
  • 网络Star power;Celebrity;Star Effect;Celebrity Effect
  1. 与此形成鲜明的对比的是,NBA和跆拳道等域外体育却借助明星效应和现代传媒在中国大行其道。

    Contrast to Chinese Wushu , some foreign sports such as NBA and taekwondo are popular in China with star effect and modern media .

  2. 善用明星效应,开展慈善活动。

    Use the star effect , to carry out charitable activities .

  3. 国大党推举的候选人则有明星效应。

    The GNP 's presumed candidate has star value .

  4. 体育明星效应对中学生认识体育和锻炼行为的影响

    Influence of Sports Stars on the Physical View and Training of Middle School Students

  5. 为了取得明星效应,服装设计师先定了几个名模作时装表演

    For star appeal , the fashion designer cast her runway with some famous models

  6. 由于可可的明星效应,开店第一天网店的营业额就达到了13万元。

    The star effect brought him 130000 yuan in sales on the first day .

  7. 其实想弄博客还有个原因,明星效应。

    In fact , think there are reasons to open blog , star effect .

  8. 明星效应影响到你多少?

    How much the star power influenced you ?

  9. 全国排球联赛明星效应现状及其价值分析

    Analysis on Current Situation of Star Effect and Its Value of China Volleyball League Match

  10. 建筑师与明星效应

    Architect and Star Effect

  11. 另一方面,克林顿夫人天资聪颖,工作非常努力,而且具有不容质疑的明星效应。

    On the other hand , Mrs Clinton is intelligent and formidably hard-working and has undoubted star power .

  12. 欧盟不是唯一倾向于具有明星效应之人而非默默无闻的专业管理者的机构。

    THE European Union is not the only institution that prefers faceless technocrats to people with star power .

  13. 第二,自制偶像剧的明星效应可以诱发植入式广告的受众产生模仿和购买行为。

    Second , star effect of homemade idol TV series can lead audiences to imitate and produce purchase behaviors .

  14. 调查结果还显示,香港位列第二名,因其明星效应,重庆位列第三,因其山城美女。

    Runner up Chinese cities included Hong Kong , for its star power , and Chongqing , for its beautiful women .

  15. 她的明星效应以及她愿意出席相对冷门的国际会议是全球舞台上的一项重要资产。

    Her star power was an important asset on the global stage as was her tendency to show up at relatively obscure international gatherings .

  16. 运用问卷调查、数据统计等方法,了解体育明星效应对中学生认识体育和锻炼行为的影响。

    This paper adopts the methods of questionnaire and statistics to study the influence of sports stars on the physical view and training of middle school students .

  17. 随着全球主义、明星效应和大众时尚的普及,我们需要这种厚度,否则就和别的品牌没差别了。

    More and more with globalism , celebrity and mass fashion , you need this weight and substance , or you turn into any other brand . '

  18. 长尾效应和明星效应代表了消费者不同需求的体现,意味着对消费者不同需求的把握,可以启发企业选择适合的商业策略,受到行业研究者、学者和企业的重视。

    Long tail effect and Superstar effect reflect different needs of consumers , which can inspire enterprises to choose the right business strategy to dig into these needs .

  19. 通过利用明星效应、评奖机制和以命名行为广而告之,文化大散文成为一个被精心打造的出版品牌。

    By using the star effect , the mechanism of awarding rules and nomenclative behaviors , the " Culture Prose " has been created as a famous publisher brand .

  20. 高校大学生心智刚刚成熟,是明星效应作用最广泛,影响最深远的群体,往往是追星一族中的主力军。

    College students mental just mature , star effect is the most widely , the most far-reaching , often is the main force in the make track for a star clan .

  21. 然则,明星效应羽翼下的虚假广告一旦泛滥成灾,对消费者乃至对整个社会的危害尤为祸烈。

    However ," celebrity effect " under the wing of false advertising to consumers once the disaster caused by flooding water , and even the whole social harm is particularly evil fierce .

  22. 在共和党草根阶层她非常受欢迎,并作为可能2012的总统候选人被提及,她陷入了一系列的道德丑闻中去,使她明星效应黯然失色。

    A popular figure with the Republican grassroots and mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in2012 , she has become ensnared in a series of ethics scandals that have dimmed her star appeal .

  23. 如今,球员们和他们的经纪人都意识到球员对俱乐部的价值,这不局限于球场上的表现,还体现在给俱乐部带来的明星效应上。

    Nowadays players and their agents are very aware of their value to clubs , not just for their performances on the pitch , but for the star quality they bring to their club 's brand .

  24. 近年来,广告主利用广告宣传商品与服务的趋势有增无减,且倾向于利用明星效应,聘请名人作为商品或服务的代言人。

    In recent years , advertisements advocate the use of advertising and merchandise and service trend unabated , and tend to use the " celebrity effect ", hired as a celebrity spokesperson for goods or services .

  25. 随着中国富人阶层和中产阶级数量的扩大,以及明星效应的增强,人们越来越注重自己的容貌,并竭尽全力地改善它。

    As the wealthy and middle-class segments of the Chinese population expand - and as celebrity culture takes an even firmer hold - people are becoming more conscious of their looks and are willing to go to great lengths to enhance them .

  26. 第二部分理论依据及文献综述,这是本文的理论依据,论述了赢家通吃理论、明星效应理论以及国内外关于高管薪酬过高研究的成果。

    The second chapter describes the relative theories and document summarize , provides theories of Winner Takes All and Superstar Effect , and also illustrates an overview of the domestic and overseas scholars ' researches on the grows of the executive pay .

  27. 在今年的电视节目中,之前成功作品的一些特征,比如华服、针对女性观众、依赖明星效应,还将在今年的作品中延续。而都市剧情剧将继续依赖已有的庞大观众人群。

    Looking at this year 's TV lineup it looks like characteristics of previous successful shows , such as beautiful costumes , shows targeting female viewers and a reliance on star power , are expected to continue in this year 's productions , while urban dramas will continue to build upon their already huge audience bases .

  28. 我们要做的只是打动观众,而这不是仅仅依靠明星扎堆效应就能办到的。

    They simply need to make audience members feel good . And throwing a bunch of stars on the screen doesn ` t always do that .

  29. 新进组合短期内表现较好表现的可能合理解释是:由于明星基金具有明星效应且新进组合在报表公布前短期内的较好表现,导致投资者的追涨。

    A reasonable explanation why entering portfolio performs better in the short term is : Star Fund have Star effect and the performance of entering portfolios before the reports come out is good .

  30. 首先,分别从基金家族和基金个体层面分析了资金流与基金评级的关系,验证了明星基金的明星效应与溢出效应的存在性。

    Firstly , We analyzes the relationship between the cash flow and fund rating from the fund family and fund individual level respectively , proving the existence of the star effect and spillover effect for star funds .