- a fatuous and self-indulgent ruler

[a fatuous and self-indulgent ruler] 昏乱的君王
A fatuous and self-indulgent ruler wouldn 't spend much time reading and replying to memorials .
He is notorious for being a foolish emperor .
The licentious monarch helped bring about his country 's downfall .
King Zhou , the last king of the Shang Dynasty , is a fatuous and self-indulgent King .
The current reigning emperor is fatuous and self-indulgent , he just hunts in the hunting enclosure every day .
When Qu Yuan was alive , he met a bad King . So , he had to commit suicide .
Absent in the current craze , however , are the more inconvenient Confucian teachings that sanction political dissent and the duty of intellectuals to criticise or even oust bad rulers .
However , the country 's corrupt figurehead , President Snow , doesn 't take kindly to being outwitted , and his latest scheme is to pit the survivors of previous Hunger Games against one another .
Shao Kang9s Restoration of Xia : Hou Yi was a fatuous ruler , too . The minister Hanzhuo took over power and killed him as well as his family members . Then , Hanzhuo ordered his son Jiao to kill Hou Xiang , who was taking refuge with the Zhenguan and Zhenxun clans .