
  • 网络Ordinary schools;regular school;common school
  1. 普通学校音乐教育审美范式的审视

    A Deep Insight into Music Education Aesthetic Paradigm in Common School

  2. 当前的普通学校音乐教育为一种审美范式所主宰。

    The present music education in common school is under the thumb of aesthetic paradigm .

  3. 这项政策旨在使有特殊需要的儿童融入普通学校。

    The policy is to integrate children with special needs into ordinary schools .

  4. 看看普通学校学生所得的SAT平均分,总分是800.

    Take a look at these SAT scores for an average school which are out of 800 , by the way .

  5. 在这里,拿最低SAT分的学生依旧比普通学校的尖子生聪明。

    Here , the students with the lowest SAT scores , are still smarter than the best students at an average school .

  6. 一位给Alexis做智商测试的医生说,她不能去普通学校上学,因为像她这样的高智商孩子,如果不和同样高智商的孩子在一起就会感到焦虑。

    One of the doctors who tested her said Alexis could never go to a normal school and that children with her level of intelligence often suffer from high anxiety unless they 're around similarly gifted boys and girls .

  7. 新泽西研究公司Mathematica经济学家斯泰茜・戴尔(StacyDale)在2004年与人合着了一篇论文,论文指出,被精英学校录取但最终就读相对普通学校的学生,他们在毕业后的收入与精英学校的毕业生旗鼓相当。

    Stacy Dale , an economist at Mathematica , a New Jersey research firm , co-wrote a paper in 2004 that found that students who were accepted to elite schools , but attended less selective schools , went on to earn just as much money as their elite counterparts .

  8. 认为我应该申请普通学校吗?

    Do you think I should apply to some safety schools ?

  9. 第三部分,普通学校&后来居上。

    The part three is medium school & the latecomers surpass the formers .

  10. 普通学校音乐课教学过程刍议&关注过程,也就是关注音乐

    A Remark on the Process of Teaching the Music Course in Ordinary Schools

  11. 中学生学习策略的发展在重点学校与普通学校之间存在极其显著的差异。

    There is a significant difference between key middle school and common middle school .

  12. 终身学习背景下的普通学校美术教育发展

    The Development of Art Education in Ordinary Schools in the Background of Lifelong Learning

  13. 它不像普通学校压力那麽大。

    It is2 less stressful than normal schools .

  14. 工读学校学生比普通学校学生表现出更多的攻击行为。

    The students in work-study correctional schools had more aggression than those in regular schools .

  15. 我们有个相当像样的普通学校的制度,但只是为一般婴儿的;

    We have a comparatively decent system of common schools , schools for infants only ;

  16. 普通学校的学生则主要依赖教师,被动接受教师的安排。

    Students in ordinary schools mainly depends on the teacher and passive accept the arrangements .

  17. 不是普通学校那种有趣但也不错

    Not like regular school fun but interesting

  18. 特殊学校校长的平均数高于普通学校校长。

    The average scores of special school principals are higher than those of ordinary schools principals .

  19. 而在我国,由于客观条件的限制,普通学校对随班就读学生的支持是不够完善的。

    In China , with limited resources , integrated schools cannot provide enough supports to special students .

  20. 这可以为远程教育的教学以及普通学校的网络教学提供很好的技术支持,并为网络学习理论以及个性化学习理论的研究提供了参考。

    This can provide good technical support to distance education teaching and network teaching in ordinary schools .

  21. 论20世纪早期我国的普通学校音乐教育观

    The Study of the Music Education Concept in Ordinary Schools in the Early 20th Century in Our Country

  22. 本研究为普通学校一线信息技术教师开展机器人教学提供了一定的参考。

    This study provides a certain reference for ordinary school information technology teachers to carry out robot teaching .

  23. 在当前条件下,我国大部分普通学校校本课程开发尚存在一系列问题,还未完全具备校本课程开发的必要条件。

    At present , there are a series of problems for most common schools to develop school-based curriculum .

  24. 大部分学校仍习惯普通学校的授课方式,缺乏实践技能培养意识。

    Most schools are still teaching methods used in ordinary schools , the lack of practical skills training awareness .

  25. 盲校直观教学在性质和数量上都与普通学校有很大区别。

    Object teaching in schools for the blind is quite different both qualitatively and quantitatively from that of regular schools .

  26. 高等音乐教育教师的培养目标,是培养合格的普通学校音乐教师。

    The cultivating aim of music teachers in higher education is to bring up eligible music teachers for common schools .

  27. 重点学校的学生比普通学校的学生日常推理更加倾向于使用数学推理。

    The logic in daily lives of students in point school inclines to mathematical logic morethan the students in common school .

  28. 从心理学的角度分析成人学员在心理上和学习活动中的特点,不难看出,成人学员与普通学校学生有很大不同。

    Through psychological analysis of adult students in mind and studying activities , we find great differences to common school students .

  29. 尽管如此,这一阶段的科学教育在中国教育发展史上却也具有非凡的意义&它使得中国的科学教育跳出了专业技术教育的窠臼而正式成为普通学校教育的一个重要组成部分。

    It caused the science education of China as a part of the general school education , but as special technology .

  30. 这一切都属于一所位于美国康涅狄格州纽海纹,伯纳特环境特色学校普通学校的一天。

    They are all part of a normal school day at Barnard Environmental Studies Magnet School in New Haven , Connecticut .