
  • 网络Manta;mec;Emmental
  1. 曼塔基地,能收到我的信息吗?

    Manta station , do you read me ?

  2. 曼塔谢说,姆贝基作为被南部非洲发展共同体指派的调解人员必须要做到不偏不倚。

    Mantashe says as mediator appointed by the Southern African Development Community , Mr. Mbeki must be seen to be impartial .

  3. 时间过得很快,还是到了要回去参加毕业音乐会的时刻,莎曼塔不愿意放弃准备了那么多年的毕业表演机会。

    Time flies , or to go back to the graduation concert of the moment , Sha Manta reluctantPrepared to give up performance opportunities for so many years of graduation .