
  • 网络Landscape ecology;landscape ecosystem
  1. 浅论广州城市景观生态的持续发展

    The sustainable development of urban landscape ecology in Guangzhou

  2. 择伐对森林景观生态的影响随择伐强度的增大而增大,且径级择伐影响大于集约择伐;

    The influence of selective cutting on forest landscape ecology increases as the intensity of selective cutting is higher , and the effect of selective cutting according to the diameter of wood on forest landscape ecology is heavier than that of intensively selective cutting . grade .

  3. 以GIS为核心的昌平区景观生态分析与规划信息系统

    GIS based landscape ecology analysis & Planning Information System of Changping District

  4. GIS支持下的山地景观生态优化途径

    A Practical Approach of Ecological Optimizing of Mountain Landscape Based on GIS

  5. 3S支持下的喀斯特景观生态格局研究&以贵阳市为例

    The 3S-based Study on Ecological Patterns of Karst Landscape & A Case Study of Guiyang

  6. 同时,利用GIS的叠加分析功能实现了洋河流域景观生态类型划分、景观指数获取。

    At the same time , by using the overlay function of GIS , this article achieved the landscape ecology classification and the automatic calculation of landscape indices .

  7. 基于RS的农业生产方式变化对区域景观生态的影响分析&以新疆玛纳斯县农业为例

    The Influence to Landscape Eco-environment by Change of Farming Mode Based on RS & Taking Manas County-region in Xinjiang as An Example

  8. 应用TM影像对南京城市景观生态格局进行研究并对研究方法进行了探讨。

    Ecological vegetation features were studied using remote sensing and geographic information system technology in Nanjing city and methods of research were discussed .

  9. 第五部分论述了应用GIS空间分析能力,紧密结合滇金丝猴动物行为的专家知识,对滇金丝猴生境做适宜性评价,并应用景观生态指数对其状况进行描述;

    In the fifth chapter , assesses the degree of the suitable habitat of the monkey and describe the situation using the landscape index by combining the GIS technology with the experts ' knowledge .

  10. 在此基础上,以历史文化名城福州城市为研究对象,结合遥感与GIS技术,编制城市景观生态分类图。

    Based on the above , taking Fuzhou , this historical cultural city , as an example , the essay makes a map of Urban landscape ecological classification in Fuzhou by the technique of remote sensing and geographic information system .

  11. 景观生态风险信息系统(LERIS)是将景观生态学理论和3S技术相结合进行风险分析的现代规划管理系统。

    Landscape ecology risk information system ( LERIS ) is modern planning system of risk evaluating combining the theory of landscape ecology and with GPS , RS and GIS ( 3S ) techniques .

  12. 方法对土地利用、动植物、植被和景观生态因子采用资料收集和实地调查方法,土壤生态因子采用类比工程监测和USLE模型预测方法。

    Methods The method of land using , animal , plant , vegetation and landscape assessment is field survey and data collection . and monitor of familiar project and model of USLE were adopted in soil assessment .

  13. 城市景观生态安全及评价模式

    A Study on the city landscape ecology security and evaluating model

  14. 旅游地景观生态规划理论探讨

    A study of the theory of ecological planning for tourist resorts

  15. 农用地转用的景观生态补偿价格研究

    Study on Evaluation for Landscape Ecological Price of Changed Arable Land

  16. 景观生态保护区概念与分类研究

    Study on the Concept and Classification of Landscape Ecological Protection Area

  17. 五台山地区植被景观生态研究

    Study on Vegetation Landscape Ecology in the Area of Wutai Mountain

  18. 城市景观生态规划中的廊道效应研究&以北京市区为例

    The corridor effects in urban ecological landscape planning a case study

  19. 大连市域景观生态格局优化发展研究

    Research on optimizing development of Landscape ecological pattern in Dalian Region

  20. 生态敏感性分析是旅游地景观生态规划的基础。

    Ecological sensitivity analysis is the basis of landscape ecological planning .

  21. 第三部分:江北区景观生态系统结构分析。

    Part three mainly analyze landscape ecosystem structure of jiangbei district .

  22. 景观生态空间格局动态度量指标体系

    Dynamic indicator system for measurement of spatial pattern in landscape ecology

  23. 淮南采石迹地景观生态重建研究

    The Study on the Landscape Ecological Reconstruction of Quarry in Huainan

  24. 高山峡谷区域景观生态规划模式研究方法

    A Research method of landscape ecological planning pattern for gorge region

  25. 皖北濉溪县域景观生态网络规划与设计

    County Landscape Ecological Network Planning and Design-Suixi County ; Anhui Province

  26. 群落交错区,异质交错区的景观生态设计。对群落交错区和边缘效应等概念进行了查证和研究,在景观设计中考虑景观生态过程与格局连续性。

    Design the ecotone and heterogeneous ecotone in landscape ecology designing .

  27. 泉州城市建设的景观生态模式研究

    A Study on the Model of Landscape ecology construction of quanzhou

  28. 北京山地系统的土地利用控制与景观生态环境建设规划

    The Landuse Controlling and Landscape Ecology planning Study of Beijing Mountain System

  29. 合理开发城市边缘区景观生态资源,发展城郊生态旅游;

    To develop local rural landscape resources to promote ecological rurban tourism ;

  30. 山地景区生物多样性保护的景观生态途径

    Landscape Ecology Approaches in Biodiversity Conservation of Mountainous Scenic Areas