
mù qiú
  • bowl
  1. 那是一场木球比赛,但是那是属于失败者的游戏。

    There is a second place bowl game , but it is a game for losers played by losers .

  2. 普利茅斯高地是德雷克在打败西班牙无敌舰队之前玩木球游戏的旧址,因此广为人知。

    Plymouth Hoe is renowned as the site where Drake played bowls before tackling the Spanish Armada .

  3. 玩滚木球游戏时,目标是尽量多地击倒十个木瓶。

    When you play bowls , the object is to knock down as many of the ten wooden pins as possible .

  4. 杉木球花特性及其种子园花粉量的研究

    Cone characteristics of Chinese fir and pollen quantity of its seed orchard

  5. 意大利式室外地滚球游戏中投掷的木球。

    Wooden ball that is bowled in the Italian game of bocce .

  6. 用鸭柱与一小球合玩的滚木球游戏。

    A bowling game played with such pins and a small ball .

  7. 马球运动中用槌棒击打的木球。

    Wooden ball struck with mallets in playing polo .

  8. 从木球运动的演变看少数民族传统体育的发展

    The Development of Traditional Minority Sports & Seen from the Evolution of Cricket

  9. 槌球游戏中使用的木球。

    A wooden ball used in playing croquet .

  10. 姿势优美而动作敏捷的滚木球运动员。

    A fast bowler with a fine action .

  11. 滚木球游戏中使用的(扁平边的)的木球。

    A wooden ball ( with flattened sides ) used in the game of bowls .

  12. 木球比珍珠球更激烈,更有竞争性。

    Well , the wood ball competition is rougher and more competitive than pearl ball .

  13. 杉木球果主要害虫发生期与杉木球果生长期的关系

    Relation between the Main Injurious Insect Emergence Period and the Growing Period of Cunninghamia lanceolata Cones

  14. 他每逢星期六便去玩滚木球戏。

    He goes bowling every Saturday .

  15. 据说在早年间,伯恩-琼斯就喜欢在这里跟邻居们玩滚木球的游戏。

    In earlier times , it is reported , Burne-Jones enjoyed playing bowls there with his neighbours .

  16. 十七世纪流行游戏,用槌棒沿着小路赶一个木球。

    A 17th C game ; a wooden ball was driven along an alley with a mallet .

  17. 木球运动作为众多少数民族传统体育比赛项目的一个重要组成部分,经历了20余年的发展历程。

    As important part of traditional minority sports , the sport of cricket has been developed for twenty years .

  18. 在一边,你通过玩滚木球戏的草坪,可以望见屋后一座漂亮的斜坡森林。

    On one side you look across the bowling green , behind the house , to a beautiful hanging wood .

  19. 整个上午,家长们依次走向体育馆的前面,从一个紫色和绿色相间的盒子里抽出一个用纸箔包着的小木球,并当众将它打开。

    Through the morning , parents walked one by one to the front of the gym , pulled a foil-covered wooden ball from a purple-and-green box , and unwrapped it .

  20. 市中心和周遭地方的设施包括高尔夫球场,骑马中心,游泳池和康乐中心,电影院,滚木球戏和一间钓鱼学校。

    Facilities in and around the city include golf courses , horse riding centres , swimming pools and leisure centres , cinemas , a bowling alley and a fishing school .

  21. 验电器用于如下目的的一种仪器:检验物体是否带电,指示物体是否带电,通过金箔条或木球的互相吸引或排斥测量电荷的强度。

    An instrument used to detect the presence , sign , and in some configurations the magnitude of an electric charge by the mutual attraction or repulsion of metal foils or pith balls .

  22. 打马球的人用长棍把木球打进对方的球门。玩滚木球游戏时,目标是尽量多地击倒十个木瓶。

    Polo players use long sticks to hit the wooden ball through the other team 's goal . When you play bowls , the object is to knock down as many of the ten wooden pins as possible .

  23. 本文是用实测油松人工林平均木球果生物量的方法,来研究不同立地条件、测树学因子与油松人工林球果生物量的关系。

    The relation of the cones ' biomass of Pinus tabulaeformis to site conditions and factors of mensuration was studied by measuring the cones ' biomass of average tree of Pinus tabulaeformis plantation under the different site conditions .

  24. 旅游协会也致力在外地推广这些国际盛事,以宣扬香港是亚洲盛事之都这个美誉。这些国际盛事包括世界杯七人榄球赛、香港艺术节及国际六人木球锦标赛。

    The HKTA also sought to boost Hong kong 's reputation as the events capital of Asia through the overseas promotion of international events , which included the Rugby World Cup sevens , the Hong Kong Arts Festival and the international cricket sixes tournament .