
  • 网络newspeak
  1. 赛姆是语言学家,也是新话专家

    Syme was a philologist , a specialist in Newspeak .

  2. 我拜读过你在泰晤士报上用新话写的一些文章。

    I 've been reading your Newspeak articles in The Times .

  3. 《剪灯新话》新论

    The Lamp A New Study on Jian Deng Xin Hua

  4. 我想你对新话颇有学术上的兴趣吧?

    You take a scholarly interest in Newspeak , I believe ? '

  5. 新话里没有“科学”这一词汇。

    In Newspeak there is no word for'science ' .

  6. 试论李昌祺《剪灯余话》的创作思想&兼与瞿佑《剪灯新话》比较

    LI Chang-qi and his Jian Deng Yu Hua

  7. 在新话中这叫双重思想,不过双重思想所包括的还有很多别的东西。

    In Newspeak it is called doublethink , though doublethink comprises much else as well .

  8. 她猛可里操起本厚厚的新话词典,朝电幕扔了过去。

    And suddenly she picked up a heavy Newspeak dictionary and flung it at the screen .

  9. 要知道,世界上的语言里,词汇量每年都在减少的,可只有新话一种呀。

    Do you know that Newspeak is the only language in the world whose vocabulary gets smaller every year ?

  10. 你还看不出来,新话全部的目的,就是把思想的领域变得狭窄?

    ' Don 't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought ?

  11. 它促进了精神上的觉知,并且提升起来。提起新话,赛姆登时来了精神。

    It promotes spiritual awareness and is uplifting . He had brightened up immediately at the mention of Newspeak .

  12. 绪论部分简述了目前学界对《剪灯新话》的研究现状及本文的选题意义。

    The introduction is about the present study situations on Jian Deng Xin Hua and the value of this article .

  13. 瞿佑的文言小说集《剪灯新话》问世后便在社会上产生了极大的影响。

    Qu You 's collection of novels in literary Chinese , New Remarks by Oil Lamp has generated great social impact once it comes out .

  14. 瞿佑的《剪灯新话》在明代小说史上占有重要的地位,开一代风气之先。

    " Jian Deng Xin Hua " which was written by Qu You occupied an important position and set a new trend in the novel history of Ming Dynasty .

  15. 《奇遇》是日本近代著名作家芥川龙之介根据《剪灯新话》中的《渭塘奇遇记》改编而成的一篇短篇小说。

    The Adventure is a short novel adapted by the famous modern Japanese writer Akutagawa Ryunosuke according to The Adventure in Qutang Pond in The New Remarks by Oil Lamp .

  16. 想跟他谈话,便要设法把他从这个话题引开去,尽量用新话的技术问题将他网住,这方面他权威得很,又兴味盎然。

    Talking to him was largely a matter of getting him away from such subjects and entangling him , if possible , in the technicalities of newspeak , on which he was authoritative and interesting .

  17. 《剪灯新话》虽然也多写神鬼,但已是以传奇法志怪,其艺术表现手法继承了唐人传奇传统,宣告了中国古代文言短篇小说创作的中兴。

    Jian Deng new-story had described the mysteries by using legend method though it is mainly about ghosts and gods , its artistic expression inherited the Tang Legend tradition and declared the resurgence of classical short story of China .

  18. 仇恨之后,他赶回办公间,从书架上取下新话辞典,把听写器推到一边,擦擦眼镜,开始做他今天上午主要的工作。

    When the hate was over he returned to his cubicle , took the Newspeak dictionary from the shelf , pushed the speakwrite to one side , cleaned his spectacles , and settled down to his main job of the morning .

  19. 其次,内容上的记实性特点,如元好问的《续夷坚志》和刘祁的《归潜志》都保存着大量的历史史料,《山居新话》等都记录着丰富的遗闻轶事。

    On-site , sexual characteristics of the second , the content , such as Yuan Haowen renew " Continued Records of Listener " and LiuQi " Memoir from Retirement " are kept a large number of historical materials ," mountain new words " are a rich record of anecdotes .

  20. 我必须知道如何使用新的话!

    I must know how to use the new words !

  21. 亚当:所以出现了一些新的话,看看这里。

    Adam : So there are some new words to look at here .

  22. 上周,该公司公布的年度排名中的新热点话。

    Last week , the company published its annual rankings of China 's new hot words .

  23. 新世纪话心声

    The Aspirations in the New Century

  24. 如果本地文件没有被上载过或者比远程文件要新的话,打印一行文字说明文件将被上载。

    If the local file has not yet been uploaded or is newer than the remote file , print a line indicating that the file is being uploaded .

  25. 新杭州话已明显不同于老杭州话。新老杭州话的差异集中地体现在韵母系统。

    The new Hangzhou dialect obviously differs from the old , the difference between the new and the old Hangzhou dialect mainly reflects in the compound vowel system .

  26. 如果有一个新领导人的话,大选时似乎许多人都会投票支持政府。

    It seems many people would vote for the government , at a general election , if there was a new leader

  27. 不过开发者可以指定要求更新的版本,如果他们希望利用FlashPlayer的新特性的话。

    However a developer may choose to require a newer version if they wish to take advantage of new features in Flash Player .

  28. 然而如果是一位新CEO的话,他可能会继续扩张,来证明他有向新市场进行扩张的能力。

    A new CEO may have continued to push forward to prove his or her ability to expand into new markets .

  29. 那么,到了sprint快结束的时候,如果不开始新故事的话,我们又可以做些什么呢?

    So what can be done towards the end of the Sprint instead of picking up a new story ?

  30. UML2.0包含必要的精确性的增强,并且如果你希望你可以使用它的新特性的话――所有的方法都可以完全自动的产生代码。

    UML2.0 contains necessary increased precision , and if you desire you may use its new capabilities & all the way to completely automated code generation .