
  1. 厄瓜多尔的钦博拉索山(Chimborazo)虽然在海平面以上的高度只有6267米(20661英尺),但它却是离地心最远的地方。

    Chimborazo , in Ecuador , only reaches 6,267 meters ( 20,661 ft ) above sea level , but it 's the highest point from the exact center of the Earth .

  2. 当地的驻军说,这是我们能够走访的最远的地方。

    The soldiers say this is as far as we can go .

  3. 因为那是我能应付的最远的地方了。

    Because it is as faraway from here as I could manage .

  4. 我的汽车停在离大楼最远的地方。

    My car is parked in the space furthest away from the building .

  5. 在中国,离大海最远的地方是大西北。

    Be in China , farthermost from the sea place is big northwest .

  6. 基本的规则是从外到里(从离盘子最远的地方开始)。

    The basic rule is to start from the outside and work inwards .

  7. 塔什什是约拿书能够去的离尼尼微最远的地方。

    Tarshish was about as far away from Nineveh as Jonah could get .

  8. 他们到达朝圣之旅的原定最远的地方。

    They reached the extent of their pilgrimage .

  9. 我国的电视广播能把节目传送到最远的地方。

    The television broadcast can sent its programs to the farthest corner of the country .

  10. 如果你是最后一个出去的人,那么就站在离门最远的地方。

    Stay farthest from the door if you will be the last person to step out .

  11. 不管怎样我会去,到最远的地方找到你。

    I will go however , as far as the farthest of all to find you .

  12. 定律十一:高尔夫球车总是在离会所最远的地方耗尽燃料。

    LAW11 : Golf carts always run out of juice at the farthest point from the clubhouse .

  13. 嘿,伙计,这是离陆地最远的地方了。-

    Hey , pal , you can 't get any further away from land than out here . -

  14. 在他被收养前,他去过的最远的地方是从他的父亲家去一家孤儿院。

    Before his adoption , the furthest he went was from his dad 's home to an orphanage .

  15. 所以,我愿意远远的离开,站在离你最远的地方看你幸福。

    So , I would far , far away , stood the farthest away from you see you happy .

  16. 酒吧不是那种你从距离中心最远的地方看都看不到乐队的大剧场。

    It 's not a big amphitheater where you can 't even see the band from the nose-bleed section .

  17. 从渡江到追击最远的地方,即福建的北部、江西的东北部,前进一千五百里。

    They had advanced 750 kilometers from where they crossed the Yangtze , to northern Fujian and northeastern Jiangxi .

  18. (解剖学)位于距离附着点或者起端最远的地方,例如指肢或者骨。

    ( anatomy ) situated farthest from point of attachment or origin , as of a limb or bone .

  19. 他们大部份来自湖南、湖北、江西和河南,去过最远的地方就是广东。

    They are major come from Hunan , Hubei , Jiangxi and Henan , going to farthermost place is Guangdong .

  20. 从离得最远的地方,穿过最深的积雪和最阴惨惨的风暴来到我家的是一位诗人。

    The one who came from farthest to my lodge , through deepest snows and most dismal tempests , was a poet .

  21. 廉价剧场后排座这个词得名于它所在区域是剧场中离舞台最远的地方。

    The peanut gallery got its name because it is the part of the theater most distant from where the show takes place .

  22. 如果你要去一楼或顶楼,上电梯后,最好站在距离们最远的地方。

    If you are traveling to the ground or top most floor , its better to stand farthest from the elevator doors after you board the lift .

  23. 这种声音好像受到了感染,从东边最远的地方传到西边最远的地方,其中偶尔还掺杂着一只狗的叫声。

    From the furthest east to the furthest west the cries spread as if by contagion , accompanied in some cases by the barking of a dog .

  24. 交战时如果你的装备摔到地上,弹药和手榴弹会滚到最远的地方,可是水壶一定会落在你的脚上。

    Whenever you drop your equipment in a fire-fight , your ammo and grenades always fall the farthest away , and your canteen always lands at your feet .

  25. 这三个地方都具备良好的劳动力供给而且运行成本具有可比性。虽然我猜想普利茅斯会稍微便宜一些&然而这是离伦敦公路和铁路最远的地方。

    All three places had a good labour supply and running costs were comparable , although I guess Plymouth is slightly cheaper-while being the furthest by road and rail from London .

  26. 我挣扎着坐起来,这次他不再阻止我,而是松开了紧紧箍住我腰部的双臂,迅速又安静地退开,退到这个狭小空间所能允许的离我最远的地方。

    I turned to sit up , and this time he let me , releasing his hold around my waist and sliding as far from me as he could in the limited space .

  27. 我渴望和他在一起,安慰他,但不知怎么我还是逼着自己向前走。马车路过时,我打算让自己走到旅费所能负担的最远的地方。

    I wanted desperately to be with him , to comfort him , but somehow I made myself keep walking , and when a coach passed , I arranged to travel on it as far as my money would pay for .

  28. 干手器还能把残余的细菌吹到最远6英尺的地方。

    Air dryers can also blow remaining germs as far as six feet away .

  29. 靠恒星近些的地方倒有更好的行星,可飞船的战略监管系统显然锁定在了潜伏模式,所以才选了最远最不打眼的地方,而且任何人反对都无效,除非飞船的战略总指挥亲自说话。

    There were better planets nearer in , but the ship 's Strateej-O-Mat was obviously locked into Lurk mode and chose the most distant and unobtrusive planet and , furthermore , would not be gainsaid by anybody other than the ship 's Chief Strategic Officer .