficulty focusing his or her attention , if the proprioceptive system is not fully formed or integrated yet .

  14. 通过加强肩袖肌群的力量训练和肩关节神经肌肉本体感受性训练,可以加快游泳肩的康复及预防其的发生。

    Strengthening the rotator cuff muscle strength and shoulder proprioceptive neuromuscular training can speed up the impingement Syndrome rehabilitation and prevent its happening .

  15. 肌梭是骨骼肌内一种重要的本体感受器,参与肌紧张的维持和对随意运动的精细调节。

    Muscle spindle is an important proprioceptor in the skeletal muscle , which contributes to the maintenance of muscular tension and the fine modulation of voluntary movements .

  16. 目的研究间歇性外斜视患者眼外肌及其本体感受器的超微结构,以期探讨间歇性外斜视的发病机制。

    Objective To observe the ultrastructure of extraocular muscle ( EOM ) and proprioceptors in extraocular muscles ( EMP ) in intermittent exotropia and discuss its pathothogenesis .

  17. 结果表明,使用这种教学方法能提高学生的本体感受能力和学习兴趣,增强学生学习的积极性,教学效果显著。

    The result shows that this method can enhance the ability of the sense of essence and interest of study to students and the effect is very obvious .

  18. 生物蚯蚓具有感受外界接触信号的外体感受器和感知其内在运动的本体感受器,仿生智能微型蠕动机器人应同样具备相应的外体接触和内部运动的感知能力。

    Biomimetic minirobot should be endowed with the ability of detection the external contact ( exteroception ) and feeling the internal actions ( proprioception ) like its animal counterpart .

  19. 你可能会受到走直线和指鼻子的清醒测试,正是由于本体感受,我们才能做到或者至少知道如何去做。

    The familiar walk-the-line and finger-to-nose sobriety tests that you will be subjected to are yet more examples of what your body can do-or at least should be able to do-thanks to proprioception .

  20. 利用透射电镜观察8例间歇性外斜视患者与5例同期角膜移植供体的健康人眼内直肌及眼外肌本体感受器的超微结构。

    Case of sample from medial rectus of patients with intermittent exotropia and 5 case of samle from medial rectus of corneal graft donors were studied under transmission electron microscopy ( TEM ) .

  21. 本文结果提示,家兔中央颈核直接发出纤维投射到小脑,其机能可能与接受来自颈部皮肤外感受器的输入和来自肌腱、关节的本体感受性输入有关。

    The findings suggest that the fibers of CCN in the rabbits project to the cerebellum directly . The result implies that the CCN may convey the input from the skin of the neck region and proprioceptive input from tendons , ligaments and joints .