- 网络Negative liberty;negative freedom;freedom from

Freedom is the self-realization of subject avoiding from interference and coercion , it is the unity of negative freedom and positive freedom .
Simultaneously , by comparative analysis he concludes that positive freedom is easier to fall into the opposite of freedom compared with negative freedom .
Individualism takes both negative liberty and the positive one as its prerequisite condition .
Liberty & Morality , Capacity and Market
Negative liberty has its evolutionary boundary .
The author holds that we must be autonomic not to prioritize negative liberty for value choice .
The political problems Berlin tries to solve are two concepts of negative liberty and positive liberty .
Negative liberty is not only worth defending , but also is upset because we live in a multi-value world .
Only combining negative liberty with the positive one containing individual autonomy , could we overcome the two extreme poles .
The contradiction between these two liberal theories is an important channel of having a deep research on the negative liberty .
Negative liberty is a core concept of liberalism , which is the liberalism we are referring to in general sense .
There are two main theories about the viewpoint of liberty in modern society : the active liberty and the passive liberty .
Many reasons lead to the conflictions between negative liberty and police executive power while the basic reason is their different natures .
Negative liberty is " freedom from " & freedom from constraint , freedom from being told what to do by others .
If there is only freedom from , without the development of our own capability , man will try any means to escape from freedom .
Green bridged the freedom and its moral concerns , the common social welfare , namely , by distinction of negative freedom from positive freedom .
Berlin was well-known for his thought about positive freedom and passive freedom , but he pays much attention to his own study about romanticism .
Wang Xiaobo shows his pursuit of " passive freedom " and wisdom based on the mental analyses of British & American empiricism in his essays .
Partial emphasis on negative liberty will lead to unrestrained aimless and irrational individual behavior , and an over strengthened positive liberty will be driven toward despotism .
What makes negative freedom different from positive freedom is that the former has defensive function that guarantees a person not to be enslaved by external forces .
This two liberty are easily fallen into their opposite , therefore Berlin warned that we should carefully guard against positive liberty , and maintenance of negative liberty .
Freedom concentrates on the relationship between the nation and the society . Effective market requires negative freedom , private autonomy and the society prior to the nation .
Between freedom to and freedom from , Fromm considered that freedom from is a condition of freedom to while freedom to is the aim of freedom from .
Republican freedom is different from the negative freedom and positive freedom that elucidated by Berlin , but a third freedom , which Pettit alleged the freedom as non-domination .
A positive significance in such a means is to conclude smoothly the legal values of the negative liberty , which is rather the ultimate end of this research .
Mr. Zhang thought that the negative freedom and the positive freedom do not have intense and the contradictory relations , on the contrary , they are intrinsic harmonious and inseparable .
The government the Almighty theory , the theory of negative liberty , limited government theory and cooperative governance theory , stakeholder theory and theoretical analysis of the game between the two .
The second chapter introduces the main elements of thinking in Berlin & utopian ideas of positive freedom and criticism , and his negative freedom and positive freedom of distinguished creative ideas .
After realizing their negative freedom , the characters in the novel use all kinds of mechanisms to get rid of their mental burdens , but all that they did were in vain .
Positive freedom and negative freedom coexist in the political life , and their fulfillment is sure to be restricted by some conditions which external objective factors , constitutions and systems , moralities and freedom itself .