
yǒu xiào xìng
  • effectiveness;validity;availability;significance
有效性[yǒu xiào xìng]
  1. 一种基于Fuzzy集的客户细分有效性评价模式

    An Evaluation Model to Client Subdivide Availability Based on Fuzzy Sets

  2. 耕作层中重金属Cd形态分布规律及植物有效性研究

    Chemical Form Distribution and Plant Availability of Cd in Plough Horizon

  3. 对于防晒霜减少黑瘤的有效性一直存在争议——比起对于预防其他类型的皮肤癌,其证据更加乏力。

    There is continuing debate as to how effective sunscreen is in reducing melanomas — the evidence is weaker than it is for preventing other types of skin cancer .

  4. 对于化疗的有效性来说这是巨大的改变,很可能对多种不同的癌症有效。

    And that 's huge for chemotherapy effectiveness -- possibly for many different types of cancer .

  5. 防止重症和无症状感染的有效性,以及长期保护性也需要更多试验。

    Their efficacy in preventing severe cases and asymptomatic infections and the length of immunity also require further tests , it added .

  6. 这就是我的工作,这就是我对未来的畅想,要弄清楚这种蛋白到底是什么,同时也是化疗有效性的未来,或许所有患有癌症的爷爷都能有更多的时间跟他们的孙子辈们在一起。

    So that was my work , and it was my way of reimagining the future for future research , with figuring out exactly what this protein does , but also for the future of chemotherapy effectiveness -- so maybe all grandfathers with cancer have a little bit more time to spend with their grandchildren .

  7. 至于该疫苗对变异毒株的有效性,陈薇表示,他们团队在密切关注相关情况,且早已启动针对变异株的疫苗研发,这个疫苗不一定用得上,但宁愿备而不用,不能用而不备。

    In regards to the vaccine 's efficacy against mutated strains of SARS-CoV-2 , the virus responsible for COVID-19 , Chen said they are keeping a close eye on the situation and have begun developing vaccines for these new variants . " We may not need these vaccines , but we cannot be caught unprepared . "

  8. 通过在NewEngland39节点系统上仿真计算,验证了所提方法的有效性及其快速准确的特点。

    The results on New England 39 system have demonstrated that this method is rapid , precise and effective .

  9. 土壤pH值在控制铜、锌、砷的有效性方面起了重要作用。

    Soil pH played an important role in controlling the availabilities of As , Cu and Zn .

  10. 一个MonteCarlo仿真例子说明了其有效性。

    A Monte Carlo simulation example shows its effectiveness .

  11. 目的:探讨氧化亚氮(N2O)吸入麻醉下行无痛人工流产的有效性与安全性。

    Objective : To investigate the analgesic effect and the safety of N2O inhaled in induced abortion .

  12. 目的研究酶生物信号放大系统用于放大DNA压电传感器检测信号的可行性和有效性。

    Objective To research on the possibility and the efficiency of the enzyme biological signal amplification system applied to DNA piezoelectric biosensor .

  13. 通过累积误差的改进BP算法实现了数学的一种运算,通过实际算例结果的对比,证明了改进算法的有效性和进步性。

    By improved back-propagation algorithm and comparing practical calculation results , proves the validity and progressiveness of improved algorithm .

  14. 利用数字处理器(DSP)实现了整流器的空间矢量的全数字控制,并用Matlab对系统进行了仿真,仿真结果验证了本文所提出的电压空间矢量算法的有效性。

    Simulating of the system by using Matlab proved the validity of space voltage vector algorithm mentioned in this paper .

  15. 将本方法应用于实际的30幅边缘模糊的腹部MRI图像,证明了其对复杂图像分割的有效性。

    The method proposed has been applied to 30 edge-blurred abdominal MRI images and proves its effectiveness for complex image segmentation .

  16. IPO的抑价现象与股票市场有效性假设相矛盾,特别是中国股票市场IPO抑价程度相对高,已经影响到股票市场的健康发展和资源的有效配置。

    Moreover , higher degree of underpricing in China has affected development of its stock market .

  17. 文章通过Granger因果关系模型,检验了我国稳定货币政策的有效性。

    This article tested the effectiveness of china prudent monetary policy by granger causality model .

  18. 目的:对十一酸睾酮酯(TU)男性避孕有效性、安全性和可复性进行临床评估。

    Objective : To evaluate the safety , efficacy and reversibility of injectable testosterone undecanoate .

  19. 并讨论了在一定条件下,当d→0时,估计的渐近相合性、渐近有效性及有界的最优费用差(EN(d)?n(d))等渐近性质。

    Some of its asymptotic properties , such as asymptotic consistency , asymptotic efficiency and cost of ignorance under certain conditions , are also discussed .

  20. 锥比率条件对DEA有效性的影响

    The inhibition of strain ANTI-8098A against strain F. In [ 1 ] W. The Influence of Cone Ratio Conditions on DEA Efficiency

  21. 稳定的汇率政策通过促进出口、FDI和提高财政政策的有效性来调节内部经济,成为我国经济增长的关键因素。

    Stable exchange rate has improved the export , FDI and the efficiency of China 's expansionary fiscal policy , which help China 's economic growth greatly .

  22. Net中开发中同步工程的方法,以实现MDA和XP技术的融合,并以一个应用实例验证该方法的有效性。

    Net , in order to realize the integration of MDA and XP technology , and has verified the validity of this method with a application instance .

  23. 目前理论界对于EVA研究主要集中于两个方面:一是EVA作为一种业绩评价指标的有效性;

    At present the research on EVA mainly concentrate in two aspects : One is the validity of EVA as an index for accomplishment evaluation ;

  24. 利用在美国加利福尼亚州ImperialIrrigationDistrict灌渠试验得到的数据验证了最大相对误差和随机不确定度预测模型的有效性。

    The validity of this model and the model of predicting random uncertainty are verified by field test data for the measurement of an irrigation canal in Imperial Irrigation District in California , USA.

  25. 目的分析和评价肾移植后肝功能不良患者使用霉酚酸酯(MMF)的有效性和安全性。

    Objectives To analyze and evaluate the efficacy and safety of MMF in kidney transplant recipients with hepatic dysfunction .

  26. 相比Leach,此算法具有更高的能量有效性,可以有效延长网络寿命,使节点能量更加均衡。

    Compared to Leach , this algorithm has higher energy efficiency , can effectively prolong the network lifetime , node energy is more balanced .

  27. 针对研究新型低应力精密下料系统时,需要获得热应力预制V型槽尖端理想裂纹方法的有效性问题。

    To investigate a new type of low stress precision cropping system , it is necessary to obtain the feasibility that the heat stress was used to prefabricate the ideal crack of V-shaped notch tip .

  28. 技术创新的成功取决于众多因素,其中RD部门与市场营销部门的接口有效性是造成企业技术创新成败的关键因素之一。

    The success of technology innovation depends on a great number of elements . The effect of interface between RD department and marketing department is a key element .

  29. 各个部分均用真实的机载SAR图像做了实验,并给出结果分析,验证了本文提出的新方法的可行性和有效性。

    The paper analyzes the processing results of real airborne SAR images for every chapter , and shows that the proposed method attains better improved effect . The algorithms ' feasibility and validity are validated .

  30. 然后提出计算机取证遇到的问题-计算机证据有效性问题和基于UNIX系统的计算机取证困难问题;

    Then put forward the question that the computer forensics meets & the evidence validity question of the computer forensics and difficult problem that computer based on UNIX system collect evidence ;