
  • 网络Le Nouvel Observateur;New Observer
  1. 本文报道了对CO2激光泵浦HCOOH分子亚毫米波激光器自脉动与混沌实验的新观察研究结果。

    Some new experimental observations on pulsation and chaos of CO_2 laser pumped HCOOH molecule laser are reported in detail .

  2. 真空蒸发镀膜的两种新观察方法

    Two Kinds or New Observing Methods of Vacuum Evaporating Coating Films

  3. 桂西地区寒武纪地层的新观察

    A new observation of the Cambrian stratigraphy in Western Guangxi

  4. 新疆南雅尔当山震旦系的新观察

    New observations of the Sinian system in the southern Yardang mountains , Xinjiang

  5. 旋毛虫生活史新观察

    Observation of life cycle of Trichinella spiralis

  6. 红河断裂的新观察

    New observations of the Red River fault

  7. 当代法国建筑新观察

    New Visions of Contemporary French Architecture

  8. 对于美国人钱包的新观察展示了自大衰退遭受损失以来人们的恢复。

    A new look at American 's wallet shows people are regaining losses they suffered after the great recession .

  9. 显微镜技术的每一个进步都给科学家提供了看待生物体的功能和其性质的新观察方式。

    Each advance in microscopic technique has provided scientists with new perspectives on the function of living organisms and the nature of matter itself .

  10. 对机体防御肿瘤的新观察能开辟一条新道路,改进对肿瘤的免疫治疗。

    Insights from this new view of the body 's on-board defenses against cancer may open the way for improved immunotherapies to treat the disease .

  11. 对于科学家的最新观察结果,还有其他解释:他们所看到的或许只是一个“脉冲星风星云”的诞生。

    There is one other possible explanation for what scientists have seen : They could be watching the birth instead of a pulsar wind nebula .

  12. 比如在2003年,法国的《新观察者》杂志出版了一期马克思特刊《卡尔·马克思:第三个千年的思想者?

    Indeed in2003 , the French magazine Nouvel Observateur dedicated a special issue to Karl Marx-le penseur du troisi è me mill é naire ?( Karl Marx-the thinker of the third millennium ?) .

  13. 目的运用多种超声新技术观察冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)前后左室整体与局部心功能,以及心肌微循环血流灌注的改变,建立评价心肌活性的超声指标。

    Objective To evaluate global and regional cardiac function and myocardial perfusion shift before and after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting ( CABG ) through several newly developed echo imaging techniques , and , thus , to establish ultrasonic parameters for myocardial viability assessment .

  14. 一项新研究观察了一只25岁名叫Panzee的黑猩猩。研究显示出Panzee能理解高度失真的语音,这在某种程度上与人类相似。

    New research with a25-year-old chimp , Panzee , has shown that Panzee can " interpret " highly distorted speech sounds-in a way similar to humans .

  15. 一种新的观察活体肾脏皮质微循环的方法

    A new method for observation in vivo of renal cortex microcirculation

  16. 发展新的观察技术以便在时间和空间上监测优势流;

    Developing new observing techniques to monitor preferential flow in time and space ;

  17. 这种救荒意识为研究明清社会状况提供了新的观察角度。

    The consciousness has offered the new observation angle for studying the social state of Ming-Qing Dynasties .

  18. 应用新技术观察生脉注射液对左室舒张变化率的影响

    Effect of ShengMai Injection on the Rate of Left Ventricle Diastolic Pressure Change by Using New Technology

  19. 它导致新的观察并导致理论与观察之间的相互协调。

    It leads to new observations , and to a mutual give and take between theory and observation .

  20. 最新来自观察研究的发现是星期二在圣安东尼奥市乳腺癌讨论会发表的。

    The latest findings from the observational study were presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium on Thursday .

  21. 因此我们尝试选择新的观察角度,即运用了转换生成语法学派的题元理论对汉语音变构词材料作了尝试性的分析和探讨。

    Therefore , we attempt to choose a new perspective which applies theta-roles in generative grammar to analyze the sound-change word formation .

  22. 它规定过去的信念和新的观察结合起来应该的方法以获得一个对两者都能说得通的新信念。

    It dictates how prior beliefs should combine with new observations , so as to obtain an updated belief that accounts for both .

  23. 这项新研究观察了睡眠当时间短与少动及多食同时存在时,前者自身是否会增加糖尿病的危险性。

    This new study examined whether reduced sleep duration itself may increase the risk of developing diabetes when combined with physical inactivity and overeating .

  24. 马尔库塞则更为具体地揭示了语言在现代西方社会对政治意识的过滤所起的重要作用。研究法兰克福学派这一理论,为我们认识现代西方社会压抑控制人的现象,提供了新的观察视角。

    Herbert Marcuse , a representative of the Frankfurt School , illustrates the important role of language in filtering political ideology in modern western society .

  25. 现在根据新的观察、新的分析,下决心一心一意搞建设。

    Now , however , in accordance with our new observations and our new analysis of the situation , we are totally committed to economic development .

  26. 据最新经济观察报的统计数字显示2007年由于股市和楼市的急剧升温,进一步加剧了贫富差距,当年我国的基尼系数达到了0.48。

    According to the latest Economic Observer , the Gini coefficient of China reached 0.48 in 2007 because of the rapid warmth of the stock and the property market .

  27. 新的观察结果不仅告诉我们什么元素正在循环进入大麦哲伦星云,而且告诉我们按人类的时标它如何改变自己的环境。

    The new observations not only tell us what elements are being recycled into the Large Magellanic Cloud , but how it changes its environment on human time scales .

  28. 一项新研究观察了女人在和男人初次目光接触后眼神如何变化,以及把目光投向何处,发现男人可以从中得知他所要知道的一切&有戏还是没戏。

    A new study looked at how and where women glance after a man makes initial eye contact and found this shows him all he needs to know about his chances of romance .

  29. 新品种正在观察中。

    The new breed is under observation .

  30. Berry相因子新的可观察效应及其非绝热行为

    New observable effect and non-adiabatic behaviour of berry 's phase