
xīng hé
  • galaxy;the Milky Way
星河 [xīng hé]
  • [galaxy;Milky Way] 指银河

星河[xīng hé]
  1. 我坐起来,望着窗外闪烁的星河,那寂静的星河隐藏着热情的火焰。不知此时此刻,她是否在做着相同的梦。

    I sat up and saw the glow of the Milky Way above my window , like a world of silence on fire , and I wondered if at this moment she had a dream that rhymed with mine .

  2. 福田中心区两大购物广场&星河COCOPARK和怡景中心城最近在租户调整中均成功为区内引入了新品牌。

    COCO PARK and Yijing Central Walk , two major shopping centres in Futian CBD , recently introduced new retail brands to the area .

  3. 星河证券的一名分析师郝达明计算出两种导致CPI增长的力量。

    Hao Daming , an analyst with Galaxy Securities , figures out two of the driving forces for the CPI growth .

  4. TVB8和TVB星河透过卫星讯号将栏目发送至亚洲、美洲、欧洲、非洲及澳洲等地。

    The satellite-transmitted programming of TVB8 and TVB Xing He is available to viewers in Asia , America , Europe , Africa and Australia .

  5. 在风雨飘摇中发展的星河电力公司

    The Developing Star River Power Company Walking with Difficulty

  6. 星河公司军转民发展战略研究

    Study on the Developing Strategy of Xinghe Ltd

  7. 如果说你是遥远的星河

    Far away you 're the galaxy from space

  8. 乐山星河电力综合开发有限公司员工激励机制研究

    Research of Motivational Mechanism of Staff for Leshan Xinghe Electric Power Comprehensive Development Limited Company

  9. 大炮有一半的标准处罚重型武器的使用时,星河对小目标。

    Cannons have half standard penalties for heavy starship weaponry when used against small targets .

  10. 空间推进:在星河没有一个有效的最高速度是有限的,但加速。

    Space Propulsion : The starship does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration .

  11. 高端住区规划与设计&深圳星河丹堤案例研究

    Planning and Design for High-end Communities under New Policy : Case Study of the Galaxy Dante in Shenzhen

  12. 在美国族裔文学的灿烂星河中,华裔文学可谓是后起之秀,近一、二十年来大放异彩,而其中华裔女性文学更是光彩夺目。

    Chinese American literature , like a new star , has shone more brightly than the other ethnic literatures .

  13. 星河国际酒店项目深基坑监测工程实录

    A Case History of Construction Monitoring For the Deep Excavation of A Foundation Pit of the Xinghe International Hotel Project

  14. 在我们的银河系,就这个星河,已经有超过一百亿颗星!

    In our Milky way , this galaxy , there are over one hundred billion stars , just in our galaxy !

  15. 星河和恒星如此分布注定要触发宇宙中各种元素的创生。

    The distribution of galaxies and stars , it set to motion the creation of elements that we see in the universe .

  16. 通过对地杰国际城及星河世纪城项目结构设计的回顾与体会,对如何在设计中合理控制工程造价进行了探讨。

    The article discusses how to control the overall engineering cost in design when reviewing Dijie International City and Xinghe Century City projects .

  17. 所以在演唱会当中,阿梅特别感谢主办机构星娱乐公司、星河娱乐有限公司和张向荣总裁不懈的努力。

    So during the concert , she gave special thanks to the organizers and their managing director , Cheung Shang Wing for their help .

  18. 近日,深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店在《新旅行》杂志举办了2010年度高端酒店评选中荣获年度“最佳商务酒店”大奖。

    Recently , the Ritz-Carlton , Shenzhen won the Best Business Hotel Award in the2010 Voyage Hotel & Resort Awards , which was held by Voyage .

  19. 我时而把目光放逐在星河间,时而颔首叩问心灵,任凭记忆的潮水自远方汩汩奔涌而至。

    I have sometimes banished in the galaxy between the eyes , sometimes nod Inquiry mind , let the memory of turning the tide rushes from afar and to the .

  20. 大爆炸以后的140亿年里,包罗万象的星河创生了,它囊括了无数的恒星,行星以及卫星。宇宙还在不停地膨胀。

    In the 14 billion years since the Big Bang , galaxies have been created , filled with stars , planets , and moons , and the universe has been expanding the whole time .

  21. 随着在过去两年多时间里的中国五家新酒店陆续开业和深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店的开业,进一步证明了丽思卡尔顿在中国的非凡发展历程。

    The opening of this hotel further demonstrates the exceptional brand growth of The Ritz-Carlton in China , with five new luxury hotels having opened in the space of slightly more than two years .

  22. 只是依稀记得,在星河灿烂的夏季夜晚,年轻的父亲会搬上一张宽宽的竹床,放到我们家院子里的葡萄架下,然后我们就坐在那里乘凉。

    Only vaguely remember , in the summer of Xinghe brilliant night , the young father will onto a broad , put our house under yard , and then we sat there on the shade .

  23. 倘若一个人对一朵花情有独钟,而那花在浩瀚的星河中,是独一无二的,那么,他只要仰望繁星点点,就心满意足了。

    If someone loves a flower , of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars , it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars .

  24. 万有引力塑造了宇宙。如果引力弱于其本身,宇宙内一切物质就会快速飞散,因此无法形成星河,宇宙也就变得毫无新意,单调乏味。

    Gravity has shaped our universe , or if gravity was weaker than it is , we would have a very boring universe , in which everything would be flying apart so fast that there 'll be no galaxies forming .

  25. 他会喃喃自语:“我的花就在星河的某个角落……”可是,这花一旦被羊吃掉了,一瞬间,所有星星都将随之黯淡无光……那你也认为这不重要吗?

    He can say to himself , " Somewhere , my flower is there ... " But if the sheep eats the flower , in one moment all his stars will be darkened ... And you think that is not important !

  26. 银河(我总想称其为“星河”)里有许多颗地球的姊妹星球,大家都围绕着同一个轴心旋转,而这个轴心又在向某个我不知道的地方移动。

    The Milky Way , which I have always wanted to spell " w-h-e-y , " is composed of our brothers and sisters , and we are all moving around a central hub . And the hub is moving toward some place , I don 't know where .