
wèi wán chénɡ
  • incomplete;not finished;to be continued;undone;unaccomplished;immature
  1. 垃圾与污水的清理工作还未完成。

    The clearing of rubbish and drains is still incomplete

  2. 事实上,有些学校以U等表示"不满意",或以I等表示"未完成"。

    The fact " . Some schools have U grade for " unsatisfactory " , or I grade for " incomplete " .

  3. 还有些未完成的事需要处理。

    There is still some unfinished business to settle .

  4. 她写道:"无家可归夺走了我所有的物质财富,让我一无所有,就像一本未完成的书末尾的空白页。"

    She writes , " Homelessness had taken every material thing from me and left me torn bare , an empty page at the end of a partly written book ."

  5. 美国还有未完成的宏伟目标,比如经济和环境正义,比如全民医保,在这些目标上,大多数人达成了一致。

    And on the big unfinished goals in this country , like economic and environmental justice and health care for everybody , broad majorities agree on the ends .

  6. status为0或1,0表示未完成的任务,1表示已完成的任务。

    The status is0 for outstanding tasks and1 for completed tasks .

  7. 它们可以访问和修改ApplicationServer中的未完成(in-flight)消息。

    They can access and modify in-flight messages within Application Server .

  8. failto未能…未完成…营造商未能履行合同的条款。

    The builder failed to fulfill the terms of his obligation .

  9. 当未完成的任务的总数减少到零时,join()就会结束阻塞状态。

    When the count of unfinished tasks drops to zero , join () unblocks .

  10. 结果完成治疗疗程患者的治愈率(93.8%),显著高于未完成治疗疗程的患者(40.6%)(P

    Results The cure rate of patients with full course was93.8 % , higher than those without ( 40.6 % )( P

  11. 帐户名和安全ID间的某些映射未完成。

    Some mapping between account names and security IDs was not done .

  12. 可以使用hgstatus命令查看对存储库中的文件所有未完成的更改。

    You can use the hg status command to see any pending changes to the files in your repository .

  13. 发现DNA差异是人类基因组工程未完成工作的最重要的一个部分。

    Discovering the DNA differences that matter is one of the most important pieces of unfinished , business for the human genome project .

  14. 思科系统公司(CiscoSystems)正在“转化”为一家更多以软件和服务为重心的公司,然而这一进程还远未完成。

    Cisco Systems ' " transformation " into a more software - and services-centric company is far from complete .

  15. 审计未完成是导致IPO计划延迟的头号因素。

    More IPO plans are delayed by incomplete audits than by any other cause .

  16. 1993年设立了一个目标要求在2000年前把教育支出增长到GDP的4%,目前还未完成。

    A target set in1993 of raising this to4 % of GDP by2000 has yet to be achieved .

  17. 当使用者线程调用taskdone()以表示检索了该项目、并完成了所有的工作时,那么未完成的任务的总数就会减少。

    The count goes down whenever a consumer thread calls task_done () to indicate that the item was retrieved and all work on it is complete .

  18. 这个错误往往是在您的Web服务使用了来自一个脚本库的函数,而该库完成过Web服务未完成的更新时发生的。

    This error often occurs when your Web service uses functions from a script library , and the library has been updated more recently than the Web service .

  19. “在开罗,我曾见到过建造中就倒塌的楼房,以及全部未完成的建筑”(威廉H。加斯)

    " In Cairo I have seen buildings which were falling down as they were being put up , buildings whose incompletion was complete "( William H.Gass )

  20. 她的新书《24小时思维》(TheTwenty-FourHourMind)解释说,思想依附于某些白天未完成的情感事务的线索。

    Her new book , 'The Twenty-Four Hour Mind , 'explains that the mind latches onto some thread of unfinished emotional business from the day .

  21. 结果发现IE病人中有92例(23%)因病未完成9年义务制教育;

    Results Of 400 patients with IE in the study , 92 ( 23 % ) did not complete the 9 year compulsory education .

  22. 区域经理要确保所有认定的HSE未完成行动项能尽快地得到落实。

    Area Manager is to ensure that all outstanding HSE action-items identified are resolved as soon as practical .

  23. 关闭JMS连接会导致JMS会话中的任何未完成的事务工作回滚(如JMS规范中所述)。

    Closing a JMS connection causes any outstanding transactional work on JMS sessions to be rolled back ( as described in the JMS Specification ) .

  24. 该部分未完成的工作,加深了我们对Schmidt反应和百部生物碱氮杂并环反应性质的认识。

    This unfinished work deepened our understanding of the intramolecular Schmidt reaction and reaction properties of the stemona alkaloids ' skeleton .

  25. 如果其中有未完成的功能,但这些功能可以以as-is方式工作,那么构建就可以往前提送。

    If it has incomplete features , but those features work as-is , then the build moves forward .

  26. 对软件测试团队来说,未完成的议程包括一些行为,比如实现测试自动化,或者学习新的技术或平台(比如J2EE)。

    For a software test team , the unfinished agenda can comprise several courses of action , such as building test automation or learning new technologies or platforms ( such as J2EE ) .

  27. 如果在10分钟之后,UOW未完成,那么DB2软件会自动强制关闭该应用程序。

    If , after ten minutes , the UOW is not completed , then the DB2 software will automatically force off that application .

  28. 双方两年前达成协议,秋明BP将把控股权出售给Gazprom,但交易迄今未完成,原因同样是由于价格分歧。

    The two sides reached agreement two years ago that TNK-BP would sell control to the Russian gas group but the deal is yet to be completed , also because of disagreement over price .

  29. 当脚本结束时,或者当一个连接即将被关闭时,如果有一个未完成的事务,那么PDO将自动回滚该事务。

    When the script ends or when a connection is about to be closed , if you have an outstanding transaction , PDO will automatically roll it back .

  30. 使用默认结果集时,应用程序可以执行任何transact-sql语句或批处理,但它只允许一个连接中有一个未完成的语句。

    When using default result sets , an application can execute any Transact-SQL statement or batch , but it can only have one outstanding statement on a connection .