
  • 网络Manchester;manchester city;Greater Manchester
  1. 他旗下的工程设计公司DEKA位于新罕布什尔州曼彻斯特市,目前有员工400人,已经与饮料业巨头可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)达成了合作。

    His engineering and design company Deka , which employs 400 in an old mill in Manchester , N.H. , has partnered with Coca-Cola .

  2. 格林哈尔说,图上的女人不是什么意大利贵妇,而是英格兰西北部曼彻斯特市郊外博尔顿某超市内一个名叫艾莉森(Alison)的女收银员。

    Mr. Greenhalgh says the subject was not an Italian noblewoman , but a check-out girl named Alison who worked at a supermarket in Bolton outside Manchester in northwest England .

  3. 美国新罕布什尔州曼彻斯特市临床社工布罗斯基(KatherineBrodsky)说,据经验表明,只要夫妻关系良好,宠物就不是个问题。

    ' In my experience , pets do fine with relationships as long as the relationship is doing well , 'says Katherine Brodsky , a clinical social worker in Manchester , N.H.

  4. 曼彻斯特市昨夜降雨叁英寸。

    Three inches of rain fell in Manchester last night .

  5. 利兹联队和曼彻斯特市队下星期有一场友谊赛。

    There 's a friendly between Leeds United and Manchester City next week .

  6. 足球赛一曼彻斯特市队进入欧洲杯的决赛。

    Football & and Manchester City are in the final of the European cup .

  7. 谁是曼彻斯特市的足球队教练?

    Who trains Manchester City Football team ?

  8. 阿曼达,39岁,来自新罕布什尔州曼彻斯特市,每当她偏头痛严重时,她就坚持去接触其他人。

    Amanda , 39 , of Manchester , N.H. , makes a point to reach out whenever she has a severe migraine attack .