
  • 网络Nuevo León;nuevo leon
  1. 墨西哥官员表示,北部新莱昂州一场音乐会上发生踩踏事件,5人死亡,至少十多人受伤。

    Officials in Mexico say five people have been killed and at least a dozen more injured during a stampede at a concert in the northern state of Nuevo Leon .

  2. 新莱昂州的一名警察被捕之际,袭击之后的当地警察局非常尴尬,因为这是墨西哥持续已久的安全冲突中最致命的行为之一。

    The arrest of the Nuevo Leon state police officer comes as an embarrassment for local authorities in the wake of the attack-one of the deadliest acts in Mexico 's long-running security conflict .

  3. 星期五晚些时候,士兵发现了辆撞击萨维纳斯伊达尔戈镇桥墙的一辆运动型多用途车,同样在新莱昂,新闻公告继续发布。

    Later Friday , soldiers came across an SUV that had crashed against the wall of a bridge in the town of Sabinas Hidalgo , also in Nuevo Leon , the press release continued .