
  • 网络Time tunnel;Spatio-temporal tunnel;tunnel
  1. 从此忘记什么是爱情,让爱情埋葬在时空隧道里。

    From what is love , forget the time tunnel buried in love .

  2. 虚拟社区与虚拟时空隧道

    Virtual Communities and Virtual Time Tunnel

  3. 倒错的时空隧道荒诞的语篇世界&《阿丽思游记》中的指称系统

    Subversive Space-time and Absurd Text World : Deictic Representation in Alice Books

  4. 艺术,跳跃在时空隧道的精灵

    Art , eidolon leaping in the channel of time

  5. 不存在时空隧道。

    There is no time tunnel .

  6. 《人鬼情未了》:爱可以穿越时空隧道而与日月争辉。

    Ghost : love will travel through the time tunnel to shine like the sun and moon .

  7. 这里是时空隧道,我们将走入总体规划展区。

    This is the time tunnel , and we are walking into the exhibition area of overall planning .

  8. 虫洞是一种通过时空隧道的结构,而且大多数是由外星生命创造

    A wormhole is a tunnel through the structure of space , and most are created by alien life

  9. 在这里,你如同穿越时空隧道,重返古老的经典奢华之地。

    Here , you , like passing through the time tunnel , return to the old luxurious place of classics .

  10. 对鹿石的研究就像是开凿了一条时空隧道,去探寻独具特色的游牧民族的文化、艺术。

    The research of Deer Stone resembles excavation of a time tunnel so as to trace those distinctive cultures and arts of nomadic peoples .

  11. 一数额巨大的能量会产生一巨大数量的引力,它可以“扭曲”空间,形成两个光锥以一时空隧道相互关联,那里物质能通过。

    A huge amount of energy would produce a huge amount of gravitation that could " bend " the space , forming two light cones interconnected by a space-time tunnel where matter could pass .

  12. 参观者可通过影像时空隧道游览四五千年前的古印度、中世纪印度和现代印度,感受印度丰富的传统文化、多样化的宗教信仰、传统与现代科技的发展、城市和农村的融合。

    Revolving around a journey of Indian cities from ancient times through medieval periods to modern India , the pavilion showcases India 's rich cultural heritage , its diversity of faith , culture and language , traditional and modern technological development and urban-rural interface .

  13. 塞尔达传说系列打造了许多经典游戏,例如著名的“塞尔达传说:时空隧道”、“塞尔达传说:黄昏的公主”以及最受欢迎的“塞尔达传说:时之笛”。

    The Legend of Zelda series has produced many great games , with notable mentions to ' The Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past , " ' The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess " and the hugely popular ' The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time . "

  14. 穿越时空的隧道,无数的生命在流逝。

    There are countless lives passing away in the tunnel .

  15. 穿越时空的隧道&浅析弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫在《达罗威夫人》中的时间意识

    Traversing the Tunnel of Time and Space : The Time Consciousness of Virginia Woolf in Mrs Dalloway

  16. 当我们走进草舍,才发现我们有如进入了时空的隧道。

    Coming into this small cottage , it seems as though we have traveled through a time tunnel into another era .

  17. 考虑时空效应的隧道工程黏弹性位移反分析

    Elastic-Visco Displacement Back Analysis in Tunnel Engineering Considering Temporal-Spatial Effects

  18. 本人在前人研究的基础上,采用理论分析与数值模拟相结合的研究方法,对基于隧道开挖、岩石蠕变等时空效应的隧道衬砌塑性损伤机理进行了较为系统和深入的研究。

    I am on the basis of previous studies , do the research with the way of the theoretical analysis and the simulation into the plastic damage theory on the condition of temporal and spatial effects .

  19. 该对撞机能够凭借自身史上最长的27公里环形线圈,扰乱时空秩序,从而制造出人们常说的时空隧道“虫洞”。

    The LHC is capable of distorting space and time in its27-kilometer ring circuit , the largest in the world , and generate a wormhole , a space-time tunnel that leads to another time or space .