
  1. 日本工业产量增长了2%。

    Japan 's industrial output increased by 2 %

  2. 标准化工作的第一份提案会提交给日本工业标准委员会(JapaneseIndustrialStandardsCommittee),下一步再提交给ISO,使之成为国际标准。

    The first proposal for standardization will be to the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee and in a further step to the ISO , to become an international standard .

  3. 昨日有迹象显示,日本工业领域的增长速度远强于预期,引发市场预测日本央行(BoJ)将于近期内上调利率,甚至可能就在下个月。

    Signs that Japanese industry is growing much stronger than expected raised market expectations yesterday that the Bank of Japan would increase interest rates , possibly next month .

  4. 根据日本工业设计网站Core77的报道,如果ALECo得以实施这一计划,这场人造流星雨在东京以外的地区都可以看到,观察半径达到100公里。

    According to a report at industrial design site Core 77 , if ALE Co. has its way , this amazing concept would result in the human-made shooting stars being visible from well outside of Tokyo too , with the next-level pyrotechnics expected to be viewable from up to 100 kilometres away from the city .

  5. 日本工业高专教育的现状及发展

    The status and development of industrial college education in Japan

  6. 更高的电价还会把更多的日本工业“推向”国外。

    Higher prices still could nudge more Japanese industry abroad .

  7. 正是这种努力的付出才换来了日本工业令人难以置信的发展。

    It 's hard work to gain incredible growth of Japanese industry .

  8. 日本工业地域的城市生成力与类型

    Industry formative dint and type of the cities in Japanese industrial region

  9. 很多传统住宅在日本工业革命期间被拆毁。

    Many ofthe original houses were torn down during Japan 's industrial revolution .

  10. 第二,日本工业遭受的打击可能没有想象中那么严重。

    Second , Japanese industry may not be suffering as much as feared .

  11. 日本工业用发动机最新排放对策

    The Latest Emission Control Strategy for Japanese Industrial Engines

  12. 日本工业发展与科技政策

    Japanese Industrial Development and policies for science and technology

  13. 明治维新对日本工业设计的影响

    On the Meiji Reformation and Japanese Industrial Design

  14. 论日本工业近代化的历史进程

    The Course of History of Japanese Industrial Modernization

  15. 日本工业废水的现状和今后的课题

    Current Situation of Industrial Wastewater in Japan

  16. 日本工业制成品进口增加及我扩大对日本出口问题

    Japan s imports of manufactured goods

  17. 同时,对国际标准分类法,中国标准分类法,日本工业标准分类法也作了简要的说明。

    International standards classification , China standards classification and Japanese industrial standards classification were presented briefly .

  18. 介绍日本工业用发动机为满足日本国内非道路车辆废气排放(工业用发动机废气排放三次标准,简称日国三标准)所采取的新技术。

    The new technology Japan used to meet the latest off-highway engines ′ emission standard is introduced .

  19. 而日本工业起步较早,其汽车工业与零部件入厂物流已经十分成熟。

    While Japanese industrial start earlier , its car industry and automobile part inbound logistics are very mature .

  20. 日本工业已经在抱怨,它们支付的电价是中国和韩国竞争对手的两倍。

    Japanese industry already complains it pays twice as much for energy as competitors in China and South Korea .

  21. 10月份,日本工业产出环比增长1.4%,是自1月份出现4.1%的增幅以来增长最快的一次。

    Industrial production expanded 1.4 per cent month-on-month in October , the quickest pace since a 4.1 per cent rise in January .

  22. 尽管此前两个月出现复苏,日本工业产出仍比2008年5月下降了29.5%。

    In spite of two previous months of recovery , industrial production was still down 29.5 per cent compared with May 2008 .

  23. 当中国的稀土出口限制影响到日本工业界时,其它稀土矿产地在逐渐填补这一缺口。

    As Japanese industries reel from Chinese export restrictions on rare earth metals , alternative sources are moving in to fill the gap .

  24. 尽管自2月份以来,日本工业产值持续增长,但6月份的数据仍比去年同期下降了23%。

    Despite the growth since February , industrial production in June was still down 23 per cent compared with the same month of 2008 .

  25. 灾后,日本工业产值呈现迄今最大跌幅,而由于消费和营商信心下挫,消费也暴跌。

    In the aftermath of the disasters , industrial output saw its biggest-ever fall and spending plunged as consumer and business confidence took a tumble .

  26. 明治维新为日本工业设计提供了物质基础、技术支持、经济发展动力和高国民素质保证。

    The Meiji Reformation provided material foundation , technological support , drive force for economic development and high quality of citizens for Japanese industrial design .

  27. 其对西方资本主义文化与自身传统文化采取兼容并蓄、创新发展的方针,确保了日本工业设计的鲜明特征。

    The combination of Western capitalist culture and its own traditional culture and the policy of creative development guarantee the distinct characteristics of Japanese industrial design .

  28. 这个地区旨在减少亚洲制造业工作岗位的损失,制造业工作的减少正挖空日本工业基础并削弱其税收。

    That was aimed at reducing the loss of manufacturing jobs to Asia , which is hollowing out Japan 's industrial base and sapping tax revenues .

  29. 但政府还是认为恢复核电对支持增长,减缓日本工业中的大量业务向低成本国家转移至关重要。

    But the government nonetheless sees a revival of nuclear power as critical to supporting growth and slowing an exodus of Japanese industry to lower-cost countries .

  30. 不过随着日本工业长达20年处境不佳,而中国的经济产出又迎头赶上,许多人曾经疑问日本还能否完成这一使命。

    But with Japanese industry struggling for 20 years and China moving ahead in economic output , many questioned whether Japan was still up to the task .