
  1. 新高层建筑在广州

    New High-rise Buildings in Guangzhou

  2. 保罗•斯蒂芬森爵士(SirPaulStephenson)是这次窃听丑闻中最新的高层受牵连者。

    Sir Paul Stephenson is just the latest high-profile casualty of this scandal .

  3. 本周三,美国财长汉克保尔森(hankpaulson)向心存疑虑的国会议员表示,美中新的高层会谈为成功缩小贸易逆差提供了极大可能性。

    On Wednesday , Hank Paulson , treasury secretary , told sceptical lawmakers that new high-level talks with China offered the greatest chance of success in reducing the trade deficit .

  4. 他要求任命科学技术专家担任新的高层管理者负责协调工作,这种协调工作可以通过USAID完成。

    He calls for new senior administrators , experts in science and technology , to oversee coordination , which should be done through USAID .

  5. 根据计划,AIG现有管理层将被撤换,将任命新的高层管理人员。另外,美国政府还将对该公司的重大决策拥有否决权。

    Under the plan , the existing management of the company will be replaced and new executives will be appointed . It also gives the US government veto power over major decisions at the company .

  6. 蝶型平面&一种新的高层住宅平面类型

    Papilionaceous Plane & A New Type of High Residential Building

  7. 一个新的高层管理团队进入到我的公司并且开始“换血”。

    A new top management team came in and started cleaning house .

  8. 一幢新的高层建筑正在这里建设当中。

    A new high-rise building is underconstructionat the site .

  9. 那幢新的高层建筑是一块一块地组装起来的。

    The new high-rise was assembled piecemeal .

  10. 旧房子去年都被拆除了,现在正在建新的高层建筑。

    The old houses were torn down last year and new tall buildings are being built .

  11. 据知情人士说,美中这一新的高层对话将重点讨论经济、安全等问题。

    The new high-level dialogue will focus on economic , security and other issues , according to people familiar with the matter .

  12. 新的高层成员名单将在17大会议结束后公布。17大于上周一开幕,为期约一周,会议的大部分是秘密进行的。

    The line-up will not be announced until the end of the17th party congress , which opens in Beijing on Monday and will last about a week , mostly in private .

  13. 本文从分析新世纪高层建筑的发展趋势着手,揭示了这一时期创作观念所呈现出的新趋势,以及建筑本体在技术表现、建筑形象以及近地空间设计等方面的发展走向;

    Started with the development trend of high rise building in the new century , this paper clarifies the new trend of creation concept in this period , and the development tendency of architectural noumenon in technological expression , architectural image and neighborhood spatial design .

  14. CCTV新台址高层井道轻质隔墙系统施工技术

    Construction Technology of High-rise Shaft Light-weight Partition Wall System on the New CCTV Building

  15. 通过高层建筑供电竖向干线系统的几种连接方式的综合对比,结合具体的工程实践,重点介绍了绝缘穿刺线夹(IPC)这一新产品在高层建筑供电系统中的实际应用。

    The paper details the general compare of several link-manners in the power supply vertical main-stem system of tall structures , contact with the application in practice , introduces the application of the insulation piercing connectors ( IPC ) in the power supply system of tall structures .

  16. 新规范中高层建筑抗震设计应注意的两个问题

    Two problems need noticed of high-rise building seismic design in new code

  17. 全站仪中的新技术在高层建筑垂直度监测中的应用

    The Application of New Technology of Total Station in the Verticality Monitoring of High-building

  18. 在刚刚结束的最新一轮高层经济对话中,双方还强调加强环境保护合作。

    The two countries also touted environmental cooperation , at a just-concluded round of high level economic talks .

  19. 本文介绍一个新开发的高层机器人规划系统&基于专家系统的机器人规划系统。

    A new high-level robot planning system , the expert-system-based robot planning system , is developed and introduced .

  20. 提出一种新的确定高层级轮胎内外各层帘布裁断角度的方法。

    A new method for determing the cuttings angles of different cord plies in multiply tire has been developed .

  21. 韩国统一部说,北韩同意在九月中旬与韩国举行新一轮高层会谈。

    South korea 's Unification Ministry says North Korea has agreed to hold another round of high-level talks with Seoul in mid-september .

  22. 另一方面为了满足人们逐渐提高的审美要求,而不断出现新风格的高层居住建筑。

    The other hand , people have gradually increased to meet the aesthetic demands , the constant emergence of new-style high-rise residential buildings .

  23. 本次在北京召开的会议,将启动欧盟与中国之间的新一轮高层对话,其目的是从政治方面进一步稳固双方迅速发展的经贸关系。

    The meeting in Beijing will usher in a new top-level dialogue between the EU and China in an effort to add political ballast to a rapidly growing trade and economic relationship .

  24. 为解决伊朗核项目问题举行的最新一轮高层会谈在历时5个多小时之后,再次陷入僵局。

    Iran Nuclear Talks Deadlock After more than five hours of negotiations , the latest round of high-powered talks aimed at resolving Iran 's nuclear program , once again , have ended in deadlock .

  25. 最后,结合以上两个工程实例,对县级新中心区高层办公建筑群的规划与设计模式的可操作性及实际实施效果进行反思和总结。

    Finally , combining with the above two practical engineering , review and summary the operable and practical effect of the planning and design patterns for high-rise office building group at the new county-level center .

  26. 在刚刚结束的新一轮高层经济会谈中,中国和美国承诺团结一致减缓全球金融危机带来的影响,同时,双方寻求环境方面的合作。

    China , US , Vow to Work Together to Help Global Economy China and the United States have agreed to work together to help alleviate the effects of the global financial crisis . The two countries also touted environmental cooperation , at a just-concluded round of high level economic talks .

  27. 上海滩新昌城超限高层建筑结构设计分析

    Structural Design Analysis on High-Rise Building beyond Requirements of Current Specification Limits in Shanghai Xin-Chang-Cheng Project

  28. 我们居住在新矗立起来的高层建筑中,而这些建筑又被正在兴建的新的建筑所包围。

    We live in the new high rise buildings surrounded by construction for even newer high rise buildings .

  29. 底层特征融合是把不同的特征连接起来组成一个新的特征;高层特征融合把每种特征对应的分类结果进行融合。

    Low-level feature fusion concatenates different features to form a feature vector ; High-level feature fusion fuses the classification results based on different features .

  30. 进入新世纪,两国高层往来频繁,政治互信不断增强,经贸合作快速发展。

    Entering the new century , our two countries have enjoyed frequent high-level exchanges , deepening political mutual trust and fast growing business cooperation .