
  • 网络the common law;ius commune;general law
  1. 在普通法上,意在干预具体法律程序的司法过程之行为将构成藐视法庭罪。

    At common law , conduct tending to interfere constitutes criminal contempt .

  2. 第一章对英国普通法的形成、特征和美国对英国普通法的继受进行了考古研究。

    The first chapter researchs archaeologically the formation and characters of English common law .

  3. 与普通法相比,在给定N+1个离散点时,它的误差小,且谐波次数n不受N的限制。

    Compared with the common method , its errors are small , and the ordinal number of harmonics n is independent of N , when N + 1 discrete points are given .

  4. 这种趋势是一个信号,表明往往基于英美普通法(commonlaw)原则的全球标准,正发挥越来越突出的作用,以助简化金融体系传统上各国法律体系相互独立,导致金融体系复杂化。

    The trend is a sign of how global standards - often based on English - or US-style " common law " principles - are increasingly emerging to help simplify a financial world complicated by the traditional independence of national legal systems .

  5. 在20份ABC法HBeAg阳性而普通法阴性的血清中,用抗-HBe作中和抑制试验,抑制率均>50%;

    In 20 samples which were shown HBeAg positive by ABC method but negtive by the other , the results of neutralization tests by HBeAb were all positive .

  6. 从起源上看,普通法上的犯意(mensrea)概念,彻彻底底是主观主义的概念。

    From its origin , the concept of " mens rea " is completely a subjective term in common law .

  7. 本文认为这种解释方法符合客观要求,我国政府应顺应国际环保形势发展的总体需要,支持用普通法的方式解释WTO贸易与环境的相关法律规定。

    This article recon that this method of interpretation meets the requirements of objective conditions , and the government of China should recognize the need of protecting the environment and support the way of interpreting WTO legal rules in the common law style .

  8. 658m软岩普通法凿井井筒冻结修复关键技术

    The Key Technology of Freezing Repairing Shaft of the 658m Soft Rock Drilling Shaft

  9. 人身保护令(TheWritofHabeasCorpus)作为普通法古老的特权令状,是由法院向羁押者签发一份命令,要求羁押者将被羁押者提交法院以审查羁押的合法性。

    As an ancient privilege writ in the common law , the Writ of Habeas Corpus is a kind of order issued by the court requiring the detainee submitted to the court to review the legality of the custody .

  10. 普通法上主观轻率通过Cunningham案得以确立,客观轻率曾经对主观轻率进行过有力冲击,但随着2003年Gemmell&Richards案,主观轻率取得了绝对支配地位。

    Subjective reckless is formed through Cunningham case , objective reckless once conflicted with objective reckless , however , subjective reckless has been in the overwhelming position with the Gemmell & Richards case ( 2003 ) .

  11. 关于英国诱惑侦查的历史发展,介绍了从18世纪以来的两大发展阶段,重点阐述了1980年Sang案以后在制定法与普通法规制方面取得的长足进展。

    As to the development of inductive investigation in the United Kingdom , this part introduces the two important stages of development from the 18 ~ ( th ) Century , and makes a detailed introduction about the development of this approach since the Sang case in 1980 .

  12. 加快立井普通法施工速度的途径

    Ways of Raising Sinking Rate in Vertical Shaft with Conventional Method

  13. 《谢尔曼反托拉斯法》缘何使用普通法条款

    Political Intentions of Common Law items in the Sherman Antitrust Law

  14. 中世纪英国令状制度与普通法的发展

    English Writ System In Middle Ages and Development of Common Law

  15. 其法治观为:自由主义的、进化论的普通法法治观,是形式法治与实质法治相结合的模式。

    Liberalism ; integration of formal law and substantial law .

  16. 美国宪法的英国普通法渊源

    The American Constitution 's Origination of the English Common Law

  17. 美国反垄断立法的普通法基础

    On Common Law Basis of Antimonopoly Law Legislation of America

  18. 普通法是如何影响英国宪政的?

    How the common law affects the constitutionalism in England ?

  19. 普通法传统与违宪审查制度的形成

    Tradition of the Common Law and the Formation of the Constitution Review

  20. 其一是普通法传统体现的主体参与性。

    One is the subjective character that the common law tradition manifests .

  21. 它是构成普通法中的盗窃罪的必要条件。

    It was an essential of the common law crime of larceny .

  22. 第二种是重新审理程序,即根据普通法,以外国判决为依据在新加坡法院提起诉讼。

    The second is by suing on the judgment under common law .

  23. 此后,英国普通法开始移植非洲。

    Then , English common law begun to transplant Africa .

  24. 论普通法上的董事责任保险

    On D & O Liability InSurance in Common Law

  25. 普通法一直保护着个人的权利。

    The common law has always protected individual rights .

  26. 《普通法传统》是卢埃林三十多年学术生涯的凝结。

    The Common Law Tradition is the congelation of Llewellyn 's learning career .

  27. 19世纪南非又移植了英国普通法的概念、原则和程序。

    And English Concepts , rules and precedents had been grafted in 19th century .

  28. 论普通法上的禁止反言原则

    On the Doctrine of Estoppel in Common Law

  29. 婚姻法是适用于全体公民的普通法。

    The marriage law is a common law which is suitable for every citizen .

  30. 回归后,香港仍是普通法适用地区的一员。

    Since reunification , Hong Kong remains a member of the common law world .