
  1. 我希望你们和CMC全球社区一起度过完美的一天。

    I wish all of you a beautiful day together with the CMC worldwide community .

  2. 完美的一天:伴着美梦入睡;

    The perfect day : Going to bed with a dream ;

  3. 那就可以完美的一天的完美终结了。

    That 'd be a perfect ending to a perfect day .

  4. 今天是完美的一天去创造完美的一天。

    Today is a perfect day for a perfect day .

  5. 每一天都是完美的一天,完全适合于自杀!

    Everyday is a perfect day , a perfect day for suicide * !

  6. 但如果你喜欢工作,周日就是完美的一天!

    But when you like the work , Sunday is a great day !

  7. 知道情人之间如何拥有完美的一天吗?

    You know how every relationship has , like , a perfect day ?

  8. 完美的一天,完美的结局。

    The perfect end to a perfect day .

  9. 在游乐园渡过完美的一天的另一个秘诀是训练有素的工作人员。

    Another secret behind a perfect day at the park is a well-trained staff .

  10. 可能会去做按摩,晚上跳跳舞来结束这完美的一天。

    probably get a massage and then cap off the night with some dancing .

  11. 描述我完美的一天?

    Describe me the perfect day ?

  12. 完美的一天:伴著美梦入睡;带著目标醒来。

    The perfect day : Going to bed with a dream ; Waking up with a purpose .

  13. 这对于你来说是完美的一天,把你的梦想放在许愿板上然后向全宇宙要求你想要的东西。

    This is the best day to place your dreams on the wishing board and ask the universe what you want ;

  14. 能帮助一个无法回报你的人,才算是度过了完美的一天。

    You can 't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you .

  15. 动起笔来想象一下你完美的一天、然后是周、然后是年是怎样的。

    Just let the pen roll as you envisage what your perfect day , then week , then year would look like .

  16. 一天之计在于晨,想必这个完美的一天的开始会带给您更多的开心与快乐。

    Dollars a day is morning , must have the perfect start to the day will bring you more happiness and joy .

  17. 我就知道会这样今天你们是来对了完美的一天我想谈关于电的话题

    I 've known so . It 's a luxury here today which is perfect because I would like to talk about electricity

  18. 爸爸妈妈,我想念您们,我希望您们随着这个日出可以在今天拥有完美的一天。

    Mom and Dad , I miss both of you , I wish you are gonna have a wonderful day today with this sunrise .

  19. 而且,乔林还提出了更多的希望&奥运会开幕式一定是完美的一天,即时下也是小雨。

    Qiao held out further hope for a perfect opening day for the Games , saying that even if it rains , it will be light .

  20. 如果你知道怎样才能拥有完美的一天,那你就学会了怎样拥有一个完美的人生,因为你只需要利用习惯,不断重复那完美的一天就行了。

    If you can learn how to have a perfect day , then you can have a perfect life , you just have to duplicate that day through the tool of your habits .

  21. 孙燕姿的上一张专辑《完美的一天》遭到很多批评,也没有抓住大众的耳朵,她将在即将于三月中旬发行的下张专辑中作不少调整。

    With her last album A Perfect Day drawing plenty of flak from critics and failing to hit any sales gongs , Stefanie has a lot of damage control to do with her next release in mid-March .

  22. 那是完美的一天,我和妻子都在现场鼓掌、欢呼,并且接下来如往常一般,为将要结束高中生活的维尔和他的朋友们拍照。

    It was a perfect day and there we were , my wife and I , applauding , cheering and then , as always , photographing Will and all his friends as they left the high school field .

  23. 完美夏日的一天应是阳光灿烂,微风吹拂,鸟儿歌唱,然后是,割草机坏了。

    A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining , the breeze is blowing , the birds are singing , and the lawn mower is broken .

  24. 梅根说眼下她最“完美”的一天就是能晚起一会儿,溜溜狗,然后练习瑜伽,中午吃生鱼片。

    Nowadays , she reveals , her ' perfect " day would involve waking up late , taking her dogs for a walk before doing some yoga and then enjoying a sashimi lunch .

  25. 如果你最近都超级忙超级不爽没时间花在甜蜜上。那么今天就是你完美补救的一天。

    If you have been going through a slightly dry patch or have been too busy to really spend much time together , then you can both make up for this deficit today .

  26. 以最完美的方式结束这一天

    It was the perfect way to end the day .

  27. 最完美的海滩边的一天!

    The best Beach day ever !

  28. 声音3:“真是奇怪。我们花了几个月的时间存钱和制定计划。我们想确保一切都是完美的。然后,一天之内一切都结束了。我在想接下来呢?”

    Voice 3 : " It was strange . We had spent months saving money and planning . We wanted to make sure everything was perfect . Then , in a single day it was all over . I thought what now ? "