
rì fú shè
  • solar radiation
  1. 智能化日辐射记录仪和双CPU智能仪表设计

    Intelligent Solar Radiation Recorder and Design of Double CPU Intelligent Instrument

  2. 日辐射量主要通过改变环境温度而间接影响糊化度。

    Solar radiation has changed environmental temperature for influence rice gelatinized indirectly .

  3. 如水平面上月平均日辐射通量已知,利用Liu和Jordan提出的方法,可以计算出任何平面上的辐射通量。

    Using the way by Liu and Jordan , the radiation at any surface , including direc and diffuse , can be estimated if the monthly average daily radiation on a horizonta surface is known .

  4. 基于数字高程模型的漳浦样区太阳天文日辐射模拟

    The simulation of Clear-Day solar radiation based on DEM in Zhangpu

  5. 南宁市太阳能日辐射估算方法探讨

    The Discussion For Nanning Solar Energy Daily Radiation Estimate Method

  6. 变截面箱梁悬臂施工中,日辐射对悬臂端挠度影响较大,因此梁底线形控制需要考虑日辐射影响。

    For the good line shape of the bridge , the influence of the solar radiation should be considered .

  7. 在实桥观测与实验研究的基础上,论证了大气变温对混凝土箱梁的作用,探讨了混凝土箱梁在日辐射作用下所产生的温度场及其影响。

    On the basis of the measures and experiments on a bridge , the effect of the air temperature change on concrete box girders , the temperature under sun radiation and its influence on concrete box girders are discussed .

  8. 现行计算水平面太阳日辐射主要有两种方式:一种是利用影响辐射的相关要素建立模型,另一种是依据实测资料进行空间插值。

    Currently , there are two methods to calculate daily solar radiation on horizontal level , one utilizes the relative element that influence the solar radiance to establish the model , another uses spatial interpolation method that relied on the observed data .

  9. 数值敏感分析表明:O3浓度和辐射同步变化时,随着日总辐射量的加大,臭氧浓度增加对光合作用的影响程度逐渐加强。

    When the O 3 concentration and daily radiation changed synchronously , the impact of O 3 on photosynthesis becomes more intense as daily radiation increasing .

  10. 该文建立了北京地区日总辐射的组合模型:确定性模型+随机模型。

    Combination model of daily global radiation of Beijing is established .

  11. 日总辐射及逐时辐射模型的适用性分析

    Applied Analysis on the Model of Global Solar Radiation and Hourly Solar Radiation

  12. 日平均辐射量在冬季增高,而在其他三季下降。

    Daily average radiation increased in winter season and decreased in other three seasons .

  13. 太阳辐射采用了两种方法:模拟计算逐日逐时的太阳辐射和气象站获取的日总辐射资料;

    There are two ways to get radiation : data from weather station and reckon from formula .

  14. 本文着重论述了日总辐射模型以及利用日总辐射生成为逐时辐射的计算模型。

    This dissertation discussed the method of typical meteorological year , global solar radiation model and hourly solar radiation model .

  15. 利用气象学、天文学和农业气象学知识建立了用日总辐射量反演辐射日变化过程来推算玉米冠层光分布状况的农业气象模型。

    An agrometeorological model simulating the radiation change within canopy during a day based on agrometeorological knowledge was established in this paper .

  16. 1987年5月19日太阳微波辐射的谐波结构

    Harmonic Structures of Solar Microwave Radiation on May 19,1987

  17. 并利用辐射传输模式,将瞬时直接辐射强迫转化为日平均直接辐射强迫。

    And through scaling factor , instantaneous aerosol direct forcing is converted to diurnally averaged values .

  18. 但在日尺度上,辐射的作用可以不计。

    But for day timescale , the effect of radiation can be neglected .

  19. 在对回归模型进行时间推广的过程中,根据梯形积分的思想,提出了通过计算总辐射月平均日总量求得总辐射月总量的方法。

    When we extend this regression model to time-base , according to the theory of trapeziform integral , we calculate monthly total of the gross solar radiant energy by calculating the average daily total of the gross solar radiant energy in a month .

  20. 棵间土壤蒸发与总辐射、气温、饱和水汽压差等气象因子呈指数正相关关系,而植株日茎流量与日总辐射呈线性正相关,与空气饱和水汽压差呈对数正相关关系。

    It was showed that a positive exponential correlation existed between soil evaporation and meteorological factors such as solar radiation , air temperature and vapor pressure difference . Daily sap flow rate had a positive linear correlation with daily solar radiation , and a logarithm relationship with vapor pressure difference .

  21. 辽东栎生长季内(5-10月)单株日蒸腾耗水量分别与日总太阳辐射和日均白天空气水气压亏缺进行指数饱和曲线拟合,拟合效果较好。

    Daily whole-tree transpiration throughout the growing season ( May to October ) could be well fitted to the corresponding daily total solar radiation and average daytime air vapor pressure deficit using exponential saturation functions .

  22. 主分量分析和偏相关分析表明,影响树干径向生长的气象因子可划分为3类,其中日降雨量、日最低气温、日平均太阳辐射和日平均空气饱和差是影响树干径向生长的主要因子。

    Principle Component Analysis and Partial Correlation Analysis indicated that the meteorological factors could be classified into three groups , and daily precipitation , minimum daily temperature , average daily solar radiation and average daily vapor pressure deficit were four significant factors to determine daily stem growth .

  23. 结果表明:晴天、少云、多云和阴雨天沥青下垫面的日最高温度主要与日最高气温、日太阳总辐射和日平均风速相关;

    Results show that the maximum temperature of asphalt underlying surface is mainly related to daily maximum air temperature , daily total solar radiation and daily average wind velocities ;

  24. 利用能耗模拟软件计算了青岛地区一栋建筑的供暖季日总负荷和典型日逐时负荷;根据太阳辐射的规律,得出了青岛地区典型日太阳辐射量的逐时变化。

    The daily heat load and hourly heating load of building of Qingdao in heating season is conducted with the usage of DeST-H energy consumption simulation software . The typical day hourly value of solar radiation of Qingdao is calculated based on the solar radiation law .