
  1. 随着高速客运专线建设在国内的全面开展,无碴轨道技术也正从试验研究阶段逐步走向应用。

    With the development of the high-speed-way in china , the technology of ballastless-rail is being brought into effect .

  2. 高速铁路采用无碴轨道技术,而无碴轨道高速铁路的最主要的技术要求就是对工后沉降要求极为严格。

    High-speed railways adopt the technology of ballastless track , and the ballastless track high-speed railway has a strict limit of settlement .

  3. 随着无碴轨道技术的广泛运用,整体道床产生的病害及维修问题也越来越引起重视。

    With the Ballastless track technology extensive used , the problem of the track on solid bed damage and rectification is paid more and more attention now .

  4. 如何理解、消化和吸收国外无碴轨道技术,并对其进行再创新,最终实现洋为中用就成了当务之急。

    So , how to understand , digest , assimilate and re-innovate foreign ballastless track technologies , as well as how to make foreign things serve China finally , is the task of top priority .

  5. 桥上长枕埋入式无碴轨道施工技术

    The construction of long sleeper buried ballastless track over a bridge

  6. 高速铁路桥梁板式无碴轨道施工技术

    Construction Techniques for Ballastless Slab Track for High-Speed Railway Bridges

  7. 客运专线路基上双块式无碴轨道施工技术

    Construction Technology of Double - block Ballastless Track on Subgrade for PDL

  8. 隧道内双块式无碴轨道施工技术研究

    Study on Construction Technology of Double-block Ballastless Track in tunnel

  9. 但是,我国铁路在无碴轨道施工技术方面尚缺乏成熟经验。

    However , the construction technology of ballastless track still lacked mature experience .

  10. 秦沈客运专线无碴轨道铺设技术

    Construction Technology of Ballastless Track on Qin-Shen Passenger Railway

  11. 客运专线铁路无碴轨道工程技术(下)客运专线施工坐标系设计方案的研究

    Study on the design scheme of the construction coordinate system of passenger dedicated railway line

  12. 高速铁路减振型无碴轨道减振技术的研究

    Study on the Damping Technology Applied to Low Vibration Ballastless Track in High Speed Railway

  13. 本文的探究成果,对促进我国客运专线无碴轨道施工技术的发展,具有一定的实际应用价值。

    The research results of the thesis will have the practical application and knowledge values for the development of Ballastless track Construction Technology in the Passenger Dedicated Line in China .

  14. 高速铁路无碴轨道设计关键技术

    Key Techniques of Ballastless Track Design on High-speed Railway

  15. 无碴轨道路基关键技术探讨&以遂渝线无碴轨道综合试验段为例

    Exploration on Key Technology of Ballastless Track Subgrade & A Case Study of Comprehensive Experimental Section of Ballastless Track on Suining-Chongqing Line

  16. 研究目的:随着我国铁路客运专线和高速铁路的发展,摸索适合我国国情的无碴轨道铺设施工技术,总结无碴轨道施工和维修的技术标准,已成为我国铁路发展的当务之急。

    Research purposes : With the developments of passenger dedicated railway and high-speed railway , it is every urgent to explore the suitable construction technology for laying ballastless track in China and summing up the technical standards for construction and maintenance of ballastless track .

  17. 桥上板式无碴轨道CA砂浆施工技术

    Construction technology of CA mortar for ballastless slab track over bridges

  18. 解决无碴轨道电路问题的技术途径

    Technical Approaches to Resolve Ballastless Track-circuit Problem

  19. 2004年,铁道部决定在遂渝线建设无碴轨道综合试验,组织开展无碴轨道铁路工程测量技术的研究,并建立遂渝线无碴轨道综合试验段精密测量控制网。

    In 2004 , MOR decided to launch integrated experiment for ballastless track on Suining-Chongqing Railway .

  20. 结合国内外高速铁路发展状况和国外无碴轨道发展情况,提出秦沈客运专线无碴轨道施工技术研究的目标、意义、方法和内容。

    Based on the developing conditions of high-speed railways in our country and around the world , there proposes the target , significance , methods and contents for the researches of construction technology of ballastless track on Qin-shen railway .

  21. 虽然我国针对无碴轨道进行了大量的理论和试验研究,但客运专线无碴轨道建设仍缺乏成熟经验,主要依靠引进国外无碴轨道技术。

    Although a lot of theoretical and experimental studies have been done , the construction of ballastless track of passenger dedicated lines lakes of mature experience and depends on import of foreign technologies .