
  1. 旅游企业关系营销网络的构建

    The Establishment of Relationship Marketing Network in Tourism Enterprises

  2. 论旅游业的关系营销

    On Relationship Marketing in Tourism Industry

  3. 分析旅游企业构建关系营销网络的必要性、旅游企业关系营销网络结构与网络成员功能,提出旅游企业建立牢固关系营销网络的基本思路。

    This paper discusses on the necessity for tourism enterprises to establish relationship marketing network , and the structure and network membership function , and raises the basic thinking about establishing a steady relationship marketing network .

  4. 结合江西省上饶市旅游业发展规划,针对旅游产品特点,提出旅游业关系营销的中心是形成顾客友好。

    Based on the tourism development plan of Shangrao city , Jiangxi province , the article points out that the central point of relationship marketing is forming customer friendship .

  5. 现代旅游营销工具多样,本文试从目的地营销、文化旅游营销、服务关系营销、品牌广告营销四个板块,结合实例来加以分析。

    Modern marketing tool has multiform aspects , this thesis focus on the aspects of Tourism Destination marketing , Culture traveling marketing , Service marketing and Advertisement marketing with case analysis .