
zhì nénɡ kē xué
  • intelligence science
  1. 厦门大学智能科学与技术专业建设介绍

    The Specialty Construction of Intelligence Science and Technology in Xiamen University

  2. 重庆邮电大学智能科学与技术专业建设中的若干问题探讨

    On the Construction of the Discipline of Intelligence Science and Technology

  3. 面向智能科学与技术专业的C语言教学探讨

    A Tentative Discussion on C Course Teaching for Science and Technology of Artificial Intelligence

  4. 跨学科教育模式与外语专业研究生学术创新面向智能科学与技术专业的C语言教学探讨

    Interdisciplinary Education and Academic Creativeness of Foreign Language Major Postgraduates ; A Tentative Discussion on C Course Teaching for Science and Technology of Artificial Intelligence

  5. 21世纪中心科学技术(centralscience&technology)转移的趋势是从信息科学技术到生物科学技术(包括生命科学技术)再到认知科学技术(智能科学技术)。

    The central science and technology shift trend in the 21st century is from info-science and technology to bio-science andtechnology ( including life-science and technology ), and further to cognitive science and technology ( intelligent science and technology ) .

  6. 人工神经网络(ANN)是复杂非线性科学和人工智能科学的前沿,在水污染控制领域的应用在国内外尚处于起步阶段。

    Artificial neural network ( ANN ) plays a leading role in the sciences for complex non-linear phenomena and artificial intelligence . Researches on its application in water pollution control are still in the preliminary stage in the world .

  7. 智能科学与技术本科专业教学改革及课程建设

    Educational Reform & Undergraduate Course Construction of Intelligence Science and Technology

  8. 智能科学与技术专业建设的实践

    The Practice of the Specialty of Intelligent Science and Technology

  9. 智能科学与技术专业教学平台探讨

    Discussion on Teaching Stage of Intelligence Science and Technology Specialty

  10. 关于智能科学与技术专业人才培养和学科建设的思考

    Reflection on Personnel Training Discipline Building of the specialty of Intellectual Science Technology

  11. 人-机结合的智能科学和智能工程

    Man - Computer Cooperative Intelligent Science and Intelligent Technology

  12. 分析了反导系统对智能科学技术的需求;

    Then , the requirements of the antimissile system to IST are analyzed .

  13. 智能科学与技术专业数字图像处理课程教学实践的探讨

    Discussion on Digital Image Processing Teaching and Practice of Intelligence Science and Technology Specialty

  14. 地方工科院校智能科学与技术专业控制类课程教学的探讨

    Research on Control Courses of Intelligent Science and Technology Department in Local Engineering Colleges

  15. 本课程是信息安全、智能科学与技术专业选修课。

    This course is professional elective for information security and intelligent science and technology .

  16. 复杂系统与智能科学的研究方向和发展策略

    Direction and Strategy for Research and Development of the Complex Systems and Intelligence Science

  17. 智能科学与技术的知识体系:语义分析的结论

    The Knowledge System of Intelligence Science and Technology : Deduced from the Semantic Analysis

  18. 智能科学的新发展&一种计算与动态相结合的计算力学

    The New Development of Intellectual Science : a Computational Mechanics Integrating Computation with Dynamics

  19. 智能科学与技术专业课程体系建设的思考

    A Study on the Course System Construction of the Specialty of Intelligence Science and Technology

  20. 人工智能科学中的概率逻辑

    Probabilistic logic in Artificial Intelligence Science

  21. 智能科学技术导论课程教学模式新思考

    A Tentative Discussion on Teaching Mode of Introduction to Science and Technology of Artificial Intelligence Course

  22. 智能科学在频率规划中的应用

    Intelligence Science in Frequency Planing

  23. 介绍了智能科学技术基本概念和研究领域;

    The basic concept and the research fields of Intelligence Science and Technology ( IST ) are introduced .

  24. 它涉及到教育学、心理学、认知科学、行为科学以及人工智能科学等相关领域。

    It involves education , psychology , cognitive science , behavioral science and artificial intelligence science related fields .

  25. 策略.行为的转换与统一理论将为智能科学的进一步发展提供新的视野和活力。

    The unified theory will provide new vision and new vigor for the further development of intelligence science .

  26. 湖南大学智能科学与技术本科专业建设探讨

    The discussion on the undergraduate professional building of the Specialty of Intelligence Science and Technology in Hunan University

  27. 当今智能科学与智能技术是科技界的一个热点。

    At present , intelligence science and intelligent technology is a warm topic attracted many scientists and engineers .

  28. 最后对智能科学技术在反导系统中的应用与发展进行了展望。

    At last , the prospect of the application of IST in the area of antimissile system is given .

  29. 谓词逻辑是一种基于谓词分析的高度形式化的语言及其推理,是人工智能科学赖以产生和发展的最古老,最直接,也是最为完备的理论基础。

    Predicate logic is a kind of highly formalized language and its inferences in view of the analysis of predicate .

  30. 随着人工智能科学的发展,人工神经网络和遗传算法已经在矿山中得到了应用。

    With the development of artificial intelligent technology , artificial neural network and genetic algorithm have been applied to mining engineering .