
  1. 而名为Saildrone的另一艘无人船的是由风力驱使。

    Another robotic ocean vessel called Saildrone is powered by the wind .

  2. 大风浪中救助无人失火船&LDZ18轮

    Salvage Unmanned Fire " LDZ18 " Ship In Great Stormy Waves

  3. 发展海洋顶推运输的新思维&微型无人推船推驳船队

    New considerations on the development of deep sea push-barge shipping-minitype unmanned pusher-barge unit

  4. 意大利无人太空船试验飞船

    The Unmanned Space Vehicle of Italy

  5. 以现有相关技术为基础,开发无人驾驶船控制平台已成为目前国际上的发展趋势。

    Based on existing related technology , the development of unmanned ship control platform has become a growing international trend .