
yuè qiú wèi xīnɡ
  • lunar satellite
  1. 月球卫星GNC系统方案设想

    Conception on GNC System for Lunar Satellite

  2. 月球卫星最优小推力变轨研究

    A study on the optimal low-thrust orbit maneuver of lunar satellite

  3. 通过建立B平面用迭代方法得到满足要求的月球卫星轨道,并认为定相环形转移轨道的测控优于直接转移轨道。

    It shows the phasing loop transfers are better than the direct transfers in the tracking and guidance .

  4. 基于日地月方位信息的月球卫星自主导航

    Autonomous Navigation for Lunar Satellite based on the Optical Information of Sun-Earth-Moon

  5. 月球卫星轨道变化的分析解

    Analytical solution for the orbital variation of a lunar satellite

  6. 月球卫星跟踪卫星技术作为月球和行星重力场探测的一种解决方案已经初步研究和讨论。

    Lunar Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking technique has been studied and discussed in general .

  7. 中国首颗人造月球卫星研制完成。

    China has successfully developed its first moon satellite .

  8. 月球卫星轨道设计优化

    Optimization of orbit design for lunar satellite

  9. 人造月球卫星的运动及其稳定性

    On the motion of artificial lunar satellites

  10. 月球卫星轨道力学综述

    On the Orbit Dynamics of Lunar Satellite

  11. 满足约束条件的月球卫星飞行轨道的初步设计

    Lunar Satellite Trajectory Designing Under Certain Constraints

  12. 月球卫星的自主轨道确定

    Autonomous Orbit Determination for Lunar Satellites

  13. 这个月嫦娥1号成功进入了绕月轨道,成为了这个国家的第一个月球卫星。

    CHANG'E1 successfully entered lunar orbit this morning , making it the country 's first moon satellite .

  14. 采用自主导航技术,可以降低月球卫星的任务成本,提高其生存能力。

    Autonomous navigation technology can reduce the cost of missions and strengthen the survival ability of a lunar satellite .

  15. 提出了一种将圆锥曲线拼接法与历表相结合,快速设计月球卫星地月转移轨道的方法。

    A fast design method for the lunar satellite transfer trajectory is presented by combining patched conic technique and ephemeris .

  16. 单自由度太阳帆板极月轨道月球卫星的初步热分析与热设计

    The preliminary thermal analysis and thermal control design for polar orbit lunar satellites with solar panels in single degree of freedom

  17. 环月飞行的月球卫星轨道则与地球卫星轨道有很多不同之处,它决不是地球卫星轨道的简单克隆。

    The final orbit around the Moon is not the clone of the Earth satellites ' orbit though they are similar in some aspects .

  18. 星期五晚上7点,中国第二颗月球卫星嫦娥二号将完成其从2010年10月1日发射后的6个月使命。

    At seven o'clock Friday night , China 's second lunar orbiter Chang'e-2 will complete its6 month mission , which was launched on October , 1st , 2010 .

  19. 主要讨论采用月球卫星的探测方式时,月球探测器对测控系统的轨道支持要求和实现手段。

    This paper discusses the orbital support requirements of lunar probes on TT & C systems and the means of implementation when lunar satellites are used for lunar exploration .

  20. 利用重叠圆锥曲线方法,针对着陆型和月球卫星型两种地月转移轨道,给出了一种地月转移轨道的快速设计方法。

    A fast design method for transfer orbit of lunar probe is presented using overlap conic curve method aimed at lunar landing transfer orbit and lunar satellite transfer orbit .

  21. 对国外极月轨道月球卫星的热设计进行了概述,并以一个极月轨道月球卫星为例,介绍了采用单自由度太阳帆板技术的某极月轨道月球卫星。

    In this paper , the thermal control designs of polar orbit lunar satellites are summarized , and take a polar orbit lunar satellite with solar panels in single degree of freedom as an example .

  22. 此方法是一种无需轨道积分的纯代数计算方法,具有速度快、精度高的特点,可用于月球卫星转移轨道的初步设计。

    This method is a pure algebraic method that doesnt need trajectory integral . It has the characteristics of rapidity and high accuracy , and can be used for preliminary design of the lunar satellite transfer trajectory .

  23. 重点对月球卫星转移轨道段的轨道测量和确定方法进行研究,利用仿真的地面站的测距和测角资料进行了定轨误差分析。

    Orbit measurement and orbit determination methods during the transfer orbit of lunar satellites are mainly studied . The ranging and angular measurement data of a simulated ground TTC station is used for analysis of the error in orbit determination .

  24. 我国西南部四川省成都市的天府新区系统科学研究会主任武春风表示,据研究计划推测,人造月球卫星的发射、轨道的对接、展开和照明、调节和控制的实现将在2020年之前完成。

    According to research plans , the verification of launch , orbit injection , unfolding , illumination , adjust and control of the man-made moon will be completed by 2020 , said Wu Chunfeng , head of Tianfu New District System Science Research Institute in Chengdu , Southwest China 's Sichuan province .

  25. 基于MDO方法的月球探测卫星总体设计

    The System Design of Lunar Exploration Satellite Using MDO

  26. NASA的人造月球探测卫星运行到了一个距月球表面相当近的距离,足矣看清当年宇航员在月球上的行进轨迹。

    Nasa 's lunar reconnaissance orbiter got close enough to see the spacemen 's path when they walked on the moon .

  27. 根据月球探测卫星任务及环境的特点,在将多学科设计优化(MDO)方法用于卫星总体概念阶段的设计。

    Multidisciplinary design optimization ( MDO ) was used in conceptual system design for lunar exploration satellite according to the task and characteristics of the lunar satellite in this paper .

  28. 分辨率要比火星和月球的卫星图像低15倍。

    The resolution is 15 times worse than our maps of Mars and the moon .

  29. 月球探测卫星的飞行姿态和轨道特点决定了卫星天线有交替覆盖测控站的现象。

    Because of the moon-surveying satellite 's attitude and orbit , its two antennas , with different frequencies , will cover the ground station alternately .

  30. 本文的主要目的是寻找一种反演方法,利用月球探测卫星微波辐射计的亮度温度数据评估月壤厚度。

    The aim of this paper is to find a method to estimate the thickness of lunar soil from the values measured by lunar microwave radiometer .