
  • 网络Tourism College;Institute For Tourism Studies;IFT;School of Tourism;SEG
  1. 你能告诉我上海XX旅游学院在哪里吗?

    Can you tell me the shanghai XX institute of tourism ?

  2. LS师范学院旅游学院NS宾馆创业方案研究

    Study on Business Plan for NS Hotel of Tour College , LS Normal College

  3. 基于景观理念的大学校园规划探析&对桂林旅游学院(筹)规划设计的初步思考

    Landscape-Oriented Campus Planning & Thingking on Planning of Guilin Tourism College

  4. 旅游学院英语教学与跨文化交际&英语词汇文化内涵的思索

    English Teaching and Cultural Awareness of Tourism Vocational College

  5. 毕业后我参加了北京旅游学院的夜校。

    I took an evening course at the Tourism School of Beijing after graduation .

  6. 定向拓展、成套组合课程模式的构建&首都经贸大学长城旅游学院体育课程改革探究

    Establishment of the Class Model of Extension and Integration & Research on Teaching Reform on Physical Education Curriculum

  7. 本文以台湾真理大学旅游学院为例,采用问卷方法,研究学生从事旅游实习的期望与成效。

    The study employed questionnaire method to investigate tourism students ' expectation and assessment of their participation in the internship program .

  8. 旅游学院在教学质量监控的实践过程中,正逐步形成对监控体系的设计和思考。

    In its practice of monitoring teaching quality , Institute of Tourism is gradually forming its design and thoughts of monitoring system .

  9. 高校教学质量监控探析&来自北京联大旅游学院的设计和思考

    An Analysis of Monitoring Teaching Quality in Institutes of Higher Learning & Design and Thoughts from Institute of Tourism , Beijing Union University

  10. 德州农工大学旅游学院发现,去年,因为交通延误,乘客在高峰时段,在路上多花费了42小时。

    The taxes A & M travel institute found rush-hour travellers spent extra 42 hours on the road lasts year because of travel delays .

  11. 首批签署该协议的学校包括上海理工大学、上海彬达大学以及浙江旅游学院等。

    Shanghai Polytechnic University , Shanghai Sanda University , and the Tourism College of Zhejiang are among the first batch of schools to ink the deal .

  12. 中外饭店管理专业本科教育的实证分析&以康奈尔大学酒店学院和北京联合大学旅游学院为例

    A Demonstrative Analysis of Undergraduate Hospitality Management Education in China and Foreign Countries & Taking The Hotel School of Cornell University and Beijing Institute of Tourism as Examples

  13. 本文通过对北京联合大学旅游学院教师综合素质培训现状及存在问题的分析,试图从几个维度指标出发,来探讨这一问题。

    This paper , upon an analysis of the present state and problems existing in Beijing Institute of Tourism , tries to discuss the issue from several dimensional indexes .

  14. 以桂林旅游学院(筹)正在建设中的新校园为例,试图探析基于景观规划理念的中小尺度空间的大学校园规划设计的基本原则和景观元素设计。

    This paper takes the new campus of Guilin Tourism College ( under construction ) as an example , tries to explore landscape-oriented and basic campus planning principles of middle-or-small scales and analyze landscape element designing .

  15. 第三章阐述了江西科技师范大学旅游学院创办教学企业培养行业人才的实践,主要分析了其创办的教学企业的作用定位、人才培养方案、人才培养实施。

    Chapter three describes the practice of professional talents cultivating by teaching enterprises founded by Tourism School of Jiangxi Science and Technology University , including the role location of teaching enterprise , talent training plan , training implementation .

  16. 独立学院办学特色观探析&以云南大学旅游文化学院为例

    An Analysis of Characteristics View for Operating Schools of Independent College

  17. 蓬勃发展中的扬州大学旅游烹饪学院

    The developing tourism and cuisine College of Yangzhou University

  18. 高等旅游职业学院表演艺术专业课程设置探析

    Probe into the Curriculum Reform of Performing Arts Major in Vocational Colleges of Tourism

  19. 山西旅游职业学院概况

    Shanxi Tourism Vocational Institute

  20. 烹饪专业人才培养模式创新研究&以扬州大学旅游烹饪学院为例

    On Innovated Educational Modes for Cuisine Majors & A Case Study of the Tourism and Cuisine College of Yangzhou University

  21. 该研究对象是云南师范大学旅游地理学院90名大学二年级的学生。

    The participants in the study were 90 sophomores from College of Tourism and Geography Sciences in Yunnan Normal University .

  22. 高校个性化就业指导与学生就业满意度分析&以扬州大学旅游烹饪学院为例

    The University Personalization Career Guidance and the Analysis of Job Satisfaction & Take Yangzhou University Tourism Institute as the example

  23. 论烹饪专业大学生勤工助学的优化途径&以扬州大学旅游烹饪学院为研究对象

    The Optimization of Cuisine Majors ' Work-study Program & A Study on the School of Tourism and Culinary Science , Yangzhou University

  24. 饭店管理专业本科生实践性教学的调查及思考&以扬州大学旅游烹饪学院为例

    Study and Reflection on Teaching Practices of Hospitality Management Graduates & A Case Study of College of Tourism and Culinary Science , Yangzhou University

  25. 她收到了香港理工大学酒店旅游管理学院的录取通知书,也即将在酒店管理领域获得理学学士学位。

    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has offered her a place in the School of Hotel and Tourism Management leading to the award of a Bachelor of Science in Hotel Management .

  26. 位于福康宁公园的这间学院为游客、商业旅行者、厨艺与旅游业学院学生以及本地人提供了一个休闲和愉快的环境,非常适于实践学习。

    Situated at Fort canning park , the Academy offers a leisurely and fun environment for experiential learning for tourists , business travellers , culinary and Hospitality College Students and locals alike .

  27. 2010年,郑州市教育局决定利用高职优势带动中职发展,以郑州旅游职业学院为依托,优化整合本市六所职业中专学校的教育资源,成立学院新校区。

    In 2010 , Zhengzhou Education Bureau decided to use the advantages of HVE ( Higher Vocational Education ) to drive the development of SVE ( Secondary Vocational Education ), relying on Zhengzhou Tourism College .

  28. 这个独一无二的论坛由酒店及旅游业管理学院于二零零七年创办,这次亦是首次在香港这个充满活力的城市召开。

    This unique forum was pioneered by the SHTM in2007 and it is the first time that it takes place in the vibrant city of Hong Kong .

  29. 第一天的课程分别由物流学院的明国英老师和旅游与国际学院的崔岩老师主讲。

    The courses of the first day are taught by Ming Guoying and Cui Yan , coming from Logistics School and School of Tourism and International Cooperation respectively .

  30. 最后对某商贸旅游职业技术学院的师资队伍建设进行个案分析,寻找一些有益的、本土化的措施,为我省高职双师型教师队伍的建设提供参考和借鉴。

    Finally , the essay analyzes an example of certain teaching team construction of a Trade and Tourism Vocational College in order to find some instructive and local countermeasures for reference of constructing a team of " double-qualification teachers " in the vocational colleges and universities in Hunan Province .