
  • 网络Day Master
  1. 土豆是一日主餐的重要组成部分。

    Potatoes form an important constituent of the main meal of the day .

  2. 你会不会告诉他们,我们是切望基督快些再来,到那日主便在全地作王?

    Would you say that we are telling God that we are longing for the time when Christ shall rule over all the world ?

  3. 因为人子是安息日的主。

    For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day .

  4. 所以人子也是安息日的主。

    So that the son of man is Lord even of the sabbath .

  5. 路六5他又对他们说,人子是安息日的主。

    5 and he said to them , the son of man is Lord of the sabbath .

  6. 又对他们说、人子是安息日的主。

    And he said unto them , that the son of man is Lord also of the sabbath .

  7. 好戏连台,高潮迭起,尽在2010世界旅游日全球主会场庆典暨中国广东国际旅游文化节!

    There are many wonderful and exciting things waiting for you on2010 World Tourism Day Global Celebration & China Guangdong International Tourism and Culture Festival .

  8. 我在患难之日寻求主。我在夜间不住地举手祷告。

    When I was in distress , I sought the Lord ; at night I stretched out untiring hands and my soul refused to be comforted .

  9. 银行参与公司治理的方式,可借鉴德日的主银行治理模式,构建我国的银行持股制度,银行董事与监事制度。

    While by learning from German and Japanese banking governing pattern , bank participating corporate governance help construct Chinese banking holding system , banking board and supervising system .

  10. 3月9日,机主冯凌凌、他的妻子以及5岁的女儿很早就上床睡觉了。

    Feng Lingling , his wife and 5 year old daughter went to bed early on the 9th of March .

  11. 以色列人出埃及国后第二年二月一日,上主在西乃旷野于会幕内训示梅瑟说。

    And the Lord spoke to Moses in the desert of Sinai in the tabernacle of the covenant , the first day of the second month , the second year of their going out of Egypt , saying .

  12. 北京市体育局局长孙学才日前在主论坛上表示,北京市将大力推动青少年冰雪运动发展,保证中小学生每周至少有一小时的冰雪运动健身活动。

    Sun Xuecai , director of the Beijing Sports Bureau , said at the expo that Beijing would push the development of youth ice-snow sports , making sure young students have at least one hour to practice the sports every week .

  13. 蒲城1、2号机组自2001年10月19日以来,主油泵齿轮断齿5次,主齿轮断齿3次,严重危害机组的安全稳定运行。

    The No. 1,2 turboset in Pucheng from October 19,2001 , its main oil pump gear has been broken for 5 times and the main gear has broken for 3 times . These had harmed the safety and stability of the turboset .

  14. 今年6月1日,全国进入主汛期。

    The major flood season in China arrived this year on June 1 .

  15. 中日两国私营企业主的诞生与成长比较

    A Comparative Study of the Birth and Growth of Private Business Owners Of China and Japan

  16. 通过小波分析得到上海地区雷暴日年变化的主周期约为6年。

    It is also shown that the dominant period of the annual thunderstorm variations is about 6 years in Shanghai .

  17. 6日,英格兰队主教练埃里克森现身阿森纳队位于北伦敦的科尔尼训练基地,并同阿森纳队主教练温格共进午餐。

    Sven-Goran Eriksson was at Arsenal 's London Colney training ground on Saturday and had lunch with Ars è ne Wenger .

  18. 这位法国教头是在2014年2月28日成为国家队主教练的,在今年3月份合同到期之间,他的中国国家队执教之路走到了尽头。

    The Frenchman took over the coach position on February 28 , 2014 . His termination comes before his contract ends in March .

  19. 在11-11-11之日,【亚特兰蒂斯主水晶】将在【多维层面上互联的晶状漩涡中的水晶】的首次苏醒下更大程度地激活。

    On the11-11-11 the Atlantean Master Crystals will further activate with the initial awakening of the Crystal of Multidimensional Communication in the Crystal Vortex .