
  • 网络manifest curriculum;dominant curriculum;explicit curriculum;overt curriculum
  1. 学校课程按其形态载体可分为显性课程和潜在课程。

    School curriculum can be divided explicit curriculum and hidden curriculum according to their morphology carrier .

  2. 作为显性课程和正式课程,实践课程的开发必须遵循课程开发的一般模式和相关技术操作规程。

    As explicit curriculum and formal curriculum , development of practical curriculum must follow general pattern and technical operation procedure of curriculum development .

  3. 渗透人文科学教育:开设HPS(科学史、科学哲学、科学社会学)显性课程。应根据教学基本规律,结合教学实践,通过显性课程的建构和隐性课程的开发来培养师范生情感性素质。

    ( b ) combine literae humaniores with science in classroom ; ( c ) design HPS ( History 、 Philosophy and Sociology of Science ) curriculum . They can be cultivated by constructing main courses and developing miner courses , in line with regular instruction and practice .

  4. 论本科英语专业显性课程改革

    On the Reform of the Manifest Curriculum for Undergraduate English Majors

  5. 所谓两大类,即显性课程和隐性课程:显性课程指大学情境中以直接的、明显的方式呈现的课程,包括创业实践课程、活动课程和学科课程;

    Two kinds of curriculum are dominant curriculum and hidden curriculum ;

  6. 挖掘显性课程中潜在课程的作用;

    To excavate effect of the hidden course in the dominant course ;

  7. 论当前我国传统文化传承中的显性课程问题

    On the Marked Courses in the Passing on of Chinese Traditional Culture

  8. 体育隐性课程和显性课程的关系如何?

    The relationship between manifest curriculum and latent curriculum in physical education .

  9. 试论体育显性课程与隐性课程的关系

    On Dialectical Relation both Dominance and Recessive of Course of Physical Education

  10. 摘要隐性课程和显性课程是相对的。

    The hidden curriculum and the dominant curriculum are relative .

  11. 显性课程与隐性课程共同构成了学校课程的整体。

    Manifest curriculum and hidden curriculum make up the actual curriculum in schools ;

  12. 体育教学中显性课程和隐性课程与个体心理关系浅析

    Flat analysis on relationship of PE dominance course , concealment course and individual mentality

  13. 潜在课程与显性课程并非主从关系,显性课程的运作过程总是伴随潜在课程;

    The relationship between hidden and dominant courses isn 't that between the principle and subordinate .

  14. 体育课程可分为两部分:体育显性课程和体育隐蔽课程。

    Physical Education Curriculum can be divided into 2 parts : the Dominant and hidden part .

  15. 体育显性课程和隐性课程是现代体育课程理论研究的重要课题之一。

    The dominance and recessive of course is one of the important problems on modern physical education .

  16. 显性课程体系改革是教育改革的重要环节。

    The reform of the manifest curriculum is a key link in the whole educational reform system .

  17. 家庭历史课程资源中有显性课程资源和隐性课程资源。

    There are two course resources in the family history course resources , dominant course resources and recessive course resources .

  18. 隐性课程和显性课程一样,是高校体育教学的重要组成因素。

    Like the " explicit course ", the " implicit course " is an important factor of college physical education teaching .

  19. 应根据教学基本规律,结合教学实践,通过显性课程的建构和隐性课程的开发来培养师范生情感性素质。

    They can be cultivated by constructing main courses and developing miner courses , in line with regular instruction and practice .

  20. 根据课程的影响方式,我们可将其划分为显性课程与隐性课程。

    According to its action mode , curriculum can be classified under two types , i.e. manifest curriculum and latent curriculum .

  21. 隐性课程与显性课程一起构成了完整的实际课程体系,并对显性课程实施的效果有着重要的影响。

    Hidden curriculum , a necessary component of the complete curriculum system , plays an important role in carrying out manifest curriculum .

  22. 愿每一位思想政治教育工作者都能充分利用学校中的隐性课程,配合显性课程促进思想政治学科教学目标的实现。

    It is hoped that every teacher makes full use of the hidden curriculum , fulfilling the aims of the political course .

  23. 隐性课程是课程研究中的一个重要内容,是学校课程的重要组成部分,具有显性课程无法替代的作用。

    As an important part of education research and school curriculum , recessive course plays an important role in students ' all-round development .

  24. 站在建设和谐社会的高度,从课程理论的角度看,高校思想政治教育的显性课程与隐性课程的不和谐是大学生思想政治教育工作低效现象的根本原因。

    The inconformity between explicit curriculum and implicit curriculum is the basic cause that makes inefficient the ideological work in colleges and universities .

  25. 在高校教育中,历来重视显性课程的作用,而往往忽视了隐性课程的影响。

    In College education , the role of obvious curriculum has always been emphasized , but the effect of the hidden curriculum always been ignored .

  26. 我国的英语专业显性课程体系改革有进展,但还没有扬弃传统模式。

    China has made some progress in the reform of the manifest curriculum for undergraduate English majors , but is still confined by the traditional model .

  27. 隐性课程是整个课程系统中非常重要的一部分,它是与显性课程不同的一种特殊的课程。

    Hidden curriculum is an important part in the whole curriculum system , it is a special kind of curriculum that is different from explicit curriculum .

  28. 而在大学校园内,除了明确的、编制好了的正式课程或显性课程外,各种类型的隐性课程的全面育人功能不容忽视。

    In university campus , except the specific , prepared formal or dominant course , various types of hidden curriculum in comprehensive educational functions should not be overlooked .

  29. 体育隐蔽课程有助于调动学生的各种心理因素介入到体育显性课程的学习,促进学生对显性课程的顺利吸收,激发学生学习的积极性,提高体育课程目标的达成度;

    It arouses students ' various psychological elements in the study of non-hidden curriculum , develops students ' understanding of non-hidden curriculum and improves the students ' study interests ;

  30. 本部分侧重论述显性课程体系的建构,认为显性课程的内容是按照创造性人才所必备的素质来选择的。在此基础上,还对创造力课程的开设目标任务和基本原则进行了初步的探讨。

    This part puts particular emphasis on the construction of dominance course , thinking that the content of dominance course is to choose according to the necessary quality of talented person .