
  • Microscopic operation;microscope work
  1. 此外,AR作为虚拟显微镜操作介面的合适性亦已获得师生认同。

    In addition , the feasibility of AR as an interface for browsing virtual slides has been received unequivocal acceptance by the students as well as all instructors .

  2. 本款显微镜操作非常简单,价格非常便宜,品质有保证。

    Engineered for ease of operation , this quality microscope is a true bargain .

  3. 系统倾转样品是透射电子显微镜操作的一种重要实验技术。

    The systematic tilting method is an important operation technique of transmission electron microscope ( TEM ) .

  4. 引入电子目镜与视频窗口,替代了观察显微镜操作,通过自动调焦解决了测定过程中由于显微镜焦距变化而影响测值的准确性问题。

    By introduction of electronic eyepiece and video window to replace the operation of the observation microscope , by means of automatic focus adjustment to solve the problem of correctness of measured value influence by the variation of micro - scope focus in automatic measuring process .

  5. 由体材料制备纳米材料有很多方法,包括电子束光刻法,原子力显微镜操作,聚焦离子束抛光和激光直写法等,但是利用这些方法将体材料切片至纳米尺度仍存在一些问题。

    There are several methods used to build the nanoscale materials from the bulk which include e-beam lithography , AFM manipulation , focused ion beam milling , and direct laser writing . There are problems associated with these methods in reducing the bulk materials to the nano level .

  6. 实验动物为SPF级近交系小鼠,在放大16倍手术显微镜下操作,乙醚吸入、2%水合卤醛腹腔注射麻醉。

    SPF mice were used as recipients and donors in the experiments . 2 % Chloral Hydrate was used as the anaesthetic . Surgical procedures was performed under 16 × magnification .

  7. 结论万倍显微镜具有操作简单,监测范围广、检出率高、费用低等优点,适用于性病门诊对性传播疾病的快速准确诊断。

    Conclusion CMOS microscope are suitable for rapid and accurate diagnosis of STD.

  8. 由于在显微镜下操作,手术安全可靠。

    Under the microscope , operation is safety .

  9. 论文通过纳米刻画、压印及推动等实验,证实了该原子力显微镜纳米操作系统的有效性。

    The dissertation conducts various experiments including nano-imprint , indentation and manipulation to prove its validity .

  10. 因此,工作重点是为原子力显微镜纳米操作系统设计一个可靠的、稳定的无线通信系统。

    So , this thesis focuses on designing a reliable , stable wireless communication system for the atomic force microscope nano operating system .

  11. 原子力显微镜成像与纳米操作控制的研究

    Research on Control of AFM Based Nano-Imaging and Nano-Manipulation

  12. 结论:显微镜直接计数方法操作较烦琐,重复性稍差。

    Conclusion : It was a heavy and complicated work for the microscopic counting method and the result was not very precise .

  13. 而且内镜对于神经外科医生来说,不仅视野与显微镜不同,而且操作时也不固定,随着器械的进出鼻道随时变化,使初学者难以适应。

    Moreover endoscopy for the neurosurgeons is a different field of vision , the microscope and the operations are not fixed as the instruments out of the nasal passages are subject to change and is difficult to adapt for beginners .

  14. 方法:1.解剖显微镜下,无菌操作分离获取豚鼠耳蜗血管纹组织,经Ⅰ型胶原酶消化后接种培养,反复多次刮除杂细胞并使用内皮细胞条件培养液对所培养的内皮细胞进行纯化。

    Methods : 1 . Aseptically , the cochlear stria vascularis was acquired from normal guinea pigs with micradissection and the endothelial cells were isolated by Collagenase ⅰ digestion . Then , they were cultured and purified by using conditioned medium and mechanical curettement .

  15. 有时移动位移精度需要微米级,甚至纳米级,操作熟练的工人在显微镜下完成这种操作也需要花费很多的时间,容易产生疲劳,导致效率低和成功率低。

    Sometimes the accuracy of the moving displacement needs to be micro-grade and even nano-grade , manipulation will spend the skilled operator much time when working under microscope , they are easily to fatigue and that will lead to the low efficiency and low success rate .

  16. 本文着重对数字显微镜所需的软件技术进行了研究,并结合实际应用,对现有技术的缺点进行了改进,开发出完整的数字显微镜操作平台。

    This paper focuses on research of software technology for the digital microscope .